Fostex x Massdrop TH-X00 Review
May 9, 2017 at 10:58 AM Post #10,216 of 12,089
Got the dekoni sheepskin pads from the latest massdrop. With the attenuator rings. it seems like now they are tooo bassy for my liking.
May 9, 2017 at 1:23 PM Post #10,217 of 12,089
Howdy folks. I'm thinking about buying a Mahogany TH-X00 to complement my HD6XX for all of the reasons discussed here (more bass, easier to drive, etc).

I was just curious how many long term owners still love them. Reading through the majority of this thread it seems like there are a lot of folks who start off incredibly enthusiastic and then end up selling them off after a few months. I know that is common for any new headphone with a lot of hype/buzz. Just wondering how much staying power these things actually have.

They are a great headphone but do have coloration that is exhibited regardless of the music. This is generally just an added weight to the music due to extra bass but can sometimes have an etch or harshness in the music from the slightly ragged treble, especially 10kHz.

They are an excellent closed back can, and I ordered the Dekoni x Massdrop Sheepskin and Velour pads plus attenuation rings which should allow me to tailor the sound as I see fit.

I still enjoy them, but honestly I reach for the HD6XX twice as often as the TH-X00 (Purpleheart). I have thought about selling them, but will likely keep them for a while.

I use my Purplehearts far more than 6XX, but for different reasons. If I had different musical tastes, that might change things.

Stax are my normal daily driver, my bass-heavy cans are for fun :) So actually, the further from Neutral the better for me for my cans in this group.
May 9, 2017 at 1:47 PM Post #10,218 of 12,089
Didn't take long for me to find I didn't like the Dekoni TH-900 pads on the TH-X00 that came in from Massdrop... not because of the sound (which is fine with the attenuator ring) but because of their fitment. Way too loose on the head, the headphones feel like they are going to slide right off, I don't think stock SHP9500's ever felt this loose. The small circular holes are also not that great for comfort... actually less comfortable than stock style. Now I'm convinced circular pad openings are not ideal unless the inner diameter is HUGE and the thickness is more substantial. I know the pads on the K7XX were fine and they had a huge round opening that was on the shallow side.

I just went ahead and ordered the ZMF Ori pads that I've been wanting to for a while: I know those will be comfortable because they are the same dimensionally as my current J-money pads.

If anyone has small ears and the stock TH-X00 has a tight grip on your head that you want to lessen let me know...
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May 9, 2017 at 2:28 PM Post #10,219 of 12,089
Howdy folks. I'm thinking about buying a Mahogany TH-X00 to complement my HD6XX for all of the reasons discussed here (more bass, easier to drive, etc).

I was just curious how many long term owners still love them. Reading through the majority of this thread it seems like there are a lot of folks who start off incredibly enthusiastic and then end up selling them off after a few months. I know that is common for any new headphone with a lot of hype/buzz. Just wondering how much staying power these things actually have.

I have mine and purchased them in the very first run. I still love mine.
May 9, 2017 at 4:25 PM Post #10,220 of 12,089
Thanks for everyone's responses. I think they will fit my needs, again as a complement to the HD6XX. I listen to the HD6XX, but want these for their very different sound signature. Now I just have to decide if I hold out for a used Ebony, a Mahogany, or an Emu Teak. I think from what I have read about the Teak's more neutral signature, they might not as good of a complement to the HD6XX as the mahogany or ebony. Decisions decisions :)
May 9, 2017 at 7:55 PM Post #10,221 of 12,089
I received the Velour 2.0 and Fenestrated Sheepskin pads (and two sets of attenuation rings) yesterday. So I now have all 3 types of Dekoni pads that they make for the TH-X00.
All three are a definite improvement over the stock pads in SQ and comfort, but each one has its own unique flavor. But the one sonic characteristic that didn't seem to change much (if any) with any of the pads was the midrange. It always sounded amazing and crystal clear.

Here is a brief summary of my impressions of each of them, both with and without the attenuation rings.

Velour 2.0 (w/ rings) - Very sub-bass heavy (bass and mid-bass are fine) with an excellent midrange but a little too rolled-off and muffled sounding from the low-treble region on up (>2-3kHz).

Velour 2.0 (w/o rings) - The sub-bass emphasis is removed and it now sounds very linear up to the low treble where it still sounds slightly muffled (YMMV). If you are someone who is looking for the mythical 'HD 650 with bass', these pads will get you pretty close.

Sheepskin (w rings) - These are the most V-shaped sounding of the three. If you are looking for a really 'fun' sounding signature, these are great. But while there is more treble energy than with the Velour 2.0's, the ability to 'hear into' the soundstage becomes slightly diminished when compared to the Velour 2.0 pads.

Sheepskin (w/o rings) - The bass now becomes a little too weak, and because of their brighter signature, the treble becomes too pronounced and gets fatiguing quite quickly.

Fenestrated Sheepskin (w/ rings) - By far, my favorite sounding combo. Now this is what I have been looking for! They combine the best parts of the Velour 2.0 and the Sheepskin pads and add a bit of mid-treble emphasis to the mix. They pretty much sound like a high-resolution open-back with amazing (but not overdone) bass.

Fenestrated Sheepskin (w/o rings) - Same as above, but the bass now becomes too weak and the mid-treble and treble becomes over-pronounced.

IMHO, the Fenestrated Sheepskin pads (with attenuation rings) elevate the already very good sounding TH-X00 into a near reference quality headphone. While they don't radically transform the TH-X00's overall SQ, they make an across-the-board improvement in both SQ and comfort. And although they may be relatively pricey, IMHO they are the best under-$100 mod you can do to this headphone.
May 9, 2017 at 9:16 PM Post #10,222 of 12,089
Nice review of the different pads. I LOVE the comfort of the sheepskins. Unfortunately I like the sound with stock pads better. With or without the rings. With rings is too bassy, without is a hair too hot and just kind of unbalanced. I may have to lookout for the fenestrated pads next time theyre on MD.
May 9, 2017 at 9:17 PM Post #10,223 of 12,089
@theangelboy stock pads arent that bad, really, but it's just starting to get warmer here in UK and they already are on the hot side to me. They are still a bit hard-ish, even after 20-30 or so hours of listening.

Also another thing that's bothering me is that treble is super-dependent on how your headphones sit on your head. Moving headphones around a bit makes some sounds audibly shift from left to right.

I love these headphones, but now i regret i cheaped out on that Dekoni pad drop and didnt get myself comfier pads. :frowning2:
May 9, 2017 at 9:17 PM Post #10,224 of 12,089
Thanks for the impressions on the different pads. I dissagree with the best under $100 mod for the TH-X00 though... for me that would absolutely be the Lawton Audio Tune-up kit. Couldn't go back to a stock TH-X00 even with tweaked aftermarket pads afterwards - sounds so congested and unintelligible in comparison. The acoustic damping really works magic to bring out crystal clear clarity and detail that was never there before, along with even tighter bass and a little smoother highs.
May 9, 2017 at 10:19 PM Post #10,226 of 12,089
Thanks for the impressions on the different pads. I dissagree with the best under $100 mod for the TH-X00 though... for me that would absolutely be the Lawton Audio Tune-up kit. Couldn't go back to a stock TH-X00 even with tweaked aftermarket pads afterwards - sounds so congested and unintelligible in comparison. The acoustic damping really works magic to bring out crystal clear clarity and detail that was never there before, along with even tighter bass and a little smoother highs.

I'll have to give the Lawton tune-up kit a try, but only if I buy another TH-X00. That way I can do a quick A-B comparison between the one that is stock and the one that has the tune-up kit installed.
Our aural memory is terrible and we are easily influenced by the placebo effect, which is why I only did the pad comparisons when I could quickly switch between two sets of pads so I could be sure I wasn't hearing things that weren't there.
May 9, 2017 at 11:00 PM Post #10,227 of 12,089
Hello, these rings for the pads, do they fit in the TH900?
May 9, 2017 at 11:43 PM Post #10,228 of 12,089
Got my TH-X00 in today, Mahogany version. Can't listen to them yet. I have no 6.3mm adapters, nor any jacks that size on my amps. Massdrop kindly included an adapter from Monoprice for me. It is completely backwards from what I need. :) And living in the sticks, there were none to be bought anywhere. I think its the first time I've really missed the existence of Radio Shack.

Should be three days for an adapter to reach me from Amazon.

At least the TH-X00 look pretty.
May 10, 2017 at 12:30 AM Post #10,230 of 12,089
Thanks, where can I order them from ? The rings.

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