Guy drives Lambo 219 mph down public hwy. At night. And films it.
Dec 7, 2007 at 4:46 AM Post #46 of 57
I don't disagree it was irresponsible and wreck less, but you gotta look at the lesser of two evils. He was at least smart/responsible enough to do it when there is the bare minimum of traffic on the road(practically nobody).

At least he's not like Hogans kid (or anytbody else for that matter) who is professionally trained btw, and racing in trafficked streets swerving in and out of cars like your ricers.

I'm a track junkie myself, but you gotta admit, EVERYBODY flogs it once or twice, especially in a car like that. It's not like he's doing that every night either. It's was filmed once, or so, that we know about, lol.


Originally Posted by Rock&Roll Ninja /img/forum/go_quote.gif
doctor, **** site owner, bodybuilder, lamborghini driver, and has a full head of hair.

This man is a golden god. I would strangle my mother to live that kind of life.

LOL, awesome.
Dec 7, 2007 at 5:16 AM Post #47 of 57

Originally Posted by oicdn /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I don't disagree it was irresponsible and wreck less, but you gotta look at the lesser of two evils. He was at least smart/responsible enough to do it when there is the bare minimum of traffic on the road(practically nobody).

that is, in no way, justification. what are they feeding kids these days????
Dec 7, 2007 at 7:01 AM Post #48 of 57
The guy is a moron. There is no way to defend what he did. It is illegal, plain and simple. Just because it is perceived to be safe (which it was NOT), does not override the fact that it is still not allowed. It's not like he even did 120 or so, he went 200+ mph. What if the driver he blew by decided to change lanes and did not see him? There is breaking the law, and then there is whizzing on the law. Hell, would anyone defend me if I wanted to target practice a bazooka in rural Idaho rather than in the middle of NYC? It's the lesser of two evils...
Dec 7, 2007 at 4:33 PM Post #49 of 57
I did not see this thread somehow. Some of these clips were filmed on road which is close to where I live. Huge disregard for public safety and ones own well being present here.

The driver accessed the Bond' track to drive on illegally, so track time and affording it were not problems he was worried about apparently.

In looking at the footage of the car tearing up the track, he seems to go faster on the roads!!

As to safety, this coordinated series of late night runs encompassed stretches of roads where cars sometimes infrequently drive through, and especially at early AM hours whence presumably filmed. The most interesing clip is during the one filmed in the day. The driver had multiple spotters and checkpoints set up along the sides of the roads eachtime. The real gas is that 219 MPH clip and the sound. How many people have listened to it on the headphones on this board?
I think the another accident involving illegal fast driving occurred days later, which ended fatally. (involved an Altima and Supra, foiled Bank Robbery) There needs to be considerable effort towards task enforcement of roadways here in AZ along with more cops out enforcing posted speeds and laws.

All in there, that friggin' car is just uber cool. Not agreeing or condoning, largely entertaining
Dec 8, 2007 at 2:42 AM Post #52 of 57

Originally Posted by SR-71Panorama /img/forum/go_quote.gif
If you can afford to have this car, you can afford to fleet it to the freakin salt flats if you wanted to, lol.

We have a winner. If one wants to test the top speed of a high performance automobile, the responsible thing to do would be to truck it to the salt flats as you suggest or rent some time on a high speed test track such as the 7.5 mile oval at the Transportation Research Center.
Dec 8, 2007 at 2:54 AM Post #53 of 57
What is the most offending issue?

The fact that a person put public safety below his desire to afford himself the thrill of a speed only professionals have experienced (excluding those who have achieved a similar "
" moment and [size=medium]never[/size] did it again)?

That he owns and used a toy that's nicer than yours or mine?

That he broke a law with intent to act in a deadly manner?

That he scripted for bragging purposes? Vanity? I think most that could do such a stunt as this would not have had cameras, lighting, film crew, etc. for prosperity. It would be enough to have accomplished the feat. Not, "See how much bigger my ----- is now I have one of these?"

That this guy has the money and the irresponsibility to do such a stunt and is acting like a kid? (with apologies to responsible kids and those with a buttload of money)

That he did it before you?

That he has a full head of hair?

That he has Bose tri-ports in his gym bag?


Mine would be the vanity. Cool for you dude, but you went to too far to "show off". Three runs
? The 219 ((((
)))) run would have been modest
impressive. One money shot
Dec 8, 2007 at 3:19 AM Post #54 of 57
There are some moronic comments here. This guy is a d-bag and he should be jailed for a short while for this. Innocents are on the road at any given time. If only one other person is on the road because it's early morning it's ok?
At that speed, it's moronic to argue that he did it when no cars were around. How myopic does someone have to be to not get that at 219, cars that weren't there a second ago are suddenly in your way.

I ride motorcycles (mainly dirtbikes) and would never do something like this. Take it offroad or to the track.
Dec 8, 2007 at 7:25 AM Post #56 of 57
Wow. Besides being illegal, he has a complete disregard for others. You just don't do stuff that puts others at risk.

Nothing to do with jealously, etc., etc. A cousin of mine is a serious SCCA guy. He doesn't work, he races. Even picked up a national championship a couple years back. I don't have any problem with high speeds as long as they're done on closed tracks with proper safety gear.

There's no reason this guy couldn't enter track events and go head-to-head with other drivers. It would be both responsible and a good time.
Dec 9, 2007 at 12:41 PM Post #57 of 57
I'm jealous! :wink:

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