Headphone Comunity Discussion Thread 2.0
Jul 17, 2001 at 4:26 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 26


Member of the Trade: Audiogeek: The "E" in META42
Jun 23, 2001
Since the other thread has been closed (at a whopping 91 posts!), I think I'll start this one off with a totally incorrect psychoanalysis of the main participants: (*dons asbestos suit*)

Tyll: Tyll realizes that there *is* a gray area to a lot, although he likes his world to be sharply defined, black-and-white. Although he is obligated to think about his profits (his family has to eat!) he is very selfless, and views the commercialization of HeadFize as a way for him to give back what he feels he owes to the community, and a way for the community he loves to survive. However, his black-and-white worldview causes him to defend absolutely the ideal that commercialization *is* necessary, even to a small degree. Also, he's just as addicted as the rest of us to HeadFize and will do his best to ensure it survives in some form so he can get his fix

Jude: Because Jude *is* a CEO, Jude harbors an innate friendliness and understanding towards buisiness. Like Tyll, Jude is doing his best to ensure the survival of HeadFize, although Jude's web experience creates a tendency for him to look for support money in the traditional place of advertising, instead of Tyll's creative solutions of corporate members. Jude's greatest Head-Fi-related fear is that Head-Fi will become like HeadWize, forced to shut down the most popular section because of bandwidth, and has therefore over-engineered the Head-Fi infrastructure and is already looking for support money, to 'head-off' any traffic issues.

Ai0tron: Motivated by his extremely liberal backround, tumultous life, and absolute fear of capitalist influences, Ai0tron is doing his best to ensure that his personal nightmare does not happen, a HeadFize that sold positive reviews to the highest bidder and a place where all meaningful thought was interrupted by *****.cx trolls and stupid newbies bragging about the superiority of Optimus headphones to Grados...

Any additions?

Keep in mind that these are NOT meant seriously
, and I *KNOW* that I probably got some big glaring details wrong.

Anyhoo, I personally agree with Tyll's suggestion of corporate members- anyone affiliated with an audio company would pay a monthly fee for their company's logo under their name, linked to the site, and would be declared as a representative of $COMPANY in their .sig.

THANK you moderators for censoring that. I didn't think people would try that as a URL, .cx dosen't seem like .com, and I thought people would think it an obscure in-joke
Jul 17, 2001 at 4:48 AM Post #2 of 26

eric343 said...

... *****.cx ...

Oh dear lord... I'm betting I know the answer, but where did you hear of that?

DISCLAIMER: For anybody that doesn't know what that url leads to, do NOT, under ANY circumstances, look at that site!! There are just some things that, having seen, you can't take back, no matter how much you wish you could.

P.S. ESPECIALLY do NOT look if you're at work. Depending on how strict your boss is, you might be looking for a new job if he sees it.
Jul 17, 2001 at 5:32 AM Post #4 of 26

I wouldn't have gone to that site if you hadn't said not to go.
I just had to see it after reading your warning.

Whatever you do, do NOT click
Edited by moderator
Jul 17, 2001 at 5:36 AM Post #5 of 26
I must erase that image from my mind. I must find a way to erase that image form my mind. *shudder* I must erase that image from my mind. I must *shudder erase that image from my mind. *shudder* I *shudder* *shudder* mu...*shudder* * shudder* ickthpt bleargh..a.sd.ffsd.fjklvvc pweeeeoooooot. ugh.
Jul 17, 2001 at 5:48 AM Post #6 of 26
Sigh, oh well I tried.


FunkeHomosapien said...

I wouldn't have gone to that site if you hadn't said not to go. ... Whatever you do, do NOT click here.

Hehe, hello pot, meet kettle...
Jul 17, 2001 at 8:12 AM Post #9 of 26
And remember, kids: Don't try this at home!

Manfred / lini
Jul 17, 2001 at 10:14 AM Post #11 of 26

now why did I click that link again...ah well, off to my shrink...again :/
Jul 17, 2001 at 3:05 PM Post #14 of 26
See! You guys can screw this place up all by yourselves.

And, I must admit I'm glad this thread has self distructed, I'm not sure I wanted to get into this discussion again so soon.

In fact, in an attempt to redeam this thread, let me make an observation: I read a book once that talked about the difficulty some people have in developing a reason to have a sense of faith in the face of the brutal ugliness that is sometimes exhibited in the world. The argument goes: "How can there be a God? If there was a God, he wouldn't have allowed the holocost to happen." This book (which I believe was writen by Gregory Boyd) contended that God wants to be pleased by us. He desires us to be creative and find ways to add to the body of expressed beauty. That we are like God in that we are creative and that God is pleased when we express creativity well---honoring truth, expressing beautifully.

In order to do that, God would have had to allow a condition to exist where we are free to do origional things; that there exists a contrast machanism for the evaluation of beauty. Now, you can create beautiful paintings, and beautiful sculpture, and beautiful music, and this could be considered a contrast of a type. But God also had to allow us to redefine beauty istelf to be totally creative and surprising. He, therefore, had to allow a contast mechanism in the direction of redefining beauty itself, which ment we also had to be able to fail in the attempt, which ment that God had to allow for the possibility of ugliness in order to allow true creative freedom to express origional types of beauty.

I'm reminded of the Thelonious Monk tune "Ugly Beauty." I would encourage y'all to listen to some of his muic and ponder how he managed to find an exquisite type of beauty in a mixture of what would otherwize be extrordinarily disonant intervals and chaotic tempi. I'll warn you that if you're not used to listening to jazz that you might not actually be able to hear, at first listen, the beauty through all these foreign sounds.

Maybe there is some good in being exposed occasionally (very occasionally) to these horrid images. Are we not asked occasionally to look at pictures of the holocost in order to appreciate the opportunity, maybe even the obligation, to try to be beautiful?

Let me speak a sadness that Todd mentioned to me, which is the true horror of that picture: that person is a real person. That person has a mind and a heart. That person has the opportunity to be beautiful. And yet, somehow he found a way into a life that permited him to practice that act. (You just can't drop your pants and do that on a whim! Oooouch!) When we embark down various roads the lack discipline, roads that value base things, some people will not be able to, or develope the desire to, reverse course. It hurts my heat to know that such a person is out there.

But, in contrast, I am healed to some extent to know that it looks all the uglier for the more commonly expresed beauty evident in the ability of members of this place to to care and listen to each others points of view with something much deeper than tollerance. A something we hold so strongly that we write thousands of words looking for ways not to have it taken from us. Love, because it is so hard to describe and so easy to misunderstand, is probably not acurate enough. I suggest we hold so dear the subjective experience of oneness found in true community. We are unwilling to give up the Truth that we can be more with others than we can be alone once, we've tasted the Beauty of it, and experienced it's healing Goodness.

Jul 17, 2001 at 3:36 PM Post #15 of 26

Originally posted by Tyll Hertsens
See! You guys can screw this place up all by yourselves.

And, I must admit I'm glad this thread has self distructed, I'm not sure I wanted to get into this discussion again so soon.

lol~! nice! SHort and sweet
I am sure you are not the only one hehe
Like I said in that other thread, some of ya need to turn on the amp/cdp and put on the headphones. Enjoy the music while the forums take its evolving process. There is no need to get yourself all work up for something that is not yet here ( as someone pointed out, y2k)

Oh and back to that mess up site, I missed it in that thread.. but I saw it long time ago. You guys know what is the really mess up part ? From my memory, the guy is MARRIED ! ( ring on finger)

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