flinkenick's 17 Flagship IEM Shootout Thread (and general high-end portable audio discussion)
May 14, 2021 at 11:06 AM Post #31,711 of 39,419
So the SK arrived...

The shells are gorgeous, the packaging is spectacular, the sound is stupid technical and they aren’t overly aggressive or bright (while still maintaining a reference-y sound)

What I don’t understand is, how did this stock cable manage to pass through not one, but two companies with pretty extensive experience with both IEMs and cables?

I have owned a few IEMs in my day and I think this is the first time I've come across a cable that is 100% unusuable - not even microphonic or uncomfortable, but clearly and simply not usable :D it's mostly hilarious to me because it never stood a chance to see any use but still damn lmao
But you don't understand the finer things in life my friend. What about the sharks liver, gold and silver used on the cable?

I bet you put fine Beluga caviar on Grilled Cheese sandwiches :wink:

edit: that doesn't sound too bad actually
May 14, 2021 at 11:17 AM Post #31,712 of 39,419
So you're selling the LX but keeping the SE, huh. I'd love to try it someday. My LX should be here in the next few hours...looking forward to getting reacquainted... :)
Honestly, it’s really hard for me to choose between them. I gravitate towards LXSE because it has more forward upper mids and treble, with slightly reduced mid bass, and that works a little better for the music I listen to most of the time. But the OG LX has its own magic that LXSE can’t match on certain songs.

Ideally I’d keep both lol, but it’s hard to justify. I figure an OG LX will be easier to replace if I change my mind.
May 14, 2021 at 11:38 AM Post #31,713 of 39,419
But you don't understand the finer things in life my friend. What about the sharks liver, gold and silver used on the cable?

I bet you put fine Beluga caviar on Grilled Cheese sandwiches :wink:

edit: that doesn't sound too bad actually
Grilled cheese with truffles? That's one bougie breakfast

Honestly I really like the split and the MMCX pins. Might send it to @doctorjuggles to take apart and use the split/pins on another cable.
May 14, 2021 at 12:02 PM Post #31,714 of 39,419
Grilled cheese with truffles? That's one bougie breakfast

Honestly I really like the split and the MMCX pins. Might send it to @doctorjuggles to take apart and use the split/pins on another cable.
Grilled cheese mushrooms toasties with shaved truffles are delicious. Truffle is like MsG and adds Unami flavour to many things. Beluga however is best had on its own. It would taste like Uni on a sandwich. Quite unpleasant sounding.
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May 14, 2021 at 12:14 PM Post #31,715 of 39,419
So the SK arrived...

The shells are gorgeous, the packaging is spectacular, the sound is stupid technical and they aren’t overly aggressive or bright (while still maintaining a reference-y sound)

What I don’t understand is, how did this stock cable manage to pass through not one, but two companies with pretty extensive experience with both IEMs and cables?

I have owned a few IEMs in my day and I think this is the first time I've come across a cable that is 100% unusable - not even microphonic or uncomfortable, but clearly and simply not usable :D it's mostly hilarious to me because it never stood a chance to see any use but still damn lmao
You gave me the chance to repost this (once again lol).
May 14, 2021 at 12:16 PM Post #31,716 of 39,419
Grilled cheese mushrooms toasties with shaved truffles are delicious. Truffle is like MsG and adds Unami flavour to many things. Beluga however is best had on its own. It would taste like Uni on a sandwich. Quite unpleasant sounding.
Smoked jalapeños and honey with vanilla ice cream.
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May 14, 2021 at 12:33 PM Post #31,717 of 39,419
You gave me the chance to repost this (once again lol).
They probably developed the cable just for that picture !

Or maybe they had some spare slinkies they didn’t know what to do with?



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May 14, 2021 at 12:35 PM Post #31,718 of 39,419
They probably develop the cable just for that picture !

Or maybe they had some spare slinkies they didn’t what to do with?

indeed! Lmao 🤣 🤣 🤣
May 14, 2021 at 1:05 PM Post #31,719 of 39,419
Gents, it's time to unwrap the magic that @doctorjuggles has created for me (with some minor input from yours truly) - and I can tell you, even fresh out the bag, it's already proving to be some of the best money I've spent in audio. Below are two photos that speak for themselves (literally, I annotated them so you don't have to guess what they are). Just sit back and admire. If you want the full story to how I came to own these genuinely magical lengths of softly-wrapped cord, point your pointer at the spoiler below. More details, photos, impressions and a full review to follow in the coming days and weeks.



Anyone who knows me will know that I've never been much of a 'cable guy'. Coming to IEMs from full-size cables, I always felt cables were more about look and feel, and as long as they were well made and not too jangly, they were much of a muchness. In truth. Even though I eventually had some bespoke cables made for my full-size headphones, I hardly ever heard much of a difference between them, truth be told, even with transparent headphones like the HD800.

Fast forward a few years, and I've done a full 180 on cables. As I climbed up the IEM ladder, I couldn't help but notice subtle but very audible differences between the cables I mixed and matched between my IEMs. The effect was often unpredictable, smoothing out some frequencies, sharpening up others, leaving some untouched. I experimented with materials, quickly realising that not all copper was copper, and that copper, silver and the mix of both had a very definite effect on the sound, though in mostly unpredictable ways.

Eventually I settled on a combination of copper and copper-plated cables (PW Audio Anniversary No. 5 and No. 10) for my two IEMs, based mainly on the look and feel (I loved the thick, 8-wire PW Audio No. 10 @xenithon first showed me, with its gorgeous hex-style hardware, and had to have it). It was soon joined by the No. 5 8-wire which I figured would tame some of the excesses of my new favourite IEM, Fourte. As an aside, it turns out the number of wires also makes a sonic difference - who knew?

That's about as far as I ever expected to go, because let's face it, the changes - when they're there - aren't 'night and day' like so many other parts of the chain, and even if they're more than just subtle, there was a limit to how much I was willing to spend on a cable, having blown beyond my budget on flagship IEMs. Sure, PW Audio makes a series of legendary cables with dates for names, but never in my wildest dreams did I ever plan on owing one, let alone two.

By matter of coincidence, two things happened that changed all that. First, I was introduced to a genius called @doctorjuggles (not his real name), who was not only a fellow ex-South African, but happened to makes cool looking and sounding cables, some of which I got to try myself courtesy of xenithon. Then, when visiting said xenithon a few months back, I finally got to hear what a true summit-fi cable sounds like with my own IEMs (the 4-wire 1960s that happens to accompany a famous little bird). I honestly didn't expect much beyond small refinements, and really only had half an hour to try it, but that was all the time I needed to understand exactly how a cable can fundamentally improve the overall sound of an IEM. The blackness of background, clearly increased dynamics, reduced glassiness and overall impact the cable imparted on the Fourte, compared directly to the cable I'd been more than satisfied with before, was ear-opening to say the least.

There and then I knew, if I wanted to hear the Fourte at its very best, I needed to get that cable - or at least one very much like it. And since the 1960s (and 1950s) are the only IEM cables I'm aware of that use genuine Cardas wire to achieve their sound (the brainchild of one P Wong), I had to figure out a way to get my hands on one without remortgaging my house...

...which brought me back to the first happy coincidence, doctorjuggles. Because, as it happens, the good doctor had previously made cables using the self-same genuine Cardas wire, and as a bonus, they cost significantly less. Until I had a crazy thought: what if the doc could make me a Cardas cable with only two wires? I mean, a 2-wire Clear Light cable already exists (in the form of PW's 1960s 2-wire), which is made from thinner wire than the Cardas Clear.

Following a quick check with the doc that he would a) be wiling and able to try it, and b) could actually get stock of Cardas wire (which is notoriously costly to acquire since Cardas doesn't sell the bare wire), I bit the bullet and placed my order. If it worked, it would be the world's first 2-wire version of a Cardas Clear IEM cable. It was a risk, sure, but even the doc was excited to make this thing, if only to see if he could. And boy, could he!

The rest of the story is one of how we decided on the various aspects of the cable design (more doc deciding and me, the cable noob, nodding in agreement). For one, Cardas Clear, once stripped down to the thin grey-skinned cable, is not very robust. In fact, it's quite frail. So between the doc and I we decided to use Paracord to reinforce it, much like Cardas did with its own Clear Light headphone cable. At that point, my OCD demanded that both cables look and feel the same - after all they were going to be a power pair. So I asked doc to put a second layer of Paracord over the Clear Light, making it identical in look and feel to the now-Paracorded Clear, and also the first Clear Light cable I know of with a double Paracord skin.

Let's just say this was probably the toughest part of the build, but I'll let doc, if he wishes, regale you with stories about trying to Paracord over wire that refuses to be Paracorded. Thankfully, no cable is a match for doc's ingenuity, and so, after a brief war of wits, the 'world's first' 2-wire Clear and SuperParacord Clear Light cables came to be.

As you'll see from the photos, the only difference between the cables, other than the 'secret sauce' George puts into his Clear and Light wires, is the colour of the hex hardware. In fact, many of the design cues on these cables were inspired by PW's classics, but I daresay doc improved on them!

The next few days will see me immersed in discovering these two amazing cables. I can already tell you the ergonomics are something you have to experience for yourself; these are more supple, lighter and more comfortable than any other IEM cable I've ever had the pleasure of using. A HUGE thank you to @doctorjuggles - Sir, you are a genius and a gentleman, and none of this would have been possible without you. A thank also to @xenithon for your relentless support and encouragement, and to my partner-in-crime for the Cardas build, @saltyfr0g, for joining me on this journey.
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May 14, 2021 at 1:53 PM Post #31,720 of 39,419
May 14, 2021 at 2:03 PM Post #31,721 of 39,419
Spot on, and Cayin alluded directly to this in a post on the N6 thread:

To be honest, we are hesitated to roll out R01. This is Cayin’s first attempt on R2R, and from Marketing point of view, we should reserve this as a selling point for new DAP down the road. The N6ii DAP is almost 2 years old (first shipment dated May 20, 2019), while its can satisfy the functional requirements of modern DAP, potential customers will probably start their search from recent models. This is inevitable for Android-based DAP as we bridged between consumer electronics and hobbyist audiophile product. While the modular approach has extended the product life of N6ii, we cannot expect the product to sustain indefinitely. For instance, R01 probably will help us to sell several hundred sets of N6ii, which is hardly feasible if N6ii is not modular based. On the other hand, a new R2D DAP will definitely attract more attention and creates more sales. Nevertheless, we decided to bite the bullet and offer our first ever R2R implementation to our devoted N6ii customers. The R01 is also the most resource consuming and highest production cost Audio Motherboard in N6ii platform. We want to complete the innovative mission of N6ii with our new venture, so the 6th Audio Motherboard will be the final Audio Motherboard for our 6 series N6ii DAP.

and since we have used our R2R halo with N6ii already, we probably won't roll out another Android based R-2R DAP immediately.:ksc75smile:
Cayin Stay updated on Cayin at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
May 14, 2021 at 2:48 PM Post #31,722 of 39,419
The rest of the story is one of how we decided on the various aspects of the cable design (more doc deciding and me, the cable noob, nodding in agreement). For one, Cardas Clear, once stripped down to the thin grey-skinned cable made famous by the original 1950s, is not very robust. In fact, it's quite frail. So between the doc and I we decided to use Paracord to reinforce it, much like Cardas did with the thinner Clear Light cable in the 1960s.
2 wire Cardas Clear is an interesting consideration. The full wire designs from Cardas themselves and PW opted for the 4 wire for a reason other than splitting sales with a 2 wire option. Though the 4 wire is rather unwieldy based on the one I owned, 2 wire will definitely improve on the ergonomics at the very least. Not to say the increase impedance from reducing the wire count as well.

The jacket on the Cardas Clear is suppose to be much better than PVC, but not as flexible so I'm surprised you opted to sheath it in paracord. Any particular reasons with the robustness that you or @doctorjuggles could elaborate on?
May 14, 2021 at 3:15 PM Post #31,723 of 39,419
May 14, 2021 at 3:32 PM Post #31,724 of 39,419
"The Headphone List was founded by ljokerl and average_joe, the two pioneers of iem reviewing and early contributors to the portable audiophile community"

I was here when those guys were here and haven`t seen them in recent forums. They knew their stuff.
May 14, 2021 at 4:26 PM Post #31,725 of 39,419
Arrived. First impression on the V14 is it has an impressive sound, and those that found the VX bright in the trebles will no longer find that to be the case. More impressions and unbox photos coming soon …


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