Headwize (not a happy post)
Jul 22, 2001 at 8:23 PM Post #16 of 30
I agree. Having two sites on a same topic is OK but two almost identical forums is as Albau says just time consuming, and in some cases even confusing.
Headwize have exsisted long and the archives are very useful, though.
Jul 23, 2001 at 12:40 AM Post #17 of 30
The solution for this is very simple. Don't double post!!!
You can visit both boards and interact with them but if your going to start a thread start it on one or the other. There is no reason to start the same thread on both!

Just my 2 cents.
Jul 23, 2001 at 1:16 AM Post #18 of 30
am i the only one who liked the old headwize layout?

i don't really like the new color scheme (sorry, cmoy,
), and head-fi has got some kick-arse features....it's just....my home....is gone....and will never return
Jul 23, 2001 at 1:24 AM Post #19 of 30

Originally posted by bootman
The solution for this is very simple. Don't double post!!!
You can visit both boards and interact with them but if your going to start a thread start it on one or the other. There is no reason to start the same thread on both!

Just my 2 cents.

But it is not that simple .. I mean if you spend >30 mins writing up a review/impression on a headphone amp, you really want to cross post to different forums and get different feedbacks.

The unfortunate factor here is the almost identical members make up, thus the redundant issue for ones that visits both forums.

Personally if I write up a review or impression, I would feel bad if I post here and not there( same goes other way around) So I end up with no choice but to post at both places.

It is redundant, but not a big problem for me. I'll live for the time being

Jul 23, 2001 at 2:00 AM Post #20 of 30
I lurked headwize for a while, but was immediately impressed by head-fi. I think head-fi somehow has better members. All the "MVP"s of headwize came over, but all the "what's the best headphone amp for $5" people stayed behind. The only thing I like about Headwize is the archives, but those are still down
Anyway, I still think CMOY is a great guy 'cause without headwize there wouldn't be head-fi.
Jul 23, 2001 at 6:58 AM Post #21 of 30
You state my feelings exactly. I honestly felt more depressed than anything when I saw that the forums opened back up. Other than the archive there isn't much use in having two different boards with essentialy the same content. Personaly I find the new color scheme to be anywhere from annoying to quite unpleasant to look at, the darker grey/white of the forums is just too much, and the sickly yellow in the reply window is terrible on the eye.


Originally posted by coolvij
am i the only one who liked the old headwize layout?

i don't really like the new color scheme (sorry, cmoy,
), and head-fi has got some kick-arse features....it's just....my home....is gone....and will never return

Jul 23, 2001 at 1:30 PM Post #22 of 30
rotareng: You just got on my buddy list
Jul 23, 2001 at 2:01 PM Post #23 of 30

But it is not that simple .. I mean if you spend >30 mins writing up a review/impression on a headphone amp, you really want to cross post to different forums and get different feedbacks.

Very true, especially for FS/T forum where double posting is inevitable. That's the place where sellers/traders naturally would want to reach as much people as possible. Same goes for people hunting to buy what they need. Previously there was one hub populated by familiar and trusted people. Now there're two - 2x posts, 2x browsing + something uncertan in the air.

Maybe Headwize and Head-fi should at least differ in partial forums markup allowing for some labor division and unique character? For example, FS/T forum goes to Head-fi because of superior tools, PM, etc. and DIY forums go to Headwize since it's where most of trdaition lies.
Jul 23, 2001 at 6:27 PM Post #24 of 30
Yes, the division of forums between Head-fi and Headwize is something I would very much like to see. Constantly going back-and-forth is just too time-consuming.
Jul 23, 2001 at 6:45 PM Post #25 of 30

Constantly going back-and-forth is just too time-consuming.

so, like who's forcing you to go back and forth? Just stick to one board and be done with it? Who says that you MUST visit both boards? I just don't get some of this bitching that I keep reading here, you all act like as you have no choice. sigh....

Jul 23, 2001 at 7:11 PM Post #26 of 30
Geez, my first comment on the matter and I get blasted.


KR said...

I just don't get some of this bitching that I keep reading here, you all act like as you have no choice.

Just like you had no choice but to comment on my constructive criticism? And make no mistake, that's what it was, not whining, though you may not have seen it that way.
Jul 23, 2001 at 8:03 PM Post #27 of 30
Edit : Removed post... to keep the place smiley and happy
Jul 23, 2001 at 9:10 PM Post #28 of 30

so, like who's forcing you to go back and forth? Just stick to one board and be done with it? Who says that you MUST visit both boards? I just don't get some of this bitching that I keep reading here, you all act like as you have no choice. sigh....

Well, the truth is that those of us who have become vested members of this community *don't* have a choice -- if we want to make sure we don't miss anything, we have to read both forums.

IMHO, the "bitching" is quite valid.

I have to admit, HeadWize has only been open a couple days and I'm already really tired of reading the same posts on both forums
Jul 23, 2001 at 9:19 PM Post #29 of 30
I must agree w/ most of people here about Head-fi forums' superiority.

Being among the first who were yelling about "merger", I give up that idea and decide to stick w/ Head-Fi besides periodically patronizing Headwize that started all. After all, as Jon poked, only serious headphoners bothered being "back to newbie again" at here.
The smaller but maturer group ensures the wholesome growth of the place.
Jul 23, 2001 at 9:31 PM Post #30 of 30

Originally posted by templeboy
....The smaller but maturer group ensures the wholesome growth of the place.

There is one mature person here ??!!


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