Grado Fan Club!
May 22, 2014 at 11:56 AM Post #14,971 of 67,310
  Thanks for the mini-review.  I hadn't heard much good about the Fosgate anyway.
BTW, I'm not sure why you seem to be so concerned about where the volume control lies when listening.  Lots of volume controls are designed differently.  It has little to do with power.  In fact, the more rotation of the VC I have, the better I like it.  It gives me a wider range of settings rather than just 6 o'clock to 10 o'clock.  

Your welcome for my thought on the Fosgate.
The reason I say this about the volume output is because from about 11:00-1:00 o'clock, there is not much increase in volume at all…but beyond 1:00-2 o'clock it increases again, but at this point I'm feeling I'm pushing the amp too much to get a sufficient listening level from the PS1K's for them too really shine, (every Grado has a sweet spot volume wise IMO/IME).o From what I've understood ANY amplifiers output pretty much peaks at about 12-1:00…and then starts too degrade/distort/clip, beyond 1-2 o'clock, and I dn't want too be so close to doing this, I would like to achieve a nice listening level at about 11:00 o'clock with plenty more volume output control too spare. Please, correct me if I'm wrong about this…but this is what I was told about amps my whole life in reference to the position of the volume control, and have also experienced this for myself on my stereo systems in the past. So I just want that little bit more output control with the volume. The Fosgate had sufficient output volume at 11:00 o'clock which continued to climb as I increased it, way before 1:00 o'clock. 

I've never read that anywhere.  Back in the day, it was common for Japanese receivers to have volume controls that had very little range.  This was so the consumer would think that the receiver had a tremendous amount of power, as in, wow, I only cranked it up to 9 o'clock and it's freaking loud when the truth was, at ten o'clock, the amp was clipping the wave form.  One should not make any generalized statement about volume controls and power.  Each manufacturer has their own philosophy regarding this. Obviously Fosgate has a different philosophy than Woo regarding volume controls (among a lot of other things).  This might help:
Perhaps someone else could chime in on this question.   
May 22, 2014 at 1:20 PM Post #14,972 of 67,310
  I've never read that anywhere.  Back in the day, it was common for Japanese receivers to have volume controls that had very little range.  This was so the consumer would think that the receiver had a tremendous amount of power, as in, wow, I only cranked it up to 9 o'clock and it's freaking loud when the truth was, at ten o'clock, the amp was clipping the wave form.  One should not make any generalized statement about volume controls and power.  Each manufacturer has their own philosophy regarding this. Obviously Fosgate has a different philosophy than Woo regarding volume controls (among a lot of other things).  This might help:
Perhaps someone else could chime in on this question.   

Thanks for the link. This is exactly what I am referring too, but now understand why the volume position isn't such an important factor, as I thought! And I was basing this thought on pushing any amp past 12 o'clock to "back in the day". So thanks for the link on the irrelevance of the volume position, it goes way deeper that that! I just didn't want too harm my amp/headphones in any way. So, I'll look at it like this…I upgraded from the 6 to the 6-S/E for a separate PSU/amp, which in turn is supposed to deliver more power/cleaner signal/dynamics/soundstage/depth…so I'm real cool with that! Thanks again for the info, I appreciate it!!!                                                                                                                             
May 22, 2014 at 1:57 PM Post #14,973 of 67,310
Yes, like Jay said, it s supposed to effect the dynamics/sound-stage/height/faster/tighter/cleaner sounding.

Could the same be achieved with the regular WA6, if you use an external filter?
May 22, 2014 at 1:59 PM Post #14,974 of 67,310
May 22, 2014 at 2:11 PM Post #14,976 of 67,310
now that i do not know

I don't know this myself, but there is a comparison between the (6 MAXXED) 6-S/E on the forum where this is mentioned.

I'm not usually a cheapskate, but i'm looking at the price of the unit + shipping + 23% or more tax, so if i can get the same for less money, that would be great.

My PS1000's are worth it even if i'd buy the WA6SE
May 22, 2014 at 4:49 PM Post #14,978 of 67,310
  I guess now we know why you don't see a lot of people bragging about owning a Fosgate Amp, makes me wonder how much they paid that guy at Grado to say what he did.

yeah, I have never heard of Fosgate , until now
May 22, 2014 at 4:55 PM Post #14,979 of 67,310
  Your welcome for my thought on the Fosgate.
The reason I say this about the volume output is because from about 11:00-1:00 o'clock, there is not much increase in volume at all…but beyond 1:00-2 o'clock it increases again, but at this point I'm feeling I'm pushing the amp too much to get a sufficient listening level from the PS1K's for them too really shine, (every Grado has a sweet spot volume wise IMO/IME). From what I've understood ANY amplifiers output pretty much peaks at about 12-1:00…and then starts too degrade/distort/clip, beyond 1-2 o'clock, and I don't want too be so close to doing this, I would like to achieve a nice listening level at about 11:00 o'clock with plenty more volume output control too spare. Please, correct me if I'm wrong about this…but this is what I was told about amps my whole life in reference to the position of the volume control, and have also experienced this for myself on my stereo systems in the past. So I just want that little bit more output control with the volume. The Fosgate had sufficient output volume at 11:00 o'clock which continued to climb as I increased it, way before 1:00 o'clock. 

Hmmmm....maybe this is true...I have never heard that before matter where I have the volume pod set on my mad ear....I hear no clipping or distortion.
I am prolly just misunderstanding something 
The amp looks nice in its permanent home, Joseph.
May 22, 2014 at 5:12 PM Post #14,980 of 67,310
Hmmmm....maybe this is true...I have never heard that before matter where I have the volume pod set on my mad ear....I hear no clipping or distortion.
I am prolly just misunderstanding something 
The amp looks nice in its permanent home, Joseph.

i too, silent when its supposed to be, no clipping, distortion , and the highest i've gone with volume is 12:00, no strain at all
May 22, 2014 at 5:13 PM Post #14,981 of 67,310
Woohoo! Our little thread has reached 1000 pages!
I have a Schiit Asgard 2 waiting for me when I get home tomorrow. I remember liking it with my spread of headphones, so hopefully they are what I remember. It's for those days I can't be bothered with tubes :xf_eek:P Will report back!
May 22, 2014 at 5:17 PM Post #14,982 of 67,310
Hmmmm....maybe this is true...I have never heard that before matter where I have the volume pod set on my mad ear....I hear no clipping or distortion.
I am prolly just misunderstanding something 
The amp looks nice in its permanent home, Joseph.

Yep, I can't imagine the amp clipping at anywhere near the 12 o'clock position unless the issue is source-side. Clipping occurs when the signal hits the voltage rails and can't go any higher. I don't know what the output voltage rails are of the amp(s) in question.
And if it really is distorting at that volume position, I'd again question the source or something else upstream.
May 22, 2014 at 6:07 PM Post #14,984 of 67,310
I've never heard any clipping/distortion either but just that I may be pushing the amp too its max before this occures.

Unless you have something funny going on upstream, your amp should not distort or clip unless the volume pot is all the way up... now, if you are just nervous about it clipping/distorting, that's an issue between your ears 

May 22, 2014 at 6:26 PM Post #14,985 of 67,310
   From what I've understood ANY amplifiers output pretty much peaks at about 12-1:00…and then starts too degrade/distort/clip, beyond 1-2 o'clock, and I don't want too be so close to doing this, I would like to achieve a nice listening level at about 11:00 o'clock with plenty more volume output control too spare. Please, correct me if I'm wrong about this…but this is what I was told about amps my whole life in reference to the position of the volume control, and have also experienced this for myself on my stereo systems in the past. So I just want that little bit more output control with the volume. The Fosgate had sufficient output volume at 11:00 o'clock which continued to climb as I increased it, way before 1:00 o'clock. 

It depends entirely on the topology and the gain structure of the amp.  Just like you, a MAJORITY of the amps I've used, generally class AB with op amps (solid state) tend to act this way.  Class A, certainly not, and class D varies depending on gain and output stage.
If there is no noise or other bad sounds, and you need to crank to 3 or 4:00, there is no problem.  It's just weird....

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