Half Life 2 video - You won't believe it!!!
May 21, 2003 at 12:32 AM Post #16 of 43

Originally posted by penvzila
What the **** are you talking about, assclown? Have you ever even played Halo? I'm the biggest basher of the xbox i know, but I still know a great game when i see one.

Just playing about the assclown part.

chill bro...i did said it's my point of view

i kno halo's a nice game, but a nice game still gets boring after 10 hours. of course i have played halo, but it's just not as good as everyone's making it sound like.

and plus...dont u ever get tired when someone puts down xbox, and some xbox fan just say something like "xbox's got halo".... it almost seems like halo's the only way to protect xbox and the only game that's good on xbox so everyone's talking about it... there are lots of good games on xbox, and yes, halo's one of the great games, but i dont think it's the best
May 21, 2003 at 12:38 AM Post #17 of 43
I'm glad I upgraded to my friend's old ati 8500 for half life 2. Still, I have a 1.2 t-bird(133 fsb) and 256 megs of sdram. We'll see how it all turns out. I'll only have this computer for the next year or so, that is until I build my college box.
May 21, 2003 at 1:41 AM Post #18 of 43
Half-Life is one of my favorite games, so HL2... let's just say I haven't been this excited about a computer game since I was a little kid!
May 21, 2003 at 1:42 AM Post #19 of 43
I don't actually own an XBox, but,

the cool things about halo are the vehicles, the cool models, the grenades not having to be specifically equiped, and the pistolwhip, etc. All these can be found in other games. Admittedly it's fun, but I didn't find anything spectatular about it.

Now steel battalion...that's crazy. So many buttons. Awesome.

May 21, 2003 at 1:55 AM Post #20 of 43
HL was one of the best single player games I've ever played. After watching the HL2 20+min video of ingame footage, the game looks massively deep with full of fun adventures to come... Can't wait.

idsoft lost their interest with me when they released Quake3, they went commercial meaning hype and eye candy instead of focusing on gameplay.

As for Halo bashers, the only people who dislike it are people that suck at it, and/or don't actually own an xbox or fps isn't their thing. I think Microsoft hindered the game's potential, the original could have been better, but I have no complaints, the game is mind blowingly good. I suspect that Halo2 will blow my mind even further.

The current list of games for xbox is pretty pathetic right now, but there are a dozen awesome games soon to be released, go xbox!
May 21, 2003 at 2:10 AM Post #21 of 43

As for Halo bashers, the only people who dislike it are people that suck at it, and/or don't actually own an xbox or fps isn't their thing.

Guilty as charged.
I don't own an XBox and I really sucked at it last time I played against my roommate who played the damn game 24/7. I do like FPS games though, but only on the PC where I can use my preceious mouse and keyboard.
May 21, 2003 at 2:23 AM Post #22 of 43
Halo was good, but radrd is correct, mouse + keyboard owns controllers, even after getting used to controllers. And I'm still trying to pick my jaw up after watching the first half of the big Halo 2 video, OMG!!!
May 21, 2003 at 2:24 AM Post #23 of 43
Anyone found online sources (not FP) to D/L the 6oo+Meg video/demo yet? I've been Google-ing and haven't found any yet. I won't submit a DNA sample to Fileplanet for membership, so that option is a non-starter.

May 21, 2003 at 2:46 AM Post #24 of 43
I will pay someone to burn me a copy of that video. I'm not gonna try on dial-up.

As for Halo, it blows. The weapons are almost as unballenced as those in Turok, the controller is about as large as my keyboard/mouse combo but unfortunatly not as effective, and the low res of the TV screen means you can never find that ****** who thinks it is hilarious to sit and snipe from across the map. Before you get on me case, I beat the people I played aganst by 10 kills 9/10 times. The only FPS on console I enjoyed was Goldeneye.

Is HL2 gonna mean that I'm gonna finally have to give up my steadfast GeForce 2 GTS 32MB? I've had that video card for over three years, I've grown rather attached to it. It has outlived a motherboard, processor, cd-rom, two sound cards, and two sticks of PC 133 ram. It is practically an antique!
May 21, 2003 at 2:49 AM Post #25 of 43

Originally posted by CaptBubba

Is HL2 gonna mean that I'm gonna finally have to give up my steadfast GeForce 2 GTS 32MB? I've had that video card for over three years, I've grown rather attached to it. It has outlived a motherboard, processor, cd-rom, two sound cards, and two sticks of PC 133 ram. It is practically an antique!

Guess what my new(old) 8500 replaced.

CaptBubba: I'll see what I can do.
May 21, 2003 at 2:52 AM Post #26 of 43
Personally I'm anticipating Doom 3 more than HL 2. This is the game I've been waiting for id to make since they finished up Quake II in '97.

Trent Reznor, the (destructible where appropriate) realtime lighting effects with the potential for unlimited light sources, the complex damage models where you can whittle away layers of flesh, nerves, muscles, and bone, the ragdoll physics that apply to both the environment and NPC's, and take ballistics and range into account, will bring a whole new dimension to this title not yet seen.

Halo, it did stink. Too much was lost in the squeeze to make it fit on the Xbox. We'll see where Gearbox takes it with some real hardware to work with.
May 21, 2003 at 2:52 AM Post #27 of 43
Thanks Flasken. The HL2 trailer shows more realistic environments than I've ever seen before (and yes, I did see a DOOM 3 trailer--but that was not at such a high quality level as this video).

There's something a bit artificial about the movements and the physics--either they don't quite have these down yet or they deliberately changed them from realistic versions for the sake of gameplay. Bodies seem to fly though the air much quicker than they should, weapon effects (crowbar) seem somehow incomplete/inaccurate. Weapon pickups seem downright crummy (that crowbar just APPEARED in my hand).

But these are relatively small points compared the overall quality of the engine, which is actually amazing.
May 21, 2003 at 3:06 AM Post #28 of 43
i don't really care too much about new games. My system is at the same performance level as gustashaw....

p3 933
256mb sdram
30gig RAID 0 setup
80gig backup drive
gf2mx (core and memory overclocked to about 196mhz each)
May 21, 2003 at 3:58 AM Post #29 of 43

Originally posted by andrzejpw
Guess what my new(old) 8500 replaced.

It is such a great card, it does everything I want it to (plus it has a really quiet fan).

My specs:
Athlon XP 1600+ (Palmino core)
1GB PC-133
60GB 7200 RPM HD
Elsa Gladiac GF2 GTS 32MB (first GF2 on the market, woohoo)
Viewsonic Pf95+b

I mainly use my desktop for graphics work (image editing) hence the excess RAM and large monitor. I suppose if I upgrade to say.. a Radeon 9700 pro (if you are gonna upgrade, go all out), I hope to witness the glory that is HL2 at 1856x1392, true color... ahhhh.
May 21, 2003 at 4:13 AM Post #30 of 43
I remember the first time I played Half Life. My friend had just gotten a new computer, and I went over to his house, and was amazed. It is such an amazing game, and really got me hooked on video games altogether. I hope Half Life 2 is just as amazing.

Halo dissapointed me too. I haven't played it too much, but I just don't know what all the excitement is about. Maybe I just need to play it some more.

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