Goldring GX-200 IEMs ??
Sep 25, 2007 at 10:33 PM Post #4 of 4
I can't recommend them as the pair I had had the left side die at about fifty hours. But they can do guitars and vocals as well as any earphone available now. If you are in the UK and can get service on them I recommend heartily. IMO, they are the best sounding dynamic available now over both the Atrio or Denon.

At around fifty hours they could best be described as a cross between an E4C and a DT770. I mean that literally. It had a tiny more detail than either but a very Beyer-like tone and timbre and an inordinate amount of bass. They had forward mids that were reminiscent of the E4C but were already better. The soundstage and extension were near identical to E4C. I would have hoped that the bass would level off if they had gotten more burn-in. I wish I could say they were more durable or that I knew how they sounded after finishing burn-in but they were doing guitars and vocals about as good any earphone I have heard at 50 hours. I didn't think they were as good as a PK2 out of the box. They made them sound like crap after some burn-in. I had them both with me one day and after one hour using the GX200 I put the PK2 in and they sounded like total crap compared to them. Part of it is the addicting guitars and vocals. The PK2 is fun and sort of grado-ish but they can't do either anywhere near the GX200. My impressions are with the bass EQ'd down or with a non-adjustable radio that is very flat and non-coloring. A warm source or one w/o EQ might not work well unless you are a hardcore basshead. The bass may settle in with burn-in like many say of the Super-fi EB's or when you hear people saying the X3's bass disappeared on them.

The downsides...
The 3-way cable is okay but not great. I prefer a shorter cord right now. It is a 4" J-cord with an extremely long right side and the pull/draw/slider thing is attached to the right side and the main cord, not on the R/L sides. This way you pull and shorten the right side only. You can have J-cord or pull over enough and it is a Y-cord. Put your neck inside the loop that is made between the right side and main cord and you have necklace style with the main cord running behind your neck and the excess right side running under your neck in front. It does work, it just isn't the best and it does tangle a bit. It does work but is not the greatest.

The same size soundtube that allows them to use Comply's hurts the soundstage height. They have the same size soundstage as I found the
E4C to have which is wider than it is high from top to bottom. Instrument placement is better than an E4C and there is as much air/spacing in between instruments which is quite good.

They have driver crinkle and one side of mine had too much adhesive around the driver and air couldn't escape well and killed that side. They are made in china and I question the QC on them. Build quality is akin to the X3's which is not the greatest.

I miss them but I got a great deal on ebay. I won't repurchase them at full price($102 shipped) since I can only get 30day exchange here in the US and that would cost me international shipping back to the UK. No warranty, no go.

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