Help choosing entry level cans and amp
Nov 27, 2010 at 5:08 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 15


New Head-Fier
Nov 27, 2010
Hi head-fi, this is my first post and my first day of delving into the world of audiophilia.
I decided last night as someone who loves being lost in the sound of music and games that it was long past time for me to get some good full size headphones. So since it's about to be christmas and my family is after me for gift idea I figured what could be better. SO I will say that I am a total newb when it comes to this stuff but I've been researching all day and learning what I can/getting and idea of what will fit me..
So I'll begin with what I'm looking for... Mainly I'm a lover of music of all sorts, lots of rock, metal, electro-indie, hip hop, classical and post-rock/metal. Lately I've also been getting into beat production and just messing around with Reason.. I also play a lot of video games, but don't know how much I'll use headphones for that except later at night. Mostly I'm wanting these for home use, but may occasionally take them with me when traveling, but not really for daily commute type of use. I would like them to have a generally balanced sound, but with powerful/full bass, want them to be comfy and I'm leaning towards closed cup at the moment just because I tend to like the feeling of being isolated from ambient noise and distractions.
I also have been realizing that I might need an amp for what ever headphones I get to get the real potential out of them, so I'm also asking for recommendations on this front. I was looking at the headroom total bit head since I'm thinking I'll mostly use these with my laptop (macbook pro 13in), but I would like to be able to use it with my Droid at times.. 
In general, since I'm asking for these for christmas/they are my first nice pair of headphones I'm looking in the range of 200ish, not too far north of that. I know really nice cans can be had for really great places on the FS threads and poss ebay, but since my family prob wont be into bidding/dealing with FS forums I'll be looking mostly based on store prices.. Now that's mostly just for the headphones since I can probably split it up some and ask for the amp from the other side of the fam or get it myself afterwards lol. 
So far headphones I'm considering include:
Ultrasone PRO 550/650
Beyerdynamic DT 770 32 Ohm
Denon AH-D2000 
Any other suggestions more and just general thoughts on what you think would work best for me. Plus any suggestions about amps and how necessary they are would be great.. Thanks!
Sorry such a long post :/
Nov 27, 2010 at 8:58 AM Post #2 of 15
On the headphone part i can suggest the Ultrasone HFI-780. My friend has a pair and rock just sound flat out amazing. There right around your price point too. The downside i have to this headphone is that there is a little bit of clamping (or my head is massive). A few weeks ago i was in the headphone market a my budget was around 100 dollars so i went with the M50s, but if i had the extra cash, for sure i would of bought the 780s.
Nov 27, 2010 at 11:39 PM Post #3 of 15
Cool thanks, I'll also keep the HFI-780s in mind... what about the PRO 750? From what I've read around here people seem to say the 750s are a better version of the 780s with maybe slightly less bass quantity but better overall sound quality. I want good powerful bass, but i also want all around sound quality. 
Also I just noticed Ultrasone doesn't actually make the PRO 650s any more, were they discontinued and essentially replaced by the 750s? Does anyone have any knowledge about the difference between 650s and 750s?
I've also been lookin at some of the forums about mod'n grados. I notice w/ the grados a lot of ppl mod them to have removable cables. i kinda like the idea of the PRO Ultrasones already having removable cords/ that it comes with a straight and coiled bx I like the idea of having a coiled cord, less mess, is this kinda unnecessary or what? Also are there many mods to be done to the Ultrasones? I'm always excited by the thought of DIY mods :) , like to make stuff my own.
Nov 28, 2010 at 10:46 AM Post #4 of 15
To tell you the truth i dont really know about the Pro Ultrasones. When i was looking at them i only bothered to look at the HFI ones. I can say that the 780s are bass beasts.The 580s also look quite nice and also get great reviews. Ask around about the pros, im sure you will find an answer.  
Dec 4, 2010 at 3:57 AM Post #7 of 15
Well like I said, it's supposed to be a christmas gift so my budget for headphones is about 200 and amp maybe like 100ish, if needed.
Yah mostly into the onboard soundboard of my macbook pro, or into my sound system or my Droid...
Dec 4, 2010 at 4:20 AM Post #8 of 15
If I were spending ~$300 for use from a laptop, I'd first want a good DAC / amp to plug the headphones into. I suggest reading and posting in computer audio forum for help with this. FWIR, the WOW DAC / amp comes to mind. Then buy headphones with the rest of your budget. The SRH840 seems popular in the $150 price range.   
Well like I said, it's supposed to be a christmas gift so my budget for headphones is about 200 and amp maybe like 100ish, if needed.
Yah mostly into the onboard soundboard of my macbook pro, or into my sound system or my Droid...

Dec 4, 2010 at 5:24 PM Post #9 of 15
One important noob question that I have, what's the difference between a DAC and an amp? I know a one is a digital analog converter, but how does it differ from an amp in use with a lap top?
Dec 4, 2010 at 5:54 PM Post #10 of 15
The Ultrasone Pro 550 on your list is an excellent headphone for rich and articulate bass and sub-bass reproduction. The DJ1 Pro is the same headphone with different aesthetics and cables. The 50mm driver equipped Ultrasones do deep bass very very well.
All Ultrasones need more amplification than the average portable source can provide to really shine, a quality portable amp (with internal DAC for computer use) will do that nicely. Look at iBasso for great sound and power for reasonable prices and great synergy with Ultrasone cans.
Dec 4, 2010 at 6:13 PM Post #11 of 15
I'm no electrical engineer, so I will offer this in general and layman's terms. The DAC gets the signal ready for amplification, and the amp amplifies the signal. 
Your laptop already functions as a DAC and amp. The idea is to replace it with something you likely would prefer - USB DAC / amp. There's no guarantee you would prefer one or the other - more expensive headphones from your laptop, or less expensive headphones from an outboard DAC / amp. But again if it were me spending ~$300, I'd want to go with the later.
One important noob question that I have, what's the difference between a DAC and an amp? I know a one is a digital analog converter, but how does it differ from an amp in use with a lap top?

Dec 4, 2010 at 7:34 PM Post #13 of 15
Alright, after @1Time's help and a little additional research on my own I think I finally understand the whole DAC Amp sitch well enough. So essentially I could get an amp and amplify the already converted signal output by my lap top, get a DAC that plugs into the usb and converts the signal then put that thru an amp (or is the amp even completely necessary after the DAC?) or I could just go headphones to laptop straight up.
I think I'm leaning for getting at least an amp or at least a DAC. How are combined amp DACs? Are they generally not as good as stand alones? I would like a set up that I could also use with a turn table.. Sadly right now the only turntable I have is one of those all in one speaker/turntable/cd/radio things, would like to upgrade from that asap. I know from that I could use it's hp out to an amp to help it out, but would i be better off w/ a DAC so if in the future when I have a better turntable I can use it? Or am I total noob and turntables not even need a DAC?
Dec 5, 2010 at 3:30 AM Post #14 of 15
Without considering the turntable, you can do one of these:  1) laptop > amp > headphones, 2) laptop > USB DAC / amp > headphones, 3) laptop > DAC > amp > headphones.
A turntable is usually connected to a receiver. Be sure to buy a receiver with the right connectivity. You might get better help with the turntable / receiver in the dedicated source forum.  
Alright, after @1Time's help and a little additional research on my own I think I finally understand the whole DAC Amp sitch well enough. So essentially I could get an amp and amplify the already converted signal output by my lap top, get a DAC that plugs into the usb and converts the signal then put that thru an amp (or is the amp even completely necessary after the DAC?) or I could just go headphones to laptop straight up.
I think I'm leaning for getting at least an amp or at least a DAC. How are combined amp DACs? Are they generally not as good as stand alones? I would like a set up that I could also use with a turn table.. Sadly right now the only turntable I have is one of those all in one speaker/turntable/cd/radio things, would like to upgrade from that asap. I know from that I could use it's hp out to an amp to help it out, but would i be better off w/ a DAC so if in the future when I have a better turntable I can use it? Or am I total noob and turntables not even need a DAC?

Dec 26, 2010 at 5:44 AM Post #15 of 15
Thanks everyone who responded for your help, I finally got my new hp, ended up getting the Ultrasone HFI 780.. 
I must say I am in love already. Now just need to get an hp amp/dac and I'll be rollin...
Oh and an invite for a good music torrent tracker w/ hq rips....

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