Good bass earphones/portable headphones/iem's for under $60
Jun 14, 2011 at 9:02 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 15


New Head-Fier
Jun 14, 2011
Hey Guys! Um first post at head-fi :D Great website...been surfing for over 2 hours and learned a lot already...
Right now, I'm planning on purchasing a new pair of earphones/portable headphones/iems or whatever that has pretty good bass for a price range of 0-60...anyhows. I'm often in loud surroundings so good isolation is a must. Okay, it's not a must, but it's a bonus. Decent isolation is good enough though.

So, I've been looking at Koss PortaPro and PX100 for their cheapness and bass. Seems pretty decent, except their isolation sucks according to what I've read. Do you think their isolation would be good enough for riding on a bus/metro/walking next to a busy road?
If not, what do YOU recommend?
Thanks guys :)
Jun 14, 2011 at 10:37 AM Post #3 of 15
Thank you for redirecting me to that thread, however, I've already been there before :p I couldn't decide on any thing that the thread had. So I wanted some more suggestions.  That's the reason I created a new thread.
Thanks again tomscy2000
Jun 14, 2011 at 11:27 AM Post #4 of 15
You will normally want IEMs if you are looking for enough isolation for street use, at the under 60 price point try looking up some of the MEElectronics gear in the linked review thread and see which descriptions appeal to you. If you increase your budget a little bit the Klipsch S4 is quite a popular entry-level IEM that is bass-focused and likely to be a good improvement from whatever you were using.
Jun 14, 2011 at 11:33 AM Post #5 of 15
*sigh* Did I not say I've been surfing the site for 2 hours plus and that the price range was below 60? I'm sorry if I'm sound pissed off or something, but no one seems to get my point here. I didnt really like the iems, and as for the portables in the 84 portable phones review thread, I only liked the portapro and px 100. Not to mention the fact that over 40 of the phones were out of my price range. That's what i said didn't I?

Look, I know this is a noob question. But what are pros for? Aren't they supposed to help the noobs instead of making sarcastic comments at how fail they are?
Jun 14, 2011 at 11:38 AM Post #6 of 15
You will normally want IEMs if you are looking for enough isolation for street use, at the under 60 price point try looking up some of the MEElectronics gear in the linked review thread and see which descriptions appeal to you. If you increase your budget a little bit the Klipsch S4 is quite a popular entry-level IEM that is bass-focused and likely to be a good improvement from whatever you were using.

Edit: finally, a half-decent answer :p yeah, I thought about iems, but they kept on falling out of my ears or it was too hard to create a good seal in a short amount of time compared to headphones. But yeah, I'll look into those iems you recommended. Thanks :)
Jun 14, 2011 at 11:57 AM Post #7 of 15
I wouldn't discredit any IEM based solely on poor isolation. Proper isolation and comfort can often be achieved by experimenting with different earpieces/tips. Those can be relatively inexpensive, so it won't dramatically increase the cost. Personally, I think you need to spend about $100 to really break into the better sounding IEMs, but you can definitely find something decent for $50. While I'm not a fan of the Monster Turbines, they did offer excellent isolation (with Comply T-400 tips), good bass response (although I find it slightly overbearing), and excellent build quality. They did crap out on me after about 2-3 years, but I abused those things to no end. I purchased them for $100 CAD on sale a long time ago, so I suspect they may be around the $50 price range at this time. If you're used to the generic Apple earbuds, these will be a world of difference.
If you eventually splurge to the $100 price point, the options are plentiful. I'm not that keen on crazy bass, so I tend to prefer a more balanced, natural sound (hence my preference for Westone IEMs). And feel free to ignore the audio snobs.
Jun 14, 2011 at 12:32 PM Post #8 of 15
You will normally want IEMs if you are looking for enough isolation for street use, at the under 60 price point try looking up some of the MEElectronics gear in the linked review thread and see which descriptions appeal to you. If you increase your budget a little bit the Klipsch S4 is quite a popular entry-level IEM that is bass-focused and likely to be a good improvement from whatever you were using.

Edit: finally, a half-decent answer :p yeah, I thought about iems, but they kept on falling out of my ears or it was too hard to create a good seal in a short amount of time compared to headphones. But yeah, I'll look into those iems you recommended. Thanks

They should not fall out of your ears if you get a proper fit with the right tips, and with the right tips the seal should be a simple matter of popping them into your ears.
And pardon the snappy responses, but "good bass earphones for under x" is probably one of the most created threads around here so the long-timers might just direct you to some of the resources we already have. No hard feelings there ya :)
Jun 14, 2011 at 1:13 PM Post #9 of 15
Jun 14, 2011 at 4:09 PM Post #10 of 15
I'll second the recommendation of the Meelectronics M6P from Newegg.   I got a set of these a couple weeks ago when they first went on sale.
I've never owned any real high end IEM's., but they sounded to me nearly as good as the Shure E2C's they replaced.
It's incredible to me that they can sell these for $13.
Mids are excellent, highs are very good.
There are complaints in the reviews about lack of bass, but IMO, that's hogwash coming from people who are listening to 128K MP3's on their phones with their first IEMs.
Once a good seal is achieved, they have plenty of bass for all but the most head-banging bassheads.
It's not the crispest bass imaginable but they have enough that I don't use any of the "bass boost" features of my players.
Having said that, when I eq the bass way up, it sounds a bit muddy, but that may improve with use.
Regarding build quality, IMO they seem at least as good as the Shures, maybe better, particularly the cable which I love.  
Shures cables are built in time bombs.  I'd be willing to bet that 75% of Shures in that line have been trashed due to the crappy cables they use.
I don't have any use for the microphone on the M6P but it's really, really tiny and unobtrusive.  It's barely even noticeable.
As for fit, I've always had a rough time.  The Shures were the only IEM's that I could ever get to fit well.  
With "earbuds", forget it.  I've got a whole box of brand new ones from 20 years of different MP3 players I've accumulated.
The M6Ps came with enough tips that I was able to find a good match and now they fit every bit as well as the Shures and are even better in terms of not sticking out at all.
Next, I'll try them with the Comfit T-500's.
When/if my cash situation ever improves, I may try the P-151's.  If their mid-line is this good, they should be great for the $$.
For $13 shipped, jump on them.  If money wasn't so tight with me right now, I'd get a backup pair, or two.
You may want to also consider the Soundmagic P-50's.  You can find them for around $50.  I think Micca has them the cheapest.
They were going to be my first choice until I ran into the sale on the ME's.  Haven't heard them, but I've heard nothing but good things about them.
Jun 14, 2011 at 4:15 PM Post #11 of 15
I'll third the MP6 by MEElectronics.  I have a pair and they're the bassiest set of headphones that I own.  They come with TONS of tips, you're bound to get good isolation.  The fit is nice too. =)
Jun 14, 2011 at 5:00 PM Post #12 of 15

*sigh* Did I not say I've been surfing the site for 2 hours plus and that the price range was below 60? I'm sorry if I'm sound pissed off or something, but no one seems to get my point here. I didnt really like the iems, and as for the portables in the 84 portable phones review thread, I only liked the portapro and px 100. Not to mention the fact that over 40 of the phones were out of my price range. That's what i said didn't I?

Look, I know this is a noob question. But what are pros for? Aren't they supposed to help the noobs instead of making sarcastic comments at how fail they are?

Hey Ty, There's some Klipsch 4's almost new from a good seller on the For Sale thread for 53 bucks. Those would be perfect for you...(either that go for the Customs) I Love how all of us here try to spend other peoples money)
Jun 14, 2011 at 5:12 PM Post #13 of 15

OP, you completely missed the point. Rather than starting a new thread, you could have posted the exact same question in the thread created specifically to limit repetitive threads being created by new members looking for help. The idea is to consolidate similar requests in a single thread. That's why that thread was created, not just to offer links to help someone search. So using the links is one thing, but I didn't notice your post in the thread.
Did you read the thread title (see below)? It's pretty clear. If you must have your own thread, fine, but the idea is to use the thread to create an ongoing request log.

Buying IEMs or ear buds or portable phones? DON'T START A NEW THREAD. Ask for help here!

It should be renamed, without the "DON'T START A NEW THREAD" part, because in the "recent discussions" you can't see "ASK FOR HELP HERE" since it gets cut off.

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