++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum
Feb 1, 2012 at 10:22 PM Post #11,656 of 29,490

Oh I think you're misunderstanding me. I want the M50's because they don't leak sound since they're closed, and I do radio w/ a condenser microphone so yea. They'll be exclusively for music.
I was wondering if some Sennheiser 5xx's would be a good 2nd pair to get even if I'm just using them for games and movies. 

Well, all I meant was that I don't think sound leak from an open pair will interfere with microphone usage. If that's true, you might not even need 2 separate pairs, and save yourself a hundred bucks.

Hey all, Im looking for new pair of headphones. They need to be extremely comfortable. Price range $300-$400. I listen alot of music and watch series & movies. Some gaming too.
Current amp: Meier Audio Corda Head-Five
Current cans: Beyerdynamics DT-770 pro 80ohm
Dubstep/Drum and Bass: Pendulum, Headhunterz, Mord Fustang, Feed Me etc..
Rock: Rise against, In Flames
alot of various artist in Hip Hop too.
I was looking at Sennheiser HD598, HD600 or AKG 701, are any of these cans good for my taste of music?

Well, what's deficient in your current cans? are you looking for something different, or an upgrade?

I've narrowed my choice for open full size headphone to these:
AKG K701
Sennheiser HD558 (or maybe the 598 if it is worth it)
Audio technica ATH-AD900
I do not have a headphone amp and I will use these only at home. I'm looking for a balanced sound, with no particular emphasis on any part of the frequency range. 

Without an amp, i think the senns are your best bet.

Thanks. I was a worried about putting myself out there and getting comments like you listen to that. But from what I've seen everyone is pretty accepting of other's tastes around here.
Regarding portability, I would like it to be portable in that I can take them to the office from time to time, on vacation, or camping. However, I don't need them for walking around. But if I am eliminating a viable option with better sq with this level of portability, I would rather go with the sq. I'm giving the HM5s serious consideration. The Denon's I have heard can perhaps be a little more bass than I like, given my preferences. What do you think? I'm also seriously looking at the hd598s as well. Would it make sense to purchase the hd598s drive them with what I have and once I have the funds invest in a nice amp. That way when I am possibly thinking of upgrading I'll have a adquate amp.

I think either one is a good option, so it's up to you. the senns might be more scalable as you improve your setup, however.

Hey all! I'm a longtime IEM user and I'm thinking of buying a pair of cans. I have a budget of around $150 USD.
Generally I prefer sound signature that's warm (or on the warm side of balanced). I definitely like to have some sonic flavor and steer clear of anything dry or analytical. I prefer forward mids but have no problem with them being neutral, I'm not a fan of recessed mids and I like them to be silky smooth and flow like liquid.
I like bass with good impact and extension but I don't need them to be cannons. I also like to have as massive of a soundstage as I can get, whether it be immersive or spacious. I enjoy both forms of presentation.
Build quality is a huge thing for me, I can't drop money on audio quality alone, I'm looking for a complete package. Overall, I'm looking for something that's very fun, engaging, non fatiguing. These will be amped with a portable so impedance isn't really an issue. These will only be used to listen to music, no movies or gaming.
Thanks for all of your help!

Since you have IEMs I assume they'll be for home, so maybe the HD558s?

  1. Rock- RHCP, Incubus, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Rise Against, Thrice, Kings of Leon, Grateful Dead, Audioslave, 311, Therefore I Am, Brand New, CCR, etc.
  2. Pop-rock- Third Eye Blind, The Strokes, Vampire Weekend, The Beatles, The Killers, Oasis etc.
  3. House- Deadmau5, Flux Pavilion, Swedish House Mafia, Avicii
  4. Rap/Hip-hop- Aesop Rock, Nas, Tupac, The Roots, OutKast, Eminem, Jay-Z, Kanye
  5. Also a lot of mellow music a la City and Colour, Slightly Stoopid, DCFC, OAR, Bob Marley etc.
  6. Lot's of FLAC and high quality OGG files for the most part.
Sound Signature
Not totally sure if I would like a neutral or colored headphone better to be honest but as you can see the majority of my music is rock oriented.  I have a pair of Senn HD25-1 II for portability that I enjoy but I haven't had a lot to compare them with.  I can say with certainty that I would like a slightly more aggressive sound, a rather wide and accurate soundstage (to contrast the Senn's I own now), bass with decent impact/control, and highs that have a fair bit of sparkle.  With all that said detail and accuracy of detail are key but not at the expense of enjoying my music.
What to get
I have a budget of up to 350 USD (a little over if need be) for a pair of headphones and a Amp/Dac but obviously do not wish to spend it all for the sake of spending it.  They will be used at home in a quite area so isolation and portability are a non-issue.  I have been floundering between the Fischer FA-003's and FA-011's though I have a feeling that I might find the 003's to be too sterile.  Would a pair of 011's paired with a Fiio E17 be suitable for my music tastes?  If not, what do you suggest?  Also keep in mind that I will most likely sell off the E17 in favor of the upcoming ODA/ODAC ( desktop version of the O2 amp + DAC) when it is released.  What say you Head-Fi?!

To be honest from what I've read about both of these headphones it sounds like they would be seriously lacking in the bass department for both Rap/Hip-hop and any EDM while only being average for rock music.  The Q701's are often described as thin sounding while the HD598's are said to excel in the orchestral and acoustic genres.  However, I do agree that an open headphone may be preferable to contrast my HD25's.  Any other suggestions?
Edit: Sorry, kinda screwed up the first quote.  Kinda new to the whole forum thing. 



The HD598 should have more bass than the Q701s if you're concerned about that.

hey thank u fr replying to my last post. . :)
bt since i live in dubai. . options are a bit low. . and costly. .
what i have in mind ryt nw is d akg k514. . is it any good?? it looks like it is made out of cheap plastic. . 
thank u again. . :)


so could anyone help me with minestrange request?

"heya. i have limited amount of money, and i can't decide if i can pay more for better headphones (i mean, is it really that worth to pay more for better headphones?) i am buying from this store (this is my native store, so i translated site with google translator): http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=lt&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.hifipasaulis.lt%2Findex.php%2Fkatalogas%2Fbrowse%2F14-ausins%3Fsef%3Dhc&act=url (btw, they translate price, for ex. 240 LT (litas, my native money), so they put price 240 £, just in case)  so i would want to fit in 200, or if it's extra worth in 300. and if there's ennourmosly big difference between those cheap headphones, and for example ath-m50 (those cost 500, if they're soo much better than other ones, i might consider these, because i read a lot of reviews, ath-m50 is just for me) i want closed btw.
so i'm mostly listening dubstep (well, not total fanboy, because famous artists are ruining real dubstep), some beats, dnb, well, i just want headphones with punchy bass (not really on that bass from which my head would shake :D, but still, bass is requirement), crisp highs, overall balanced sound. should be durable, broke few cans before.
btw, i heard about ultrasone hfi series or shure, but i can't find to buy them in my country (lithuania), but maybe i will go to vacation and grab those, what you think about ultrasones and shure?
thanks in advance" 

it would be awesome if someone could answer not only "listen to all headphones at store", i'm too shy and lazy to listen for all headphones.

Where do you live that the M50s cost 500? Sorry, I can't really decipher the rest of your post... But if you want more bass, i think a look into the Ultrasones may be warranted.

I listen to a variety of music. 311, Ben Folds, Avenged Sevenfold, Flyleaf, Vitamin String Quartet, Mumford & Sons, AC/DC, Queen, Johnny Cash, a little bit of rap, not enough to really influence a headphone choice however. 
Yes, I read the AKGs clamp hard, so I will probably rule them out. The CALs definitely look solid, just missed an eBay auction on them, ha. I know if I got them I would be happy. I know if I got the DBI 700s I would most likely have to replace the pads (another $30) but they are tough as nails, literally. As for sound signature preferences, I don't want something too bass heavy, and that's about my only preference for sound signature. I'm afraid I don't have the experience enough to have a big opinion. 
Mids: Forward? I believe is the right word I am looking for
Highs: Smooth, not grainy I guess.
Bass: I'm not a basshead, therefore a large amount is not needed. Enough for a punctuation point on the music, not an exclamation mark.
I guess my decision falls to CAL vs Superlux HD668B vs DBI 700 (only show up on eBay every once in awhile). The Superlux is more open than the CALs though, right? I keep reading more and more good thing on the Superlux's, is there that much sound leakage? With how cheap they are I wouldn't feel bad upgrading their pads. Yet if I upgrade the pads, I might as well have just gotten the CALs :)

I think you're best off getting the CAL!s, because they have a pretty mainstream sound signature, and are just overall most convenient to use. I wouldn't know anything about the DNBs, and I've never heard of them around here, so be wary. Also the superluxes will leak some sound, and you will be able to hear what's going on around you.
Feb 1, 2012 at 10:25 PM Post #11,657 of 29,490
I've been looking around for a bit and wanted to know whats the best pair of Headphone I could get for around 100 bucks.
I'm a college student so I would prefer a closed set of headphones so I won't disturb people in the library or my roommates. I won't be moving around much with the headphones so being fold able isn't such a big deal either. Neither is getting a portable amp. Any suggestions?
Feb 1, 2012 at 10:46 PM Post #11,658 of 29,490

Looking for some headphone advice please guys. I've been looking around at different cans and I think I'm leaning towards either the Beyerdynamic DT770s or DT990s but I'm open to other suggestions. I can realistically use open or closed and I have used both in the past. Comfort is an absolute must, I could end up wearing these for 5+ hours a day and I don't want anything but circumaural.
I'm also looking for advice on what amp to pair with these headphones. I will be running off a laptop so from what I gather I'm going to need an amp of some kind for most decent headphones.
My music preference is pretty varied, I spend most of my time jumping between trance/dance and rock/pop nowadays though so aiming towards that kind of sound. I like heavy bass as well, especially when I'm listening to trance. I'll also be using them to watch movies and play games.
Max I can justify spending is around $300-350, I can raise that though if there's a good reason to do so. I previously owned some Sennheiser HD595s and I really enjoyed them. I'm a bit of an audio noob so would value some experienced advice as to what to go for next.

For your bass-heavy genres, the D2000 might be worth a look, and they're very comfortable. If you liked the 595s, though, you could look into the 598s next. As for the dac/amp, check out the Fiio E10 or E17 as well.

Been lurking here for a few months now, but i'm stuck and need advice so i made an account.  I've combed through multiple threads trying to find answers already, but i seem to be broadening my decision rather than narrowing it down with every thread i read.  So i figured i'd ask with the specifics that are important to me.  I currently own a pair of ATH-M50's and love them, but now i'm thinking of upgrading.  Considering what they have done for my listening experience if there is better to be had within my price range i want it.
I primarily want headphones for listening to House and Dubstep.  Those are kind of broad genres so to be more specific on the type of sound i like some of the DJ's/producers i particularly enjoy are Nero, Flux Pavilion, The Glitch Mob, Dada Life, Deadmou5, Doctor P, Dj Fresh, Rusko, Sub Focus, and bassnectar.  Some specific songs would be Ferry Corsten - Punk, ladybox - cookies fly, Deadmau5 - Aural psynapse.  
I'm looking at the $300 range but would be willing to go as high as $400 if the price difference made a big enough difference in quality.  I want some portability, and as much comfort as possible without sacrificing the sound i'm looking for.  Strong but accurate bass.  Accuracy is more important.  I listen to a lot of stuff with female vocals so i want something that will do well with female vocals as well. Besides that,  clear all encompassing sound.  Sorry,  i'm not better at articulating what i'm looking for but i hope i've communicated clearly enough to get the advise i'm looking for.  Thanks in advance to anyone who takes the time to respond. also any advice on overall setup would be greatly appreciated.

Again, for house/dubstep, look into the D2000s or Ultrasones like the HFI780s. 

Hi there,
Im looking for full size over ear headphones to replace my studio beats. I was seriously considering Bose QC15's before i saw the less than reputable reviews on sound quality. That leads my to my question? What cans should I get? I would prefer Noise cancelling, but i am really just looking for good sound quality with no sound leakage. If anyone has any suggestions please go ahead and PM me or reply.
BTW my pricepoint is around 350 CDN and i listen to mostly 70's 80's rock and modern rock, hip hop and pop.

Do you really need the ANC? IME, you don't really need it unless you do a lot of airplane travel or are very sensitive to noise, because a well-isolating pair can block out enough to begin with. ANC tends to jack up prices and mess with the sound quality. For portability, look into the HD25s, M80s, and for over-ear check out the standard M50, SRH840, HFI780, HM5, etc.

Hi! been following this forum for quite some time now and would like to get some buying tips for headphones. can you guys recommend some nice cans within the range of $20-$30? on-ear and over-ear(if possible) i don't really like the in-ear things. thx in advance! :)

There's not a ton of options at $20, as most stuff is pretty mediocre... I've seen some people recommending JVCs in that price range, as well as some Monoprice DJ cans. You might want to go search for the thread for more info on that. Otherwise, look at ljokerl's review thread here: http://www.head-fi.org/t/433318/shootout-98-portable-headphones-reviewed-sony-mdr-pq2-and-philips-oneill-sho9560-added-01-02-12
Feb 1, 2012 at 10:47 PM Post #11,659 of 29,490

I've been looking around for a bit and wanted to know whats the best pair of Headphone I could get for around 100 bucks.
I'm a college student so I would prefer a closed set of headphones so I won't disturb people in the library or my roommates. I won't be moving around much with the headphones so being fold able isn't such a big deal either. Neither is getting a portable amp. Any suggestions?

The Brainwavz HM5 come recommended at 119.50, but I'm not sure how well they perform unamped.
My new at-home (casual, college student) and portable set up is the E17 amp (150USD) and the Sennheiser HD 25-1 II's, which cost a little less than 200 dollars.
Feb 1, 2012 at 10:50 PM Post #11,660 of 29,490

Hi! been following this forum for quite some time now and would like to get some buying tips for headphones. can you guys recommend some nice cans within the range of $20-$30? on-ear and over-ear(if possible) i don't really like the in-ear things. thx in advance! :)

Invest 40 and buy the Koss PortaPro's. They're amazing at the price... The Koss KSC75 is also very good (at 15 dollars), but the PortaPro's are a better value even at 40.
Feb 1, 2012 at 10:51 PM Post #11,661 of 29,490

I've been looking around for a bit and wanted to know whats the best pair of Headphone I could get for around 100 bucks.
I'm a college student so I would prefer a closed set of headphones so I won't disturb people in the library or my roommates. I won't be moving around much with the headphones so being fold able isn't such a big deal either. Neither is getting a portable amp. Any suggestions?

For $100, some perennial favorites are Creative Aurvana Live!s and Koss DJ100s. Maybe the AKG K181s as well, since they go for $100 on amazon.
Feb 1, 2012 at 11:01 PM Post #11,663 of 29,490
hi guys,
totally new to the forum and headphones.
have been using in-ear earphones for years now, started with the cx300s and now im using some scosche idr-655m. due to the rise of the dre beats i wouldnt mind getting some headphones now
im looking for some headphones for my iphone that have a remote and microphone built in please
my budget is roughly £70 (about $120?)
they cant be open backed (i bought some grado sr60i's and they leak too much sound)
id very much prefer if they looked okay and not old-school like the grado's lol! but would consider it
the music i listen to is mostly edm (trance, prog house) and rap + random other music sometimes
headphones wanted
~£70 budget
iphone compatible (remote + mic)
NOT open backed
look cool
please help!
thanks in advance
Feb 1, 2012 at 11:42 PM Post #11,664 of 29,490
hi guys,
totally new to the forum and headphones.
have been using in-ear earphones for years now, started with the cx300s and now im using some scosche idr-655m. due to the rise of the dre beats i wouldnt mind getting some headphones now
im looking for some headphones for my iphone that have a remote and microphone built in please
my budget is roughly £70 (about $120?)
they cant be open backed (i bought some grado sr60i's and they leak too much sound)
id very much prefer if they looked okay and not old-school like the grado's lol! but would consider it
the music i listen to is mostly edm (trance, prog house) and rap + random other music sometimes
headphones wanted
~£70 budget
iphone compatible (remote + mic)
NOT open backed
look cool
please help!
thanks in advance

You'll want to check the IEM/portable forums. Almost no full sized audiophile headphones will have a remote + mic built into the cable since it degrades sound quality.
Feb 2, 2012 at 12:01 AM Post #11,665 of 29,490

Will I need a Amp for any of these?


hi guys,
totally new to the forum and headphones.
have been using in-ear earphones for years now, started with the cx300s and now im using some scosche idr-655m. due to the rise of the dre beats i wouldnt mind getting some headphones now
im looking for some headphones for my iphone that have a remote and microphone built in please
my budget is roughly £70 (about $120?)
they cant be open backed (i bought some grado sr60i's and they leak too much sound)
id very much prefer if they looked okay and not old-school like the grado's lol! but would consider it
the music i listen to is mostly edm (trance, prog house) and rap + random other music sometimes
headphones wanted
~£70 budget
iphone compatible (remote + mic)
NOT open backed
look cool
please help!
thanks in advance

As a previous poster mentioned, not a whole lot of cans have the mic. However, if you still like IEMs, a lot of those do have the remote/mic combo, so maybe look there. The only one I can think of in your price range that fits your reqs is the Klipsch Image Ones, which aren't particularly good, as the bass is a bit overpowering.
Feb 2, 2012 at 1:15 AM Post #11,666 of 29,490


I think you're best off getting the CAL!s, because they have a pretty mainstream sound signature, and are just overall most convenient to use. I wouldn't know anything about the DNBs, and I've never heard of them around here, so be wary. Also the superluxes will leak some sound, and you will be able to hear what's going on around you.

Alright, I agree. And the DBIs are apparently not bad..just not a ton of people know of them/use them. There's quite a few threads on Head-Fi about them like http://www.head-fi.org/t/447906/dbi-pro700-first-impressions and people seem to like them. They're headphones used at music stores to sample music apparently, built like tanks and owners seem to really like them (after a pad change :) ) Here's one more thread, if you ever get curious: http://www.head-fi.org/t/509220/dbi-pro-700-review-if-chuck-norris-transformed-into-headphones-hed-be-the-dbi-pro-700
If I can snag a pair of them for cheap, I might, and then wait for a deal on the CALs or just pull the trigger at $70 since they don't go on sale/eBay very much :) Thanks for the help
Feb 2, 2012 at 3:15 AM Post #11,667 of 29,490

First off, I should have said Fiio D5 (USB) not D3 (optical).
The E9 could be hooked directly to the line out/speaker/headphone output jack (3.5mm mini jack) on your laptop, just need a 3.5mm mini jack cable, male both ends.
Your Laptop came with a low cost DAC (Digital to Analog Converter), which feeds the 3.5mm line out/speaker/headphone output jack with an analog audio signal.
Fiio D5 should provide better DAC feature then what your laptop came with.
So, you would run a USB cable from your laptop's USB port to the USB input on the D5, then a 3.5mm mini jack cable, male at both ends, from the line out on the D5 to the line in on the E9.
Computers, (laptop and desk top) have electrical noise which can interfere with analog audio signals.
So using the USB port (which is a digital signal), you take the digital audio signal to an external device (Fiio D5), so the audio signal is converted to an analog signal away from the inside of the computer.
Hope this helps.

That's fantastic thanks, my main source of confusion was about the DAC with the digital inputs but the full explanation is brilliant. Gives me a much better understanding of what I need.
Feb 2, 2012 at 3:17 AM Post #11,668 of 29,490
Originally Posted by lapamato 

Hey all, Im looking for new pair of headphones. They need to be extremely comfortable. Price range $300-$400. I listen alot of music and watch series & movies. Some gaming too.
Current amp: Meier Audio Corda Head-Five
Current cans: Beyerdynamics DT-770 pro 80ohm
Dubstep/Drum and Bass: Pendulum, Headhunterz, Mord Fustang, Feed Me etc..
Rock: Rise against, In Flames
alot of various artist in Hip Hop too.
I was looking at Sennheiser HD598, HD600 or AKG 701, are any of these cans good for my taste of music?

Originally posted by 50an6xy06r6n
Well, what's deficient in your current cans? are you looking for something different, or an upgrade?

Im looking for something different and maybe even upgrade to better, Im still gonna save these cans they are awesome, but they clamp to my head really hard and it starts to hurt after couple of hours. Also want to try different brand.
Feb 2, 2012 at 6:12 AM Post #11,669 of 29,490
Should I get new HD600s for $316 or refurbished HD650s for $309?  Amazon had this fulfillment by amazon thingy and the company that is selling it is Pinnacle Deals. 

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