FitEar Parterre (パルテール) Thread
Aug 16, 2013 at 11:41 AM Post #286 of 768
Recently, in a different thread, I described the 334s perhaps in rather harsh terms but, looking again at those comments, I'm afraid to say they still ring true to me: "The 334, while having a wow effect, would soon become too much—a bit like having a delicious but ultimately huge meal—stuffing yourself, so to speak, on yummy food".

Now, the Parterres are undoubtedly closer sonically to the 334s than they are to the F111s, but the Parterres take that same delicious meal and serve you the right quantity—you definitely won't feel sick after the meal, and will, instead, have very much appreciated such fine cuisine — as a result, you will make sure you come back in the future for another fine meal.
Yes, to these ears, the Parterre is an exquisitely tuned IEM.
Aug 16, 2013 at 12:13 PM Post #287 of 768
I would be interested to read your thoughts on the Parterre treble versus the K3003. If I had one quibble with the TG334, it was that its treble timbre would be a bit steely. I remember the K3003 treble being brassy and thus more realistic sounding (the K3003 treble was one of my favorites). Curious to know if the Parterre is closer to the TG334 or K3003 in this respect.
Aug 16, 2013 at 12:21 PM Post #288 of 768
  I would be interested to read your thoughts on the Parterre treble versus the K3003. If I had one quibble with the TG334, it was that its treble timbre would be a bit steely. I remember the K3003 treble being brassy and thus more realistic sounding (the K3003 treble was one of my favorites). Curious to know if the Parterre is closer to the TG334 or K3003 in this respect.

I'm not as high up on the Parterre as 4321 is (it's actually my least favorite FitEar), but if I were to pick a part of its presentation that I really liked, it'd be its treble. It's sparkly, but not harsh. However, the K3003's treble presentation is quite different. Last week, I heard one after another, even though I wasn't directly comparing the two. JM2C
Aug 16, 2013 at 12:28 PM Post #289 of 768
I'm not as high up on the Parterre as 4321 is (it's actually my least favorite FitEar), but if I were to pick a part of its presentation that I really liked, it'd be its treble. It's sparkly, but not harsh. However, the K3003's treble presentation is quite different. Last week, I heard one after another, even though I wasn't directly comparing the two. JM2C
Tom, why do you like them less than 334 and 111?
Aug 16, 2013 at 12:37 PM Post #291 of 768
  Tom, why do you like them less than 334 and 111?

It's not numbered. They need to rename it the TO GO! 4321 --- 4-way, 3-unit, 2-driver, for 1 mansparrow!

Actually, I don't really like its mids/upper-mids.
Aug 16, 2013 at 12:41 PM Post #292 of 768
I would be interested to read your thoughts on the Parterre treble versus the K3003. If I had one quibble with the TG334, it was that its treble timbre would be a bit steely. I remember the K3003 treble being brassy and thus more realistic sounding (the K3003 treble was one of my favorites). Curious to know if the Parterre is closer to the TG334 or K3003 in this respect.

Well, the K3003 remains the best IEM I've heard. Now, treble-wise, that's a tricky one as it really depends which recording / album you pick, but suffice to say the Parterres have, so far, really impressed me in that department. Here's one track where the Parterres render percussions brilliantly:!/s/Reckoner/2DqJQb?src=5
I'm not as high up on the Parterre as 4321 is (it's actually my least favorite FitEar), but if I were to pick a part of its presentation that I really liked, it'd be its treble. It's sparkly, but not harsh. However, the K3003's treble presentation is quite different. Last week, I heard one after another, even though I wasn't directly comparing the two. JM2C


When tomscy2000 calls the cheerful sparrow "4321", it reminds him of those times many, maaaany moons ago, when his mum and dad would call him by his first name—not necessarily scary, really, but... close enough. I don't suppose Mr tomscy2000 would mind if I called him "2000"?
Congrats Sparrow. Just a piece of advice though...stop buying iems that make you happy or the grumpiness will become an act.

The Parterres have really made me happier than I expected. Oh, but rest assured there's far, FAR too much grumpiness in me to remain cheerful for even 5 minutes.
Aug 16, 2013 at 12:54 PM Post #293 of 768
I'm not as high up on the Parterre as 4321 is (it's actually my least favorite FitEar), but if I were to pick a part of its presentation that I really liked, it'd be its treble. It's sparkly, but not harsh. However, the K3003's treble presentation is quite different.

Could you elaborate a bit on how it's treble presentation is different to you?

I guess the short version of my question would be is the Parterre's treble more of a steely or brassy sound?

For whatever reason, I find treble to be the hardest part if the FR for most phones to get right. Can it be extended and sparkly without harshness and can it do all that and sound realistic? Do cymbals really sound like cymbals? Sadly very few get all of those right.
Aug 16, 2013 at 12:58 PM Post #294 of 768
Actually, I don't really like its mids/upper-mids.

I will address the midrange later as I get more ear-time with the Parterres, but it looks like we may have a pretty different take on it. But, ain't that fun? Imagine if we all always agreed. Mind you, the FI-BA-SS would definitely be my number 4 choice today (the 5th would be the KAEDEs, FWIW).
Aug 16, 2013 at 1:06 PM Post #295 of 768
I'm not as high up on the Parterre as 4321 is (it's actually my least favorite FitEar), but if I were to pick a part of its presentation that I really liked, it'd be its treble. It's sparkly, but not harsh. However, the K3003's treble presentation is quite different. Last week, I heard one after another, even though I wasn't directly comparing the two. JM2C

I'm with Tom on this,  the only thing about the Parterre that I find superior to the 334 is its treble. While they both share the same tweeter, Parterre's top end is more sparkling and fun to listen to, but still retains some amount of smoothness while the 334 may get sibilant and harsh at times. This is due to the acoustic horn implemented on the Parterre so you can't blame the 334 anyway. That aside the 334 wins hands down in the mid department, with the Ipod touch 4 as the source I don't really like the way the midrange is presented on the Parterre compared to the 334, it's a bit too prominent and upfront for my taste. However I need to give the remark they both are excellent IEMs and they're truly worth the price tag even if you omit the 'made in Japan' part.  
Aug 16, 2013 at 1:37 PM Post #296 of 768
i think that the parterres do crazy well with all forms of instruments. I have been using them for about 2 weeks, changed to ortofon tips due to the ridiculous amount of discomfort that i experienced with the stock tips. The bass is not overpowering and does not mix into the mids. Mids are a bit boring, but I have used the Westone es5 exclusively for around 4 years now so take that with a pinch of salt. The treble is beautiful, and very coherent with regards to cymbals and stuff. These do ridiculously well for classical or orchestral pieces but not so much for pop and rock. I, however find them adequate for all the other genres.
Aug 16, 2013 at 1:44 PM Post #297 of 768
So I'm getting that compared to the F111 the Parterres have more bass, maybe similar mids, and more treble?
Aug 16, 2013 at 1:53 PM Post #298 of 768
The first thing that grabbed my attention when I heard to the 334 was its midrange, and that went on for a few days—loved it! But just for a few days. Rather soon, though, I felt the 334's midbass, in particular, would have a not so favourable effect on the midrange at times —this took more prologued listening, of course.

I haven't yet mentioned the Parterre's midrange on purpose, precisely because of my 334 experience—still too soon, that is. The midrange is the frequency I personally attach most importance to and find it's the frequency hardest to get right.

To be perfectly honest, the midrange was a bit of a concern, too, on the Parterres, as I thought it may have ended up being somewhat recessed. To my surprise, so far, I haven't yet seriously faulted the mids on them—NOT yet. In a way—only in a way—they remind me of the K3003's mids in that they don't immediately bring attention to itself. BUT, although I wanted to wait a bit longer to state this, I've been finding out that this 'inconspicuous' midrange on the Parterres seems actually really well done — that is, it's not that inconspicuous at all, but, at the same time, it's not throwing the midrange in your face. This, I will admit, is a very poor attempt at describing the Parterre's midrange, hence my wanting to wait to try and get the right feel for it, the right sense of it, and then, hopefully, have the ability to more or less convey just what I'm hearing.

After a couple of hours with this IEM, I maintain this is an exquisitely tuned IEM. Again, the 334 will win the IEM wow contest, yes, yes, YES!..... but not by much, in my not so humble opinion… This (Parterre) meal tastes very, very, very good indeed. Ah, it's great I can turn the volume up and be pretty satisfied and not bombarded. AND I can turn the volume down, really down and....still be very pleasantly surprised — very, VERY few IEMs are capable of that.
Aug 16, 2013 at 2:00 PM Post #300 of 768
These are so much more aesthetically pleasing than the 334, strange what a little nippin and tuckin will do for form factor. How's the fit Muzak? I found the 334 to be surprisingly comfy, but the bulbous housings hung out of my lug holes in an almost comical fashion. Do you find it to sit more flush against the ear?

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