Grace Design x Massdrop m9XX DAC/Amp Review: First Impressions
Jan 10, 2016 at 11:11 PM Post #1,021 of 2,153
  So I was thinking about either getting the M9XX the next time there is a drop, a Schiit Stack of some mix, or a JDS Labs O2+ODAC Rev. I'm coming from a Fiio E17 Alpen. I also have a Creative X-FI Titanium HD.
My current headphones are:
Sennheiser HD700
Sennheiser HD598
Fidelio X2
Fostex TH-X00
I'm trying to get a DAC and Amp or DAC/AMP that would bring out the best of most of these headphones. I might be venturing into the domain so many of us fall into of diminishing returns, but I feel like I'm missing something just using the Fiio E17 Alpen's.
I saw a mention that someone using the HD700 with the M9xx thought that this DAC/AMP made the sound stage worse than a Schiit Stack?
Anyone have any opinions on this? It seems he believes getting a Wyrd potentially fixed this. I didn't see anyone else mention the HD700's here, and I know there are a divisive speaker here since the first production seemed to have a bad problem with sibilance. I have seen several people like fjrabon mention they work great with the Fostex TH-X00.

Actually that person was me.  And what I said is that I liked the 9xx with the Wyrd.  Still think so.  Having lived with it a while now, I like the m9xx even more.  The micro detail is a significant step up from the Modi.  I have moved the Modi to my work station.  
I have also tried to play the HD700s with the line out of the m9xx to the Vali.  I think the Vali sounds more fluid or maybe liquid.  (But maybe that is mushy)  What I can tell you is that listening to the Beatles with the m9xx is a new experience.  I am hearing things in the recordings that I have previously not heard.  Something that makes me want to listen to my music all over again is such a joy.
Don't get me wrong, I like the Vali on the HD700s. There are certain pitfalls to the Vali.  It will not work with IEMs  (way too much noise)  and you cannot just plug in your headphones and go.  It takes a while to warm up and to stop ringing. But once warm, it sounds great.  Enough so that I will most likely by the Valhalla II.  
But, I was to only have one unit, it would be without a doubt the m9xx.  More versatile and a bargain at the price.  What you give up is not flexibility but use case.  It will drive just about anything.  But you can't use it as an amp only.  And there has been some discussion about using it only as a DAC.  (Whether the pre-amp gain negatively affects sound quality on the line outputs.) 
Jan 10, 2016 at 11:33 PM Post #1,022 of 2,153
Ok so I had some more input but I thought a separate post made more sense.  I have found another way to enjoy the m9xx.   Apple TV.
Now before you roll your eyes at me, this is not necessary an audio solution but can be.  I recently bought the new Apple TV 64 MB.  Finally having Plex as a native solution is great.  But I diverge.  The new Apple TV4 does not have an optical out.  But the older one does.  As I was poking around the Apple TV4, I discovered, you can watch the video on your TV and direct the audio somewhere else i.e. another Apple TV or Airport Express.  So I had an old Apple TV with optical out and a new Apple TV4 that was too far away from my listening area (Bed).  So thought, what the heck, let's try it.  And it worked.  And worked well it did. 
You can have your bed side rig, play the audio from your Apple TV4 to another Apple TV3 connected optically to your Grace m9xx.  And since the output is coming from your ATV hotspot so to speak, you can also stream things like Amazon Prime Music from your iPhone to your grace m9xx.  Want to listen to your MBA via usb.  Just click on the knob to have inputs.  Simple.  It does delay the video so that it will be in sync when playing over the Grace m9xx.  How cool is that!   You can also listen music app on ATV4 with this as well.  
So as you upgrade your ATVs to the new ones.  Keep the older ones around for use with Audio hotspots.  Heck you can even stream from another computer to your Grace m9xx.  Obviously there are file limit capabilities.  But for the most part, that will not matter if your source is already compressed music.  
Anyone else try this?
Jan 10, 2016 at 11:59 PM Post #1,023 of 2,153
Pretty cool use for a displaced Apple TV.  Great idea.
We're an Android household and have done something very similar using a Chromecast Audio.  With the right cable, you can connect the Chromecast Audio optically to the TOSLINK input on the m9XX (or m920) and "cast" music directly to the DAC/amp from any device, anywhere in the house.  The Chromecast Audio supports up to 96kHz/24-bit which the m9XX converts to surprisingly crystal clear audio ... especially for a $35 dongle.
- Dave
Jan 13, 2016 at 1:51 PM Post #1,025 of 2,153
Really nice peace of gear!

Is there a version planned with an analog input (DAC-bypass) instead of the analog output? This would be an awesome all-in-one combo then for my Pro-Ject turntable!

Great reviews btw guys!

Greetings, KoRnasteniker

No, unfortunately nothing like that planned at this time according to Michael Grace.
Jan 14, 2016 at 5:04 PM Post #1,026 of 2,153
Well... here's hoping there is another production run and maybe a new drop!  I need a new desktop amp with a smallish form factor and fairly wide compatibility for my Grado PS500e and the way the volume control works on this thing seems appropriate for more sensitive headphones.
Jan 20, 2016 at 3:54 PM Post #1,029 of 2,153
Any owner of this also have experience with a Cambridge Audio DacMagic Plus? Any opinions about whether it is close in accuracy and fidelity of the M9XX?

I am a M9XX owner. When not using it as a headphone DAC+amp, I use it as a DAC from my cable box, driving my permanent hp rig overy a 50ft line. I'm using an unbalanced line now, but about to start using an Aphex unbalanced to balanced converter box to drive two lines. I'd like to change that to a permanent setup replaced with the DacMagic Plus, using its balanced outs.

Wondering if you think the fidelity would be comperable to what you now experience with the M9XX (assume the Aphex box is near invisble for the sake of this query).
Jan 20, 2016 at 4:23 PM Post #1,030 of 2,153
I know the DAC on this is superb, how is the AMP compared to the m920, what about compared to the Oppo HA-1?
I'm looking to use something for when I eventually upgrade to HD800 (from my current T1).
Jan 20, 2016 at 5:17 PM Post #1,032 of 2,153
From the specs it looks like its comparable to the magni, but with less power at higher impedances

The m9XX has lower impedance.

edit: nvm, misinterpreted what you meant.
Jan 21, 2016 at 1:43 PM Post #1,035 of 2,153
  Is this any more powerful than the o2/odac? I need something to give me more volume for my alpha primes.

primes are 50 ohm 90dB sensititivy, right?  m9XX will output 650 mW at 50 ohms, vs the O2 outputting 510 (estimated, no official measure given, as they give 33 ohms and 150 ohms, but not 50 ohms).  So yes, it is more powerful.  However, the difference between 650 mW and 510 mW is like 2-3dB, which is barely noticeable.  The O2 should be able to push the Primes in excess of 110dB peaks, meaning you should be able to routinely play your primes at 90dB (ie levels that will cause permanent hearing loss if listened to regularly) through the O2 with no clipping even during peaks, so, either you're listening at dangerous levels or something is wrong with your primes or something is wrong with your O2 if you think they won't play loudly enough.  If the O2 and the Primes are in good working condition, and you genuinely don't think they play loudly enough, you'll need an amp that outputs over 1W at 50 ohms to really notice a major difference in loudness levels.  ie you will need something like a Lyr2 or more powerful.  None of the lower price amps is going to put out that kind of (frankly dangerous) volume on the primes.  

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