Flawless albums
May 25, 2011 at 6:58 PM Post #166 of 941

Seems to me there is a few of people just listing thier favorate albums here...  Are we looking for flawless? or just our faves?
I know it's hard (if not impossible) to find any kind of objectivity in music taste, but to list every album by a favorite band.... they would have to be the greatest band of all time to have all flawless albums. And not even Justin Biber is capable of that! 
 FLAWLESS!   not favorite!!  (sorry just a rant

All the ones (except for one, which I didn't realize I included) I listed I would consider flawless. Please also consider I left off many of my favorite albums because of a bad track.
May 25, 2011 at 9:34 PM Post #167 of 941

Seems to me there is a few of people just listing thier favorate albums here...  Are we looking for flawless? or just our faves?
I know it's hard (if not impossible) to find any kind of objectivity in music taste, but to list every album by a favorite band.... they would have to be the greatest band of all time to have all flawless albums. And not even Justin Biber is capable of that! 
 FLAWLESS!   not favorite!!  (sorry just a rant

I have a few favs that did not make my "flawless" list, and some that made my list but not my overall Top Ten.    Shona Laing's "South", for example, doesn't get a lot of playtime but when I do put it on I usually play it all the way through, as all the songs are very good.  And I love U2's "War" and it's in my all time Top 10 list, but it's definitely got some filler in it.
I actually have a mental "Top Ten" that I keep, and only four of them are in my "flawless" list.

May 26, 2011 at 4:39 AM Post #168 of 941
LugBug1, I'm not sure how you substantiate that claim. Sure, there have been a surprising number of posts where people are suggesting more than two or three albums by one artist, but opinions as to what is meant by the term "flawless" are clearly going to differ. Some people are going for "I like every track", but that's not a crazy interpretation of the original rubric: look back at the original post. I think you'd have to show that there were albums in people's lists that were unarguably flawed, and that's a tough needle to thread. FWIW my own list had albums had crossover with my list of favourite albums but it was by no means the same list.
May 26, 2011 at 5:33 AM Post #169 of 941

LugBug1, I'm not sure how you substantiate that claim. Sure, there have been a surprising number of posts where people are suggesting more than two or three albums by one artist, but opinions as to what is meant by the term "flawless" are clearly going to differ. Some people are going for "I like every track", but that's not a crazy interpretation of the original rubric: look back at the original post. I think you'd have to show that there were albums in people's lists that were unarguably flawed, and that's a tough needle to thread. FWIW my own list had albums had crossover with my list of favourite albums but it was by no means the same list.

To be fair I think you are right, one person's current favorite or indeed "all time fave, will be flawless to them. (I think 3 Pink Floyd albums are flawless come to think of it) It's one of those arguments that could go on and on! And we don't want to go down that road... It was just a rant.
Carry on as normal

May 26, 2011 at 6:13 AM Post #170 of 941
I think there is some truth in your former observations.  Some of these lads will change their minds after they've had time to live with their lists.  Trust me guys, those 'favourites lists' will be radically different and more stable in 10 years 
normal_smile .gif

Taste has a habit of becoming broader and more discerning with experience.  But in the end, everything we say here is entirely subjective.  It's only a matter of degrees.
May 26, 2011 at 9:55 AM Post #171 of 941
Rehabitat, you raise an interesting question. True, people's lists do change, but in some cases they get smoothed out and less personal. For example, at the age of fifteen I would have listed amongst the perfect albums Queen, Queen II, Sheer Heart Attack, A Day at the Races, A Night at the Opera. Those are all still pretty brilliant albums, but I know better than to set myself up as a raving Queen fanboy.
Now I dutifully switch out a good many of those for more respectable choices. (Led Zeppelin IV has never been one of my favourite albums, but it's so obviously perfect that you end up sticking it in there almost by default.) In a sense, I'd rather hear some metal fan raving about something that he or she thinks is superb than see a more rational and sophisticated list, where factors such as variety, musicianship, sound quality etc. get thrown into the decision process. Perfection is a pretty odd thing to crave in music in the first place.
May 26, 2011 at 10:36 AM Post #172 of 941
Alright I have two albums of my long time favorite that are Flawless to my ears because I can listen to them from beginning to end without shuffle because it would ruin the magic of these concept albums.
Marillion, Misplaced Childhood (1985)

Marillion, Clutching at Straws  (1986)

May 26, 2011 at 10:39 AM Post #173 of 941

In a sense, I'd rather hear some metal fan raving about something that he or she thinks is superb than see a more rational and sophisticated list, where factors such as variety, musicianship, sound quality etc. get thrown into the decision process. Perfection is a pretty odd thing to crave in music in the first place.

…not sure I understand this line of thinking. I mean, I tend to think that great art is about transcendence, and to get there I'd have to guess that some form of ambition is involved. Most of the great musicians I've had the pleasure of speaking with seemed to go into the process trying to make the most focused, cohesive thing they could come up with at the time. No, they don't always succeed, but the quest is there. And I don't get the sense that it's an insular process, either; rather than going down a genre-specific rabbit-hole, it's expansive. Even with bands I'm not necessarily crazy about (Pink Floyd, say, or Radiohead), I can hear that they're goin' for sh-t. At the very least, that's kinda what I'm looking for…

May 26, 2011 at 10:42 AM Post #174 of 941
I would also add that I agree with the following Pink Floyd albums to be flawless:
The Dark Side of the Moon

Wish You Were Here


The Division Bell

May 26, 2011 at 11:04 AM Post #175 of 941

I would also add that I agree with the following Pink Floyd albums to be flawless:
The Dark Side of the Moon

Wish You Were Here


The Division Bell


DSOTM, Wish You Were Here and Animals are flawless in my opinion. Especially Wish you were here! But The Division is to Gilmourish. His lyrics are boring and have no depth IMO. But i got to say that Marooned is one great song! 

May 26, 2011 at 11:24 AM Post #176 of 941

DSOTM, Wish You Were Here and Animals are flawless in my opinion. Especially Wish you were here! But The Division is to Gilmourish. His lyrics are boring and have no depth IMO. But i got to say that Marooned is one great song! 


The Division Bell is very Gilmourish, but I feel it's a significant departure from The Wall and a more refined and sophisticated version of Momentary Lapse of Reason.
Seems to me there is a few of people just listing thier favorate albums here...  Are we looking for flawless? or just our faves?
I know it's hard (if not impossible) to find any kind of objectivity in music taste, but to list every album by a favorite band.... they would have to be the greatest band of all time to have all flawless albums. And not even Justin Biber is capable of that! 
 FLAWLESS!   not favorite!!  (sorry just a rant

Well, and I say this without any intention of being confrontational, my perception of a flawless album will no doubt differ from many other people based on my taste in music and what I happen to have on my shelf.
My criteria for a "flawless" album is an album that I will listen to from top to bottom every time. to me, A "flawless" album is an album where I like every track and enjoy the transitions and changes in mood throughout. A "flawless" album is one of those albums that starts and ends far too quickly and leaves me saying "Wow... That was a seriously fast 65 (or whatever) minutes". It's an album I listen to very infrequently and try very hard not to learn the words to because I don't want it to be stuck in my head for days and get stale. I tend to rip my flawless albums as one long track.
The interpretation of a flawless album is a lot like the way men choose their "flawless" woman: It all depends on mood, presentation.... and how much you've had to drink at the time. Some guys make picks that have the rest of us nodding sagely in silent approval (and envy).
Some guys are serial piggers. 

May 26, 2011 at 11:49 AM Post #177 of 941
Uh-ohhh…I think we've somehow awakened Head-fi's sizable Pink Floyd contingent. I was wondering where you cats had gotten to…was kinda marveling at the restraint.


Art Ensemble Of Chicago - People In Sorrow
May 26, 2011 at 12:05 PM Post #178 of 941

I would also add that I agree with the following Pink Floyd albums to be flawless:

Yip, the 1st three of your list would be my choice too!
I do love the Division Bell, but as has already been said its a Gilmore album not a Pink Floyd one. This is no bad thing, but without Water's influence they tend to slide towards commercialism. 
May 26, 2011 at 12:12 PM Post #179 of 941
Another one of my Flawless FAV
Genesis, Selling England by the Pound (1973)

And I know I'm not suppose to post Live album but I don't concider this one to be a usual "Live Album" because the concert was an extensive improvised material that I can listen and listen again and get immerse in this incredable performance.
Keith Jarrett, The Köln concert




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