Geek Wave backers: Customer Happiness Survey (from a fellow backer)
Oct 8, 2015 at 3:46 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 29


Headphoneus Supremus
Dec 31, 2011
I'm wondering how backers of the Geek Wave are feeling, so I made this unscientific survey to satiate my curiosity. Feel free to comment and raise hell if necessary.
Oct 8, 2015 at 4:05 PM Post #2 of 29
  I'm wondering how backers of the Geek Wave are feeling, so I made this unscientific survey to satiate my curiosity. Feel free to comment and raise hell if necessary.

Thanks. To me LH Labs sucks. I needed a place to vent. With any luck LH Labs will read it. 

Oct 8, 2015 at 4:53 PM Post #3 of 29
LH Labs is like that one friend who swears he'll pay you back next week, but never does. Promises start to become white noise, and after a while you just wish they'd stop calling you... because you know that every time they call, they just want more money.  
Oct 8, 2015 at 5:25 PM Post #4 of 29
the wave thing is a complete joke.  they hide behind it being crowdfunding and so we as backers should not expect anything.  we will get what we get when get it.  pretty lame but for a company trying to build a core of fans for their presumably many products now and in the future, its a laughable perspective.
even worse for me though is that they admitted sending out the Verb IEMs despite knowing the end product did not meet their specs.  sure its a relatively small and inexpensive product but that is evidence of their commitment to themselves and to their customers.   outrageous and unforgivable as far as I'm concerned.
assuming it ever ships, i have no confidence the wave will be anything near a "no compromise" product and will look forward to getting it only so i can close the book on any more crowdfunding.
Oct 8, 2015 at 7:00 PM Post #5 of 29
I refuse to answer because I don't fit neatly in the wonderful survey:
I should be "livid" but... not yet.
The only reason I'm not livid? - they have so much of my money I can't afford to lose hope.
So yea, but still, I'm done with crowd funding forever.
Not just LHL's fault as I've been burned by others (no delivery or late delivery of **** product) -  but they are my most expensive mistake.
Oct 8, 2015 at 9:39 PM Post #6 of 29
I'm actually ok with the time ur had taken. I expected it to take this long. I do hope that things like the processor are updated to newer faster processors... Just like the DAC wad updated to the A version.

That said, I'm not happy with the continued asking for money.

Oh, and I'm much happier now that I have my pulse infinity. And I'm so glad that I waited and got the chassis 2.0. The pulse chassis 1.0 feels like a $300 DAC, it sounds like the 1.1 feels like a$200 DAC. The 2.0 chassis feels like a $1000 DAC.
Oct 8, 2015 at 10:18 PM Post #7 of 29

Don't know what I have 1.0 or 1.1 It does sound like better than a $200 or $300 unit though. Actually it sounds quite nice. I am glad that I have been able to use it for three months that I wouldn't have had with it had I waited for the new chassis! I have always been a function over form kind of person ...
It matters not how I feel about the Pulse, I am very unhappy with the way the Wave debacle is and has been going. The 32 MB guys got burnt.  was pretty much told I had to go with 128 MB... and paid for it. Now there is no end in sight.
Hard to be happy much less optimistic about the outcome.
 I am also poisoned  on crowdfunding. Never again for me.
Oct 9, 2015 at 11:53 AM Post #8 of 29
These delays happen when you back a technology start up.  The companies always over promise, and often under (or never) deliver.  Often times, technology trends shift while the product is still under development, rendering it obsolete.  The other hi fi player manufacturers are working on integrating streaming capabilities into their offerings.  Once they are released, the Geek Wave will be a year or more behind the state-of-the-art.
Oct 9, 2015 at 12:03 PM Post #9 of 29
@auricgoldfinger to be fare, this product development is exactly what happens behind closed doors inside a company.  The company comes up with an idea and tries to develop and implement it.   Time moves on and others are doing the same thing.  The only difference here is that they asked for money up front... rather than after it was developed.  In theory this lets them sell it for less because they already know that they have customers waiting rather than having to develop it on spec and hope that people will buy it in the end.  
Complicated products like this take time to develop.  The hope is that during development, they have put in place plans to deal with upgrading where needed. 
I'm not trying to defend LHLabs, more just point out that this is product development, you just get to see it in progress rather than only see the final products.
Oct 9, 2015 at 12:09 PM Post #10 of 29
@greenkiwi I am just sharing my experience from investing in technology start ups.  LH Labs is following the typical path, which may or may not be successful.  More often than not, investors are left wanting.  I sincerely hope you receive the product soon and that it meets all of your expectations.
Oct 9, 2015 at 3:28 PM Post #11 of 29
  @greenkiwi I am just sharing my experience from investing in technology start ups.  LH Labs is following the typical path, which may or may not be successful.  More often than not, investors are left wanting.  I sincerely hope you receive the product soon and that it meets all of your expectations.

Since we have LH Labs in the thread now, anyone have any questions for them?
Oct 9, 2015 at 4:54 PM Post #12 of 29
  @greenkiwi I am just sharing my experience from investing in technology start ups.  LH Labs is following the typical path, which may or may not be successful.  More often than not, investors are left wanting.  I sincerely hope you receive the product soon and that it meets all of your expectations.

The biggest issue I have with this whole thing is the way it was presented on Indiegogo.  Yes, I understand that the purpose of the whole campaign was to raise money and lots of it...  But, in retrospect, I think it was done in a very deceptive, dishonest way.  If you go back over the Indiegogo presentation, you'll see what I mean. There were plenty of diagrams and charts and testimonials and pictures/videos of people supposedly listening to a prototype of the Wave...  My honest impression was that the project was well underway and with some more time (measured in 6-9 months) and money, extra "perks" could be added to the basic Wave.  Then there were all the "stretch goals" with promises of free upgrades... If I were not personally involved monetarily in this project, I would find it all a bit comical.  However, I don't find any of it amusing at this point.  I feel LH Labs is quite dishonest and they have lied to each and everyone of us...  LH Labs has GROSSLY overpromised on the Wave, and in my opinion Larry Ho is in WAY OVER his head with this project....  I do not know any of the people at LH Labs, but Larry appears to be either a somewhat talented, but naïve audio engineer or a self-indulgent narcissist. Gavin appears to be a slick adman who will print or say anything to keep the money coming in.  Casey and Manny appear somewhat thuggish to me and they will do what it takes to stifle honest criticism or feedback....  From all appearances and LH Labs' track record so far, I only see things getting (much) worse before they get better.  Given that we still have no evidence of a true, independent functioning prototype of a basic Geek Wave, I find it absolutely impossible to believe that Larry and the Gang will handcraft each and every iteration of Wave that has been requested, er, I mean perked for.  So, my guess is that we will eventually be notified that only a finite number of Geek Wave (maybe a few variations of the basic, X, and XD models and a few of the TOTL XD) models will be offered.  This will mean that some (?many) of us will be notified that our Geek Wave model is not available, and we will need to "invest" more money to upgrade to an available model.  I believe the whole purpose of the "survey" we filled out a year ago was to determine which Wave models would be developed in the end...  Don't believe me?   Just remember the Geek Wave 32 GB model, you know, the one that was being developed as a bargain, the one that was going to be "perked" at a price less than it cost LH Labs to make, so EVERYONE with limited finances could experience high definition music at a nice price...  Funny how that was the first version to be axed, and oh, by the way, if you had "perked" for the Geek Wave 32, you only had to come up with more money to stay in the game... So much for a nice price for high definition music...  But look at the bright side, the Geek Verb IEM (you know the ones that got less than positive reviews amongst the Head Fi and Geek Wave forum members) are now a complete BARGOON on Amazon for $25 a pair...  And the interesting thing is that the reviews are mostly very positive, all 4-5 stars...  Funny how that happens, I am left to wonder if Gavin or Casey has anything to do with these positive reviews... wouldn't surprise me a bit!
Oct 9, 2015 at 9:35 PM Post #13 of 29
Sad news to report... The Geek Verb IEMs are no longer available on Amazon.  I find this very peculiar, they were listed a few days ago when my curiosity got to me and I checked to see if Amazon still had them... From my memory, they had multiple color versions available and they were all selling for $25 a piece...  Huh??
Oct 9, 2015 at 9:48 PM Post #14 of 29
The biggest issue I have with this whole thing is the way it was presented on Indiegogo.  Yes, I understand that the purpose of the whole campaign was to raise money and lots of it...  But, in retrospect, I think it was done in a very deceptive, dishonest way.  If you go back over the Indiegogo presentation, you'll see what I mean. There were plenty of diagrams and charts and testimonials and pictures/videos of people supposedly listening to a prototype of the Wave...  My honest impression was that the project was well underway and with some more time (measured in 6-9 months) and money, extra "perks" could be added to the basic Wave.  Then there were all the "stretch goals" with promises of free upgrades... If I were not personally involved monetarily in this project, I would find it all a bit comical.  However, I don't find any of it amusing at this point.  I feel LH Labs is quite dishonest and they have lied to each and everyone of us...  LH Labs has GROSSLY overpromised on the Wave, and in my opinion Larry Ho is in WAY OVER his head with this project....  I do not know any of the people at LH Labs, but Larry appears to be either a somewhat talented, but naïve audio engineer or a self-indulgent narcissist. Gavin appears to be a slick adman who will print or say anything to keep the money coming in.  Casey and Manny appear somewhat thuggish to me and they will do what it takes to stifle honest criticism or feedback....  From all appearances and LH Labs' track record so far, I only see things getting (much) worse before they get better.  Given that we still have no evidence of a true, independent functioning prototype of a basic Geek Wave, I find it absolutely impossible to believe that Larry and the Gang will handcraft each and every iteration of Wave that has been requested, er, I mean perked for.  So, my guess is that we will eventually be notified that only a finite number of Geek Wave (maybe a few variations of the basic, X, and XD models and a few of the TOTL XD) models will be offered.  This will mean that some (?many) of us will be notified that our Geek Wave model is not available, and we will need to "invest" more money to upgrade to an available model.  I believe the whole purpose of the "survey" we filled out a year ago was to determine which Wave models would be developed in the end...  Don't believe me?   Just remember the Geek Wave 32 GB model, you know, the one that was being developed as a bargain, the one that was going to be "perked" at a price less than it cost LH Labs to make, so EVERYONE with limited finances could experience high definition music at a nice price...  Funny how that was the first version to be axed, and oh, by the way, if you had "perked" for the Geek Wave 32, you only had to come up with more money to stay in the game... So much for a nice price for high definition music...  But look at the bright side, the Geek Verb IEM (you know the ones that got less than positive reviews amongst the Head Fi and Geek Wave forum members) are now a complete BARGOON on Amazon for $25 a pair...  And the interesting thing is that the reviews are mostly very positive, all 4-5 stars...  Funny how that happens, I am left to wonder if Gavin or Casey has anything to do with these positive reviews... wouldn't surprise me a bit!

  Sad news to report... The Geek Verb IEMs are no longer available on Amazon.  I find this very peculiar, they were listed a few days ago when my curiosity got to me and I checked to see if Amazon still had them... From my memory, they had multiple color versions available and they were all selling for $25 a piece...  Huh??

I've got a pair (+1 more from a friend) that I've listed. But TBH, its not even worth $25 


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