Headphones For An iPod?!?!
Jan 10, 2005 at 2:03 AM Post #16 of 46
for something under $100 for IEM, the e2c and er6i will fit your bill. bass impact wont be as strong, but everything is balanced and details are very clear.
Jan 10, 2005 at 2:04 AM Post #17 of 46
i really enjoyed the bass level on the BOSE triport and was wondering what earphones would compare to that????
Jan 10, 2005 at 2:07 AM Post #18 of 46

Originally Posted by fr4c
for something under $100 for IEM, the e2c and er6i will fit your bill. bass impact wont be as strong, but everything is balanced and details are very clear.

I agree on the e2c for in-ear. Haven't heard the er6i but love my er4p/s.
For regular cans; Sennheiser 497. Tough to beat for non-sealed under $70.
Jan 10, 2005 at 2:10 AM Post #19 of 46

Originally Posted by bjamez05
i really enjoyed the bass level on the BOSE triport and was wondering what earphones would compare to that????

if the bass level on the triports are sufficient enough for you (
) then the e2c or er6 will work very well for you.
Jan 10, 2005 at 2:16 AM Post #20 of 46
if i go with earphones ill go with shure e2c....but what do you recommend if i go with some cans? i really enjoy nice bass and i listen to rock and rap! Also i will be using these in public, so it should look somewhat nice.
Jan 10, 2005 at 2:35 PM Post #23 of 46
Think twice before using Etymotics with an iPod without an external amp. The Ety's are good but really highlight the limitations of the iPod's internal amp.

Some people say the Shure's are more tolerant of poor sources than Ety's, I'll hopefully be trying some soon myself.

If you do get canalphones and walk around wearing them be *really* careful crossing roads and be aware you'll get some 'occlusion' (?) noise which will be louder the faster you walk or run (the impact of your footsteps reverbertating through your body up into your ears).
Jan 10, 2005 at 2:54 PM Post #24 of 46

Originally Posted by deebeedeebee
If you do get canalphones and walk around wearing them be *really* careful crossing roads and be aware you'll get some 'occlusion' (?) noise which will be louder the faster you walk or run (the impact of your footsteps reverbertating through your body up into your ears).

There are two issues:
Microphonics: sound travelling through the cables which can be very annoying when you're moving alot. e2c is way better than etys in this respect.
Occlusion: any in-ear phones that provide a good seal/ isolation will cause this. I mainly use mine in airplanes; don't eat the peanuts!
Jan 10, 2005 at 6:39 PM Post #25 of 46
i have never used a good pair of earbud headphones. i am also looking for something good to use with my ipod. i was looking for something over the head that was not that big but it is tough to find a good pair. are the shure e2c comfortable?? do thy leak out a lot of sound? do they hurt your ears after use of like an hour of so..
Jan 10, 2005 at 9:27 PM Post #27 of 46
check the specs and be sure your cans have an impedance high enough to offset any bass roll-off, but not so high as to be tough to drive un-amped. (there's a graph somewhere on this board; please forgive my laziness!)

I have the Beyer DT-231 that sound fantastic (and nice tight bass) with my 4G, though they sounded boomy with my i-river h120. I think they're around 32 ohms, which puts them just about high enough, which my personal experience seems to corroberate. They're light and comfortable, but I would say they're "not quite" sealed. At $65 I think they're a good deal for ipod use.
Jan 10, 2005 at 10:01 PM Post #28 of 46
Can some people recommend there top two headphones for cans and canalphones these will be used for an ipod and i like nice bass and will be used everywhere i go and shouldnt be to much more then $100.................for example...

1. A500
2. Sennheiser 497

2.sony 71s

thanks...this will be helpful to many ppl...
Jan 13, 2005 at 12:00 AM Post #29 of 46

Originally Posted by bjamez05
Can some people recommend there top two headphones for cans and canalphones these will be used for an ipod and i like nice bass and will be used everywhere i go and shouldnt be to much more then $100.................for example...

Try searching froogle.google.com to find some cheap E3C's for a little over 100$ (140 maybe). They run great off the ipod.
And since most people swear the A500's are near carbon copies of the A900's that I have, I'm sure they can run off the ipod unamped from experience.
In fact I will go as far as to that my A900's sound better unamped from the Ipod, than my HD600 does amped from my Porta Corda, which is a quality portable. My point being, these cans make a low end rig really pop.
Jan 13, 2005 at 1:15 AM Post #30 of 46
Having just tried the e3c's I'd like to retract my last comment.

If an iPod is what you have then *don't* think twice about getting Ety's unless you like BIG bass or you don't want a canalphone.

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