Fostex x Massdrop TH-X00 Review
Jan 29, 2016 at 11:20 PM Post #4,486 of 12,089
  I'd be very interested in the comparison between them and the JVC woody IEMS. I know they're different beasts but they are on my wish list too, would be nice to know how they compare :)

The comparisons between those two woodies will be interesting.  I've been very satisfied with the JVC FX850 over the last year and listen to them for hours every day at work.  Their attractive wood enclosures and golden brass accents immediately caught my eye.  At home I tend to resort to the comfort of full-sized cans or the vintage four channel speaker setup in the living room.  I don't know if reading this TH-X00 forum daily will make the wait for delivery better or worse.

Jan 29, 2016 at 11:45 PM Post #4,487 of 12,089
Everything in this hobby is expensive.  Hell cables that have $30 in parts can cost upwards of $200 to $300 dollars.

I'm aware. I'm just saying sennheiser could easily get away with charging $30 for this cable.

I suppose that the rise of iems, portable dacs, and low-impedance headphones are beginning to make the 6.3mm-1/4-in. connector obsolete for most applications.
Jan 30, 2016 at 3:33 AM Post #4,488 of 12,089
Thanks, @harpo1! I wanted to give @SonicElectronix my business, but they said it was discontinued. That's a dumb move on Sennheiser's part. Their design is apparently impeccable, and I'm sure it can't cost much to make.  
Anyway, an Amazon Prime seller had a used-liked new one for $13. 
I'm glad I ordered it before the cans arrive. 

Some more searching revealed some sites with cheaper prices, as long as you don't mind waiting:
And Grado makes an equivalent adapter cable but theirs can't be easily found on discount.
Jan 30, 2016 at 4:28 AM Post #4,490 of 12,089
better adapters are not difficult to find
noname 5$
Grado 15$
Sennheiser  16$
audeze 20$
Jan 30, 2016 at 5:29 AM Post #4,492 of 12,089
Can u give a link? I would to upgrade it if I have enough budget :) for the alpha pads. Is it good for EDM too?
Jan 30, 2016 at 7:47 AM Post #4,494 of 12,089
  I just did a search on the included 6.3 to 3.5mm adapter and the consensus seems to be that it's not very good. I know that's going to annoy me because most of my lisetning is on my Oppo HA-2, which only has a 3.5 mm headphone input.
When people refer to the Sennheiser one, do they mean this: Or the one that came with the HD598? 
This one is more similar to the one I had on my HD598:
What does the group suggest?

I've had the Grado adapter for years, which is similar to the Sennheiser one and it has never failed me.  I've had multiple ones like the second one in your link that have caused me problems.  I haven't used the Senn one, but I would go with that one or the Grado one since the generally consensus is that those are the most reliable.
Jan 30, 2016 at 9:46 AM Post #4,496 of 12,089
  Everything in this hobby is expensive.  Hell cables that have $30 in parts can cost upwards of $200 to $300 dollars.

Buying expensive cables is wasting your money for snake oil. Most good headphones have quite good cables anyway. I have Ultrasone Edition M and Oppo PM-2, both have very high quality stock cables.
I prefer the Sennheiser adapter myself, Grado adapter feels more bulky to me.
Jan 30, 2016 at 10:19 AM Post #4,497 of 12,089
Buying expensive cables is wasting your money for snake oil. Most good headphones have quite good cables anyway. I have Ultrasone Edition M and Oppo PM-2, both have very high quality stock cables.
I prefer the Sennheiser adapter myself, Grado adapter feels more bulky to me.

I would think most companies are using the cables that come with the headphones to tune them accurately to the specifications of that headphone model.  But I have to say for example the cable that comes with the 400i  is really short and has a 90 Degree angle that I really am wondering why they would do that.  So I had Peterek  make my X00's detachable with 2.5mm connection since that cable is like a tank.  This way I can use them with my 400i's. The only reason I did this was to have a thicker protected cable to use and longer cable.  They work well with all headsets that have the dual 2.5mm connection and serve their purpose.  
I have tried several other cables that were $1000+ just to try them out.  I heard no difference in them than one's (like you said) came with the headphones.   Honestly the only thing I could tell was the interference that I would get from either putting the cable to close to earth magnets that I have ( just for testing some other things )  or tapping the cable to see if it had an echo .  The protection of the cable which I tested out putting a Ferrite Core Noise Suppressor on the cables (Just to test a theory) or moved the cable around to reduce the noise is really the only difference I hear. 
I know saying this, people will challenge me on this and tell me that I am wrong. Thats fine. But you can not challenge me on how and what I hear vs what and how you hear ◕‿◕ Show graphs all day till we are all blue in the face.  It comes down the experience that you have personally.
Seems like I really just walked out in left field on drugs and just started talking gibberish. LOL
EDIT:  I do have to say if you are a watch hobbyist this is a different story.  You can definitely tell the mechanical movements with different variations apart and do carry their value at a higher price.
Again,  sorry,  I think have drank to much coffee this morning (first cup of coffee since September) 
If you disagree with me on anything above just take it as Satire
Jan 30, 2016 at 10:41 AM Post #4,498 of 12,089
I was a cable non-believer until the HD650. For whatever reason Sennheiser put an absolute POS cable on the HD650. In terms of sound quality that's the only one I've ever heard a difference. Outside of going to a balanced cable, obviously. But that has more to do with the amp than the cable.

ultimately I don't think it's that cables can't make a difference, it's that on most high end headphones they already come wth a very good sounding cable to begin with. But if you have the chance try a HD650 with stock vs a good silver cable.
Jan 30, 2016 at 10:48 AM Post #4,499 of 12,089
I was a cable non-believer until the HD650. For whatever reason Sennheiser put an absolute POS cable on the HD650. In terms of sound quality that's the only one I've ever heard a difference. Outside of going to a balanced cable, obviously. But that has more to do with the amp than the cable.

ultimately I don't think it's that cables can't make a difference, it's that on most high end headphones they already come wth a very good sounding cable to begin with. But if you have the chance try a HD650 with stock vs a good silver cable.

I'll be honest I've heard an HD650 that had pure silver cables and compared it to a stock HD650 off the same setup. It was clear that the silver cable was more transparent, there was less of the "veil" and I'm not trying to beat a dead horse but the Sennheiser veil is still there. It is noticeable when listening to a brighter headphone like the TH-X00 then going back to my HD600 which still sounds kind of hazy or too forgiving in the highs even though some people would say the HD600 is more neutral than the HD650. The HD600 midrange is still a great reference though for comparison and it is hard to find fault with that.
Jan 30, 2016 at 10:53 AM Post #4,500 of 12,089
I was a cable non-believer until the HD650. For whatever reason Sennheiser put an absolute POS cable on the HD650. In terms of sound quality that's the only one I've ever heard a difference. Outside of going to a balanced cable, obviously. But that has more to do with the amp than the cable.

ultimately I don't think it's that cables can't make a difference, it's that on most high end headphones they already come wth a very good sounding cable to begin with. But if you have the chance try a HD650 with stock vs a good silver cable.

Sounds like the 400i cable, I really believe it has to deal a lot with the protection of the cable form interference.  Just a theory,  What If you took that POS cable that came with the 650's and rewrapped that wiring with something like UL VW-1 PET Braided Sleeving  and then put a ferrite bead on both ends of the cable.  Would it sound better?

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