Help choose my next headphone: HE-4 / D5000 / W1000x !
Jul 22, 2011 at 7:29 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 1


100+ Head-Fier
Jul 4, 2008
I've been into headphones for a couple years now. Started out with Senn HD555. Then Denon D2000 (which I no longer have 
). And now I'm rocking Ultrasone Pro 2500. My 2500s have been serving me well but I'm craving for an upgrade and I'm coming to you guys for help!
Headphones in consideration:
- Hifiman HE-4
- Denon D5000
- Audio-Technica W1000x
- No more than $600 USD
- laptop to FiiO E9+E7 combo
Music preferences:
- varies
- Hip-Hop and electronica are probably my most played genres
- I also like a lot of classical/indie/instrumental stuff, jazz
What I really want in my next headphone:
- SOUNDSTAGE! Natural and big is what I want.
- QUALITY bass. Don't necessarily need quantity.
- Good detail retrieval and just overall great SQ across the spectrum.
I've done my research on the three headphones in consideration but I'm finding it impossible to choose. I was actually really leaning towards the HE-4, which seems like an ideal upgrade to my Ultrasones since they deliver on the bass and such. Would sound great with hip-hop and electronica while also sounding great playing anything else. But that's the thing, I'm not looking for a 'phone to completely replace my Ultrasones. I'm seeking a new flavor of headphone. Something that will excel in other genres like classical and jazz, although I'd still probably want to be able to listen to hip-hop with them. So maybe the D5000 or W1000x is what I want? Also I'm concerned that my FiiO E9 won't be able to drive the power-hungry ortho (enough to do it justice).
Anyone have experience with 2 or more of these cans? Or just want to chime in on a particular model? Or have a completely new headphone suggestion altogether?

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