Go-Vibe Appreciation Thread
Jan 12, 2006 at 12:30 PM Post #46 of 68
I ordered mine aswell, but with the new AD8397 op-amp. I'll be using it for desktop only, so I don't care that it's power hungry. Can't wait for it to arrive. I'll let you know how the new op-amp sounds.
Jan 12, 2006 at 1:02 PM Post #47 of 68
Looking forward to impressions of the new go-vibe with AD8397... will be looking for another portable amp soon, and it's one of my considerations.
Jan 12, 2006 at 2:25 PM Post #48 of 68

Originally Posted by fewtch
It's even better being driven on 18v, although I would caution anyone who's thinking about doing this to check the capacitors inside and see if they're rated for 25v... Norm has used 10v caps in a lot of the go-vibes, and using two 9v batteries will risk frying them.

Thanks for the head's up fellow go-vibe lover. I was planning on taking it up to 18v, but I now see Norm used 10V caps, so I think I'll pass.

Another vote for Go-Vibe love. Dollar to pure pleasure, best amp I've owned to date. (AD8620)
Jan 12, 2006 at 10:46 PM Post #49 of 68
Alexs, I have been using my Version-less Go-Vibe with SR-60's for more than a year and it's a great combination.
Jan 24, 2006 at 12:41 AM Post #50 of 68
What op-amp is best with the DT880s? I will be using it as almost excusively a desk amp, so power consumption isn't a big deal.
Jan 26, 2006 at 4:32 PM Post #52 of 68
Just received my Go-Vibe V4 an hour ago. I can't wipe the grin off of my face

I have the version with AD8397 and blue LED. The amp is surprisingly light, but it still feels very sturdy. I wish the input jack had been in the back though. I'm using it on my desktop only, and with the input and headphones plugged in the volume knob is a bit hard too reach. It came with 4 'sticky' rubber feet that you could attach to the bottom. This really helps keep the amp in place with too cables plugged in, since it is so lightweight.

I'm sorry I can't compare the sound to anything else, except the standard headphone out of the Revo 5.1. I was dissapointed by the headphone out of the Revo, that's why I bought this amp. Compared to that this made a world of difference. I had no idea my HD-555's could sound like this. I still think the Revo is too bright, but a little eq'ing in Foobar now makes a world of difference. Before I could adjust the EQ all I want, it still sounded thin. This amp, to my ears, seems like it has applied some sort of gentle V-shape to the frequencies. This could very well be, because the Revo wasn't up to the task so lows and higs are only now coming through. I've set the eq'ing almost flat now, only a little bass boost is needed now. Anyway, this has been the perfect complement for the sound I had. It all was very cold and bright. Now it is just a pleasure to listen to. I sounds warm, I have bass impact and the highs are now no longer harsh. It just feels effortless now, where before I had to make it work by adjusting the sound.

I have replaygain set on all my songs. The equalizer settings are a bit below zero. With those settings the volume knob is at 2/3. This is the maximum I can take though, any louder becomes uncomfortable.

You should take this with a grain of salt. I'm not used to anything sounding even remotely hi-fi. So maybe I'm a bit too enthousiastic. I am just very pleased with this amp. Anyone who thought the HD555 (and so probably 595 aswell) didn't need an amp with a Revo should think again. It really does make a world of difference.
Jan 26, 2006 at 10:35 PM Post #53 of 68

Originally Posted by Cage
Just received my Go-Vibe V4 an hour ago. I can't wipe the grin off of my face

I have the version with AD8397 and blue LED. The amp is surprisingly light, but it still feels very sturdy. I wish the input jack had been in the back though. I'm using it on my desktop only, and with the input and headphones plugged in the volume knob is a bit hard too reach. It came with 4 'sticky' rubber feet that you could attach to the bottom. This really helps keep the amp in place with too cables plugged in, since it is so lightweight.

I'm sorry I can't compare the sound to anything else, except the standard headphone out of the Revo 5.1. I was dissapointed by the headphone out of the Revo, that's why I bought this amp. Compared to that this made a world of difference. I had no idea my HD-555's could sound like this. I still think the Revo is too bright, but a little eq'ing in Foobar now makes a world of difference. Before I could adjust the EQ all I want, it still sounded thin. This amp, to my ears, seems like it has applied some sort of gentle V-shape to the frequencies. This could very well be, because the Revo wasn't up to the task so lows and higs are only now coming through. I've set the eq'ing almost flat now, only a little bass boost is needed now. Anyway, this has been the perfect complement for the sound I had. It all was very cold and bright. Now it is just a pleasure to listen to. I sounds warm, I have bass impact and the highs are now no longer harsh. It just feels effortless now, where before I had to make it work by adjusting the sound.

I have replaygain set on all my songs. The equalizer settings are a bit below zero. With those settings the volume knob is at 2/3. This is the maximum I can take though, any louder becomes uncomfortable.

You should take this with a grain of salt. I'm not used to anything sounding even remotely hi-fi. So maybe I'm a bit too enthousiastic. I am just very pleased with this amp. Anyone who thought the HD555 (and so probably 595 aswell) didn't need an amp with a Revo should think again. It really does make a world of difference.

Glad to hear that Cage. I have a pair of 595s and my V4 (AD8397, blue led) should be coming in any day now. I would agree alot with you that the unamped 5x5s sound thin and harsh unamped. I would also add the cramped soundstage along with my list of complaints. Of course this is unamped. I could atleast enjoy a bit of thickness before my old amp crapped out. I will have to post some impressions (detailed review maybe) when I get mine in and settled down.
Jan 26, 2006 at 10:58 PM Post #54 of 68
Ill have to disagree that unnamped HD555 sound harsh. Out of my iPod they sounded quite good to me. I am not sure with other sources, but that is one unamped set up that I ahve tried.

I use them with my GoVibe V3 which I also love though.
Jan 29, 2006 at 10:17 PM Post #56 of 68

Originally Posted by spike33
go-vibe v4 w/ ad8397 owners, can you still opamp roll?

Nope (I'm not sure why that is). Norm pointed that out as being one of the 8397's two drawbacks (the other being battery life).

The sound's amazing though! I'm real happy with it and I think it merits a "best bang for buck" award.
Jan 30, 2006 at 12:06 AM Post #57 of 68

Originally Posted by spike33
go-vibe v4 w/ ad8397 owners, can you still opamp roll?

No bacause the AD8397 must be soldered directly to the main board.

I guess that's because it's more prone to oscillate than others due to its high speed/bandwidth. Soldering it to the board brings it as close as possible to the board's ground plane, and besides, the parasitic inductance & resistance caused by the socket and adapter are thus eliminated, all of which help stability.
Jan 30, 2006 at 5:32 AM Post #58 of 68
I have a V4 + 8397 on the way as well, Right now im using a set of Beyerdynamic DT770 Pros plugged directly into my X-Fi soundcard, It sounds pretty good but I can tell there starving for power, especially when I compare them being plugged into my Kenwood reciever, Ill be sure to post impressions once the amp arrives.
Jan 31, 2006 at 4:54 PM Post #59 of 68
I'm an old headsave customer and would love to own a go-vibe4 but I can't get Norm to answer my questions or help me choose the opamps and options that would be right for me...I've been emailing him for a week and his responses make it seem like he doesn't even read the emails I send. Now he's telling me he's running out of units...

I'm not sure what's going on but this is the first time Norm hasn't provided decent service...I'm very disappointed.
Jan 31, 2006 at 5:22 PM Post #60 of 68
i've had my v4 with the 8620,(and blue led and black soft touch, hehe) for about 2 weeks and i hate it.... HA had you goin' I love it, i also changed the eq on my ipod nano from rock to off when i got my v4. IMHO it increases sound stage and clarity from the nano's headphone out not to mention going WAY louder.. AND I'M STILL ON THE SAME BATTERY, with everyday listening! i even hook my v4 up to my 410's outputs just so i can hear certain songs through the vibe!


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