Grado Fan Club!
Jun 20, 2012 at 2:42 AM Post #3,406 of 65,931
This experience has given me a new perspective on life,i'm passionnate about a few things,animals,cars,reading,and of course music,so there is not a day that goes by when i don't consider myself lucky to have the means to own what i consider to be very decent equipement,wich makes me able to enjoy this wondefull hobby to a satisfactory level,and i try never to lose sight,that while i worry about sound quality,some peoples worry about putting food on their table.

That's very true, and places like Head-Fi are the best place to forget about such facts.
We all own more headphones and sound quality than one really need to appreciate music.
We hunt for strong headphones while others hunt for food... we're so bored, we have so much money
We also tend to take our health for granted, not knowing how people like you have survived to a disease, owe their life to medecine, and need to take pills. I think that it's good to be exposed to all the unfairness, inequalities of our world, eat a reality sandwich, but most of the internet isn't about that. It's a wall of information deprived of emotion, individuality or compassion. It only cares for your productivity, or your jokes.
I see Head-Fi like a consumer association: we fight against bad headphones, help people getting the best out of their money, (yes), but at the end of the day all we cared for and talked about is a type of consumable good: headphones (and headphones-related). We will ask a newcomer about his favored musical genre, but not about his personality, because that's just how we do it.
I think that if you want to be happy in this "hobby" you absolutely need to consult your personality, at one point or another, in order to avoid becoming a failed audiophile, or to recover from failing at it. You need to know what you want (or "know yourself"), and realize that the quantity of sound quality ("SQ") isn't all that matters about a headphone (you said synergy, I also think that is very important, comfort should be important also; for some people the look of a headphone is a reigning priority; and me, I like the "rarity" more than most), even though it seems to be's sole opinion. Finally, even the most "end-all-games" rig isn't going to protect you from Crohn's disease :wink:, so enjoy your current rig while you can.
Anyway I'm thinking of a bunch of new things right now.. you've definitely helped me (and the others to come) to appreciate more what I have. Thank you for sharing your episode, your retrospective on it, in relation to the hobby.
Jun 20, 2012 at 2:42 AM Post #3,407 of 65,931
Stacker: Wow, that's a pretty amazing experience you had! I'm an RN so I was particularly interested to hear about your experience. I'm thankful for that surgeon, as well!  You make a great point about perspective, and that's part of the reason why I find so much of the banter among members of this site to be so foolish, and when I find myself getting sucked into it I sometimes need to take a step back. Everything is relative, of course, and people aren't really thinking much beyond their audio concerns when posting here, but honestly when it all comes down to it, all the headphone wars and people who argue with one another over their audio choices and opinions are just silly compared to some of the real life concerns and challenges that we face. I definitely have always appreciated your posts here and now I can see part of the reason why you exhibit such a mature and helpful nature. I truly hope you never have a complication like that again from your chronic health issue...that was a close call for sure. 
Very interesting feedback about the system synergy. I spent quite a long time working on that with regard to my home audio system, but when it comes to my headphone rig I'm still pretty much getting my feet wet. Even though I'm not quite ready to pull the trigger on the PS1ks, I think I'm going to call my dealer and arrange an audition soon. He expressed willingness to order a demo pair of any Grado model(s) I was interested in, so I think I need to take him up on that. 
Jun 20, 2012 at 3:15 AM Post #3,408 of 65,931
That's very true, and places like Head-Fi are the best place to forget about such facts.
We all own more headphones and sound quality than one really need to appreciate music.
We hunt for strong headphones while others hunt for food... we're so bored, we have so much money
We also tend to take our health for granted, not knowing how people like you have survived to a disease, owe their life to medecine, and need to take pills. I think that it's good to be exposed to all the unfairness, inequalities of our world, but most of the internet isn't about that, and is deprived of emotion/humanity, good sense and individuality/personality. It only cares for your jokes, amazing feats, productivity, information, and consumer goods around here, but I'm not targeting Head-Fi or anything.
Thanks for making me appreciate what I have :wink:.

 Top post - insight of the day and so very true

Jun 20, 2012 at 5:31 AM Post #3,410 of 65,931
I see Head-Fi like a consumer association: we fight against bad headphones, help people getting the best out of their money, (yes), but at the end of the day all we cared for and talked about is a type of consumable good: headphones (and headphones-related). We will ask a newcomer about his favored musical genre, but not about his personality, because that's just how we do it.

Your post is very well articulated, and I agree with most of it. However I'd say that head-fi does foster some genuinely enjoyable social interaction for some. On some parts of the forums we talk just as much about other facets of ourselves as we do headphones, and I've gained some nice acquaintances---and some genuine friends---from my time here. This is all the more true when one goes to headphone meets.
Yes, this is primarily a place of consumerism, as this is primarily a hobby that centers around consumerism, but there IS a strong social element to headphone listening. It strikes me as ironic, given that headphone listening is by its nature a somewhat private affair. Yet people can come together in their shared passion for it. Perhaps it speaks to that facet of ourselves that desires to share our subjective experience, the desire to overcome the notion that we're all islands unto ourselves. That's really the appeal of music in general: we can all be listening to the same thing, but we're each experiencing it often in subtly---sometimes in profoundly---different ways, yet there is still a connection in the enjoyment of the act that transcends the divide.
Jun 20, 2012 at 9:50 AM Post #3,412 of 65,931
Jun 20, 2012 at 11:27 AM Post #3,413 of 65,931
geez, i only come here for the cans. what's wrong with me?

Haha nothing is wrong with you. While this is a great resource for people to learn about headphones, its also a great place for people to talk about the hobby that they love. There is a great sense of community here at Head-Fi, but not everyone has to take a part in it to the extent that some users do. 

Jun 20, 2012 at 4:09 PM Post #3,414 of 65,931
 It is not always useful (or nice for that matter :)) to categorize but here's a small snap-shot of how I see most Head-Fiers
 1) The Lurker - rarely posts, may or may not be into Head-Fi for a long period of time.
 2) The Dasher - gets in, gets out - these folk are on a mission, they need answers fast and once obtained, rarely do they re-surface.
 3) The Stayer - those who start off where we all begin at zero posts and gradually go through the Head-Fi experience gradually,
     reaching their own zenith - what ever that may be 

 I'll also add a fourth
 4) The Helper - Kudos going out to the likes of 'Malveaux' and many others who dedicate a lot of their time going through threads
     concerning Head-Fi beginner queries and questions - their expertise and time is what makes this place go round.
Jun 20, 2012 at 5:41 PM Post #3,415 of 65,931
Wow! i didn't expect this kind of reaction from my post,you guys have Class with a big C,and i'm genuinely touched by you're compassion,and obvious maturity.
Back on topic now,sort of,i just want to say that i'm as impressed with my SR80i as i am with my PS1000,the reason is,it's one thing to built a great sounding headphone that sells for $1800,but to built some very good sounding ones for $140,to me,is nothing short of amazing,by the way,i paid $107 + tax for mine,brand new,at this price,i swear, i almost feel like i stole the damn things,and i'm not kidding when i say that if the SR80i were the only headphone that,for some reason, i would be able to keep,i'd still be a happy camper.
Jun 20, 2012 at 5:53 PM Post #3,416 of 65,931
Totally agree about the 80s, noted in my sig, they changed the game for me with regard to headphone listening :)
Just FYI, I was checking with Grado about a couple things today and one thing I asked them was whether or not the request could be made for John and/or Joe to sign a pair of PS1000s if I were to order them from my local dealer. They said that would be no problem at all, so I think when I order my pair I will request that just as an added touch. 
The main thing I asked them about was the comment made in another thread about the PS1000 drivers being just a modified version of the same drivers in the PS500s. Grado Labs said that was completely false and that the drivers in the respective models were "completely different". 
Jun 20, 2012 at 6:57 PM Post #3,417 of 65,931
If you can get a signed pair of PS-1000,altough i'd be surprised if Joe would put is signature on a pair that was desined by John,because from what i understand,Joe and John,have a different philosophy when it comes to desining headphones,nevertheless,something tells me that they would probabably worth more than the regular price in a not so distant future,i really hope you get them and,if you do,i hope you'll post pics.
Jun 20, 2012 at 7:20 PM Post #3,418 of 65,931
If you can get a signed pair of PS-1000,altough i'd be surprised if Joe would put is signature on a pair that was desined by John,because from what i understand,Joe and John,have a different philosophy when it comes to desining headphones,nevertheless,something tells me that they would probabably worth more than the regular price in a not so distant future,i really hope you get them and,if you do,i hope you'll post pics.

Yeah, they did say that Joe is almost never on-site these days, so between that and the point you make, I may end up with just John. That would be okay with me, especially since it was John's design (?) that has really turned me on to the Grados to begin with. First thing I'd probably do is have Larry at headphile build me another custom stand specifically for the PS1ks, and then I'll take lots of pics to share with my Grado-loving brothers (and sisters!) :)
Jun 20, 2012 at 7:43 PM Post #3,419 of 65,931
Joe Grado has retired and now lives in South Carolina. John is the one who is running Grado Labs.
Jun 20, 2012 at 8:24 PM Post #3,420 of 65,931
Yeah, they did say that Joe is almost never on-site these days, so between that and the point you make, I may end up with just John. That would be okay with me, especially since it was John's design (?) that has really turned me on to the Grados to begin with. First thing I'd probably do is have Larry at headphile build me another custom stand specifically for the PS1ks, and then I'll take lots of pics to share with my Grado-loving brothers (and sisters!) :)

means a lot acknowledging that there are few sisters here

this one likes pics too

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