Getting "called-out" for not wearing the Beats
Oct 16, 2011 at 5:35 AM Post #2,206 of 5,506


Everytime someone does this exact same thing, same picture
Doesnt really help, just pisses me off
Hmm, my latest "call out" was last week
I was wearing my M50s
then my friend goes "Why don't you get beats?"
"Cause they suck monkey balls"
"If they are $300, they have to be good!"
Then and there, I just looked at him and stared just thinking, "Ugh, another monkey that thinks price is the only measurement of quality"
I just told him, "Maybe I'll try them next time I see them"
We both shut up about the topic and continued talking about something else
Oct 16, 2011 at 5:38 AM Post #2,207 of 5,506
Inappropriate contractions and the use of incorrect homonyms are not an indication of someone not knowing proper grammar but simply common errors caused by fast keyboarding.  
Even grammar nazis tend to overlook those sorts of mistakes.
Obligated to fix that for you, since we're on the whole "spelling and grammar" thing!

Oct 16, 2011 at 5:38 AM Post #2,208 of 5,506
so how much do you think the beats are actually worth
Oct 16, 2011 at 5:40 AM Post #2,209 of 5,506

I am 20 and what is this? So now if I'm not lazy enough and I actually use punctuation, I'm an old guy? My world is shattered *resumes listening to Dubstep*

Wow!!!  You mean you can use punctuation (and even spell it) and focus on Dubstep at the same time???
You must be a genius.....or an "old guy".  You must've had to practice at least 30 years to be able to do that.
Oct 16, 2011 at 5:46 AM Post #2,210 of 5,506
Solos = $15,  Studio = $30 ($15 plus $15 for ANC), Pros = $30.  I had the Pros pegged at $75, about 1/2 the price of ATH M50s, which are 2x as good.  Then I heard about the Panasonic 600s for $30 that are better, even for bassheads. But the Pannys only have a 90 day warranty, so I figured they were worth about the same money.
**disclosure** I have heard the Beats and the M50's, but not the Pannys.
so how much do you think the beats are actually worth

Oct 16, 2011 at 6:08 AM Post #2,212 of 5,506
This happens to me all the time (I go to UH where on average I will see around 30-40 pairs of beats on campus a day, so a lot of Beats support) 
I must admit... I used to be one of those people who thought beats were the be all end all :O :O 
But when you think about it someone mentioned that the 4 main headphones are Beats, Sony, Bose, and Skull candy and this is true, not a lot of places (in Hawaii at least) allow you to hear the headphones so the only ones you hear are these 4 brands and I must say that Beats beat all of them (when I say Sony I mean the super cheap Sony IEMs like the 5-20 dollar range) and since they
are featured at the Apple store people can actually try them unlike most other headphones sold around here.
Background: I used to own Skull candy (Skullcrushers) and thought they were awesome (This was from stepping up from the 4 dollar jelly earphones.) 
Reason I got em was cause they sounded way better than my super cheap POS "IEM" 
Then 2 months later they break (plastic snapped and one of the cans stopped working) 
Back to 4 dollar IEM and faith in headphones crushed :frowning2:
Then I hear the Bose and I think they're AWESOME!! But alas... no money :frowning2:
Then later I hear Beats and I am in LOVEE I go to the Apple store sometimes just to listen to em on my iPod :x
Saving money to buy some Beats but they're just too dang expensive.
Epiphany: I go to Japan and what happens? They have WALLS of headphones out of package ready to be plugged into your iPod to test out. So where do I go? Straight for the Beats! Then the Bose, Then for the heck of it I heard of sennheiser so I try out the 558s...
THESE KILL THE BEATS! I can imagine the price tag is probably in the 600 dollar range... Then I see it's only around $150~ 
Anyway I tried out a bunch of other headphones from Sennheiser, AT, Shure and I realize that 300-400 dollar Beats are just a waste of money. I still think they're okay, but as time went on I don't care for bass heavy music anymore so Beats are just okay... But the performance is nowhere near 300 dollars worth.
I realize that the whole reason that they are so popular is cause they are one of the few headphones that I could actually try in Hawaii and because of that my reference point was some 10 dollar Sony IEM or the 4 dollar jellies, and compared to those the Beats KILL them.
currently own ATH XS5 which I actually got for $40 in Japan due to my lack of funding, otherwise would have gotten the 558 (sidenote Getting Shure 940's soon :)) Even though I still think, for my music, these crush any skull candies and can compete with beats for 1/7 the price I understand why people like Beats so much. They can actually test them and hear how much better they are than super cheap bad IEMs.

TL;DR: I used to love beats cause they were the only thing I heard other than my cheap 4 dollar IEM. Went to Japan heard some 558's saw price tag realized beats are a waste of money. People mainly like Beats it seem cause they have no idea what good headphones sound like/cost and Beats are their only reference point to what decent headphones sound like.
Oct 16, 2011 at 6:14 AM Post #2,213 of 5,506
I've been quietly following this thread and it's been awhile since I posted. Some of you guys on here have the right idea and some of you guys still don't get why some people just don't like Beats. Below is my original post from a few months ago on why I don't like Beats or more specifically SOME and I do repeat ONLY SOME of their fan base.
It happened roughly 5 months ago, I was sitting in a mall food court and had just finished eating and was just sitting there looking out the window with my Grado SR60i's on. Two tables over there was a group of 5 kids all roughly about 15 years old and one of them had a pair of Solos. The kid with the Solo's came over and asked what kind of headphones I was wearing and further commented he had never seen Grado's before. I told them what they were and the kid then proceeded to hold up his Solo's and say see these they're called Beats. Beats are the top of the line when it comes to headphones you should try them out sometime. I then answered I had and further indicated I wasn't into overly bassy headphones and preferred a more brighter sound. He just stood there looking at me all puzzled, I'm guessing he didn't know what I meant by brighter, and answered the bass on these are completely bad ass man you'll really love how crazy music sounds on here. I then said I didn't like the bass on the Solo's (see earlier post above for specifics as to why ) and he continues to look at me like I'm talking some weird martian dialect and proceeds to blurt out dude I'm talking music not frequencies who cares about frequencies get a life. He then goes back to his gaggle of homies (which was the only smart thing he did through the whole interaction) and proceeds to blurt out "check out that plastic hunk of junk that dude is wearing. Can you believe he doesn't like Beats? I guess when somebody can't afford quality haters will be haters" It was about then I waved over a security guard and had the idiots tossed out of the food court for acting like idiots.
That's the complete story, why the kid seemed hell bent to show off his Solo's to me and grand stand over them I have no clue whatsoever. The group of kids involved I would put at maybe 15 or 16 years of age. I'm 40 I don't bother concerning myself with what other people's kids are doing. If I choose to engage someone especially a stranger usually it's someone around my own age or at the very least someone old enough to shave. I especially don't concern myself with the latest fads the teen crowd is into Beats being one of them.

Personally I can't but help think sometimes society in general has evolved into a class of fashionista follow the leader sheep. In a lot of ways I'm especially disappointed in SOME of the younger crowd out there. If anything it should be the younger crowd who should be the most vocal anti fashionista establishment type individuals. I know my comments are harsh and I apologize if I rubbed anyone wrong but seriously whatever happened to the 16 year old rebel without a cause type's? What happened to the kid who didn't care if his cloths were manufactured by the latest trendy fashion designer and chose instead to wear tattered jeans and a 10 dollar T-shirt and couldn't care less what some wanna be school hipster thought? What happened to that wild free spirited kid who threw his middle finger in the air in the face of mass commercialism? Seriously, sometimes I can't help but wonder what it's going to be like when the present day 18 year old turns 40 and he/she cares about nothing except having the nice house that looks exactly like the other 1000 houses lining the block. Seeing so many people especially young people conform only makes me wonder if we're all heading on the fast track to self imposed mental slavery. There's far more to life then fitting in there love passion creativity and respect for individuality.
Sorry I know I'm sounding like I'm ranting but speaking as someone whose 41 it really does worry me how our young seem so eager to simply lie back and believe whatever some faceless mega corp spews out as the one and only gospel. The fact that Monster and companies like Monster can get away with advertising garbage to the young consumer as the next holy grail must have product doesn't surprise me. What surprises me to the point of disbelief is that so many of the young blindly believe it without even stopping to think that maybe just maybe what they're buying into is just a lot of hype with no substance. Trust me when I tell all you younger users on here after nearly half a lifetime you learn fast that 3/4's of whats out there selling on those shelves is little more then a carefully worded lie designed to con you out of your hard earned money. You also learn to practice a healthy dose of cynicism and you develop a never mind the pretty pictures prove to me what you're selling is worth my time attitude.
My apologies for ranting. This old guy had a bad night at work and needed to get this crap off his chest. Carry on with your discussion.
Oct 16, 2011 at 6:39 AM Post #2,215 of 5,506
Solos = $15,  Studio = $30 ($15 plus $15 for ANC), Pros = $30.  I had the Pros pegged at $75, about 1/2 the price of ATH M50s, which are 2x as good.  Then I heard about the Panasonic 600s for $30 that are better, even for bassheads. But the Pannys only have a 90 day warranty, so I figured they were worth about the same money.
**disclosure** I have heard the Beats and the M50's, but not the Pannys. 

That's kind of hyperbole. The Solos I admit can be worth $15, but the Studios are at best on par with my M50 and the Pros exceeded in terms of SQ, just not worth the extra $200.
My judge:
Solos = $30, Studio = $80~100, Pro = $200~250
Oct 16, 2011 at 6:48 AM Post #2,216 of 5,506

Solos = $15,  Studio = $30 ($15 plus $15 for ANC), Pros = $30.  I had the Pros pegged at $75, about 1/2 the price of ATH M50s, which are 2x as good.  Then I heard about the Panasonic 600s for $30 that are better, even for bassheads. But the Pannys only have a 90 day warranty, so I figured they were worth about the same money.
**disclosure** I have heard the Beats and the M50's, but not the Pannys. 

I'd say they'd be more fairly priced at around 2~3x that for RRP. Solos = $50, Studio = $100 Pros = $150. Naturally street prices should be lower and I'm basing these RRPs on similar standard, bassy consumer headphones. I'd rather be fair than exaggerative, despite my repulsion to Beats.
EDIT: You just beat me to it crinacle 

Oct 16, 2011 at 7:32 AM Post #2,218 of 5,506
@Digital Freak
Insightful, frightening reality that I sometimes choose to look away from, it would make Aldous Huxley roll around in
his coffin and scream to see some of his premonitions from 'Brave New World' slowly come to fruition. 
Oct 16, 2011 at 7:39 AM Post #2,219 of 5,506

That's kind of hyperbole. The Solos I admit can be worth $15, but the Studios are at best on par with my M50 and the Pros exceeded in terms of SQ, just not worth the extra $200.
My judge:
Solos = $30, Studio = $80~100, Pro = $200~250

I wouldn't pay 80 for the Studios. Even with the added NC, it's a 60~70$ headphone. I don't think in SQ it's much better than the Solos.
This kind of thread usually goes into the "how much do you think they're worth" debate, and yeah, those are usually the prices being shouted out.
Oct 16, 2011 at 10:21 AM Post #2,220 of 5,506

I seeeeeeeeee now, everyone should post how old they are before they post, because as I see most of you guys must be pretty old. I mean comeon spelling, I feel like trollin you guys wth bad spelling now, cause its just too funny. Really spelling, teenagers are dumb, yeah of course they are. Its called being lazy you older guys should try it sometimes and only focusing on things we care about. All I see is hate and more hate on the younger generation. by the way i'm 18. 

I just turned 17 last month. It doesn't take much to know how to spell and stuff. Sloth eventually leads to self-destruction. 
Going along with what DigitalFreak said, I truly fear for the future, but I feel that it won't take too much to whip kids back into reality. Maybe I'm being optimistic, but I see more kids around me that are the type that doesn't give a care about the rest of the world thinks, the type that does wear whatever shirt and pair of tattered jeans they have, the type that don't fall for the common trends. I might be living in a smallish town, but it really is the people with their own voice that are the ones that are respected. But nobody really knows about them because they're overshadowed by the pomposity of the conformists that watch 'Merica TV and wear Ed Hardy and think that "being individual" means wearing the same clothes "cool" people wear, in a different pattern or color.  Eventually, I'm hoping the conformists will succumb to the reality of life and stop failing as humans, but that will likely be by following the nonconformists. It's sickening how kids are basically being raised to follow others, but I have a feeling that things will work out after college.
Oh, and I thought the Pros are an upgraded version of the M50 when amped.

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