Focal Clear headphones
Mar 11, 2019 at 2:39 PM Post #5,656 of 12,651
The issue I described with "Time" that seemingly went away was also present when listening via my Google Pixel. I also have a MacBook but no other sources really.

So, from what I've read, you're driving the clears from the Pixel or the MacBook, but you don't have any DAC or external headphone amplifier in your chain? If that's the case, I'm sure your devices are reaching their maximum output capability and most likely the source of the clipping that you're hearing. If this is the case, I'd not drive the Clears as loud until you can use an amp capable of driving the headphones without clipping.
Mar 11, 2019 at 2:41 PM Post #5,657 of 12,651
The issue I described with "Time" that seemingly went away was also present when listening via my Google Pixel. I also have a MacBook but no other sources really.

The Clear is so good that it made me sell every other headphone so besides a pair of earpods and 4.40 BT for the television, I have no other headphones to compare to!

Now I listen again, I'm convinced it is something in the recording that the combination of the Hugo 2 and Clear ruthlessly reveals in a way my phone and MacBook can't - although it is there with them. Now I listen extremely carefully with even my earpods I can detect it.
Mar 11, 2019 at 2:43 PM Post #5,658 of 12,651
So, from what I've read, you're driving the clears from the Pixel or the MacBook, but you don't have any DAC or external headphone amplifier in your chain? If that's the case, I'm sure your devices are reaching their maximum output capability and most likely the source of the clipping that you're hearing. If this is the case, I'd not drive the Clears as loud until you can use an amp capable of driving the headphones without clipping.

Sorry, just posted again at the same time you did but to be clear (heh heh) I am using them with a Hugo 2 but the only other sources I have to compare are my phone and MacBook. Anyway, hopefully my last post puts this to bed for me.
Mar 11, 2019 at 2:45 PM Post #5,659 of 12,651
Sorry, just posted again at the same time you did but to be clear (heh heh) I am using them with a Hugo 2 but the only other sources I have to compare are my phone and MacBook. Anyway, hopefully my last post puts this to bed for me.

Thanks for the clarification. From your other recent post, it appears that the issue is with the particular music track you were referencing as you were able to recreate it on other headphones / ear buds.
Mar 11, 2019 at 2:48 PM Post #5,660 of 12,651
Yes, although it is far more subtle. By default it seems to be in the right channel, but swapping the connectors around and it plays in the left channel so that I suppose lends credence to that theory. I would be interested for somebody else to try and listen too...

By the way, damn, I've never listened to my Clears out of my MacBook before (duh) but damn, it has no control over them. Really quite bad to be honest.
Mar 11, 2019 at 3:29 PM Post #5,663 of 12,651
Has anybody used the Silver Dragon on their Clear? If so what did you think? How did it change the sound?

Also if you tried any other cables like the Black Dragon or Blue Dragon or any other brands, would be interested as well.
Mar 11, 2019 at 6:39 PM Post #5,664 of 12,651
I am in the camp that prefers the clears over the utopia. The bass is more present on the clears. For me it has nothing to do with cost of the headphones. I do like my LCD 4z more than the clear though. The bass is damn near perfect on them and the sound stage is much wider too.

I still love the clears they are great and the best bang for the buck headphone that I have.
Mar 11, 2019 at 6:59 PM Post #5,665 of 12,651
nope, i was suggesting that your claim appeared to be based on anecdotal evidence, which it is. i offered another reason for the clear's appeal over the utopia, and that's its significantly lower price. i don't think that's an unreasonable suggestion to make, and nor was it intended to be taken as a put down. i can understand folks preferring the clear over the utopia regardless of price. i can also understand folks preferring the utopia over the clear and being prepared to pay considerably more for it. what i take issue with is when someone makes a sweeping claim about a headphone based on their own personal preference and some anecdotal evidence.

Since there is no scientific evidence I think any stories we put out there are all anecdotal, but that doesn't mean they can be disregarded. I also did not make a sweeping statement either. I used the word many. Focal among other HP companies were a big topic and comparisons were made at CanJam. Many also expressed their desire to buy the Utopia, but again, among many of they was the talk about the treble. I just cited that as a reason, besides cost that someone would choose the Clear over the Utopia. Honestly, I have no dog in this fight because I
own neither right now just relaying what the topic of discussion at the show was concerning the Utopia and Clear. I have not even talked about the Stellia, which is my favorite. :):)
Mar 11, 2019 at 8:24 PM Post #5,666 of 12,651
Since there is no scientific evidence I think any stories we put out there are all anecdotal, but that doesn't mean they can be disregarded. I also did not make a sweeping statement either. I used the word many. Focal among other HP companies were a big topic and comparisons were made at CanJam. Many also expressed their desire to buy the Utopia, but again, among many of they was the talk about the treble. I just cited that as a reason, besides cost that someone would choose the Clear over the Utopia. Honestly, I have no dog in this fight because I
own neither right now just relaying what the topic of discussion at the show was concerning the Utopia and Clear. I have not even talked about the Stellia, which is my favorite. :):)
i didn't say anything about disregarding your anecdotal evidence. this is what you posted - note the bold text: "While the Clears give up some "clarity" and detail to the Utopia the treble is more agreeable to a wider range of people. Which is the reason why many choose the Clear instead." i think that you're extrapolating here based on your own impression of the utopia, and those of a limited number of people who you spoke with at canjam. you're also overlooking the likelihood that hundreds, if not thousands of utopia's have been manufactured and sold. that's potentially a lot of people whose opinions you are excluding in reaching your conclusion. that's why i described your claim as "sweeping".
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Mar 11, 2019 at 10:04 PM Post #5,667 of 12,651
Since there is no scientific evidence I think any stories we put out there are all anecdotal, but that doesn't mean they can be disregarded. I also did not make a sweeping statement either. I used the word many. Focal among other HP companies were a big topic and comparisons were made at CanJam. Many also expressed their desire to buy the Utopia, but again, among many of they was the talk about the treble. I just cited that as a reason, besides cost that someone would choose the Clear over the Utopia. Honestly, I have no dog in this fight because I
own neither right now just relaying what the topic of discussion at the show was concerning the Utopia and Clear. I have not even talked about the Stellia, which is my favorite. :):)

It would be interesting to have a bunch of listeners do a relatively blind comparison of the Clear and Utopia, with their choice of music, to see which they prefer. My guess/speculation is that the preferences wouldn't be too far from a 50/50 split, and it wouldn't uncommon for a given listener to sometimes prefer one and sometimes the other.
Mar 11, 2019 at 10:10 PM Post #5,668 of 12,651
I tried the Utopia and Clear on several different amps and preferred the Clear, surprisingly. But, then again, my favorite headphone was the HD-600, so I kinda prefer a more relaxed sound signature. I wish Sennheiser could make a headphone like the clear and price it at $400! The clear is basically an HD-600 on steroids.
Mar 11, 2019 at 10:21 PM Post #5,669 of 12,651
It would be interesting to have a bunch of listeners do a relatively blind comparison of the Clear and Utopia, with their choice of music, to see which they prefer. My guess/speculation is that the preferences wouldn't be too far from a 50/50 split, and it wouldn't uncommon for a given listener to sometimes prefer one and sometimes the other.
The absence of double blind testing is telling. Psychological factors are quite powerful.
Mar 11, 2019 at 10:56 PM Post #5,670 of 12,651
@up late , @mixman

I'd say it's a little of both, as in:

- Some folks prefer Clear to Utopia due to the price/performance ratio
- Some folks prefer Clear to Utopia due to differences in tonality, particularly in the treble region

- Some folks prefer Utopia to Clear as they seek the 'ultimate' in resolution and detail
- Some folks prefer Utopia because they cost so much more than Clear :ksc75smile:

But when we're talking about preferences, of course it's going to be anecdotal, at least until my comprehensive study on headphone preferences is funded by the NSF. I'm pretty sure it will be a line item in Trump's new budget proposal :)

Of course there's one additional preference option:

- Some folks bought Utopia before Clear came out, and refuse to listen to Clear because they don't wan't to know how close they could have gotten to the Utopia sound for less than 1/2 the price :triportsad:
i have no issue with people expressing their personal preferences and providing anecdotal evidence of similar preferences. it's the generalisations they make based on that anecdotal evidence that i question. 

speaking for myself, i have intended to give the clear a listen for some time but the appearance of other new headphone releases at my local headphone store waylaid me. it was the stellia last time around but i will get to the clear eventually.
LOL, surely some truth there. I was surprised at how similar the Elear, Clear, and Utopia were (subjectively, for me) in back to back comparisons with quick switching and reasonable matching of levels and music segments. There are differences, but smaller than I expected, and I slightly preferred the Clear overall regardless of price. If I had bought the Utopia first, then did this sort of comparison, I probably would have been bummed that I paid that much for the Utopia and could have gotten the Clear for less than half the price. Paying big bucks for a headphone always involves the risk of regret, due to something better or similar coming along at much lower price.
again, speaking for myself, i'm not anxious about listening to the clear regardless of how i find it. it won't cause me to enjoy the utopia any less or to regret having purchased it.  
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