Fischer Audio Jubilate Impressions
Sep 7, 2012 at 9:08 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 13


100+ Head-Fier
Mar 26, 2011

Just a small pic of these babies, while I'm writing my full impressions.
After some hours with these, I can say these are pretty detailed, and the finish on these is simply delightfull, well crafted wood is simply gorgeous.

















Enjoy :)
Sep 7, 2012 at 9:08 AM Post #2 of 13
Fischer Audio is known for their great Audio Eterna IEM, which managed to deliver a “full” sound without compromising much the rest of the spectrum. This time, I’m going to review their semi-open headphones, the Jubilate. Just like the FA-011, the Jubilate have got quite a lot different versions, the ones I have are the Peruvian walnut version. I would say I now am a little more familiarized with the Fischer lineup, since I have already reviewed both the FA-003 and the FA-011. For having such great former impressions of Fischer headphones, I went to review these with hope they were just as good, if not better.
As I said in my former reviews, my primary musical choices are electronic music, dance, drum and bass and some dubstep. Let’s see if the craftsmanship is just as good on the drivers, as it is on the housings!
Technical Data
Fischer Audio Jubilate
Frequency range
10-22000 Hz
103 dB
165 Ohm
Maximum power input
300 mW
Cable length
3.0 m
Driver diameter
40 mm
Plastic, wood
Peruvian Walnut
Enclosure design
Just much like its brothers that were former reviewed, the Jubilate arrived in what seems to be Fischer Audio new proprietary packaging, with the paper that contained info about these headphones closing it. The paper informs us about the type of wood that these are made off (Peruvian walnut) and it has information regarding the frequency range and other importante specifications on the back. After you open the paper, you can see the standard zipped Fischer Audio transportation case, which, like I said in former reviews, a great touch, as it allows to save money in packaging, while including an excellent accessory, in order to transport our headphones without damaging them.
If you unzip the case, you can find the headphones nicely placed in between the foam inserts, alongside the accessories.
Great job once again, Fischer Audio, once you find a winning formula, you should stick with it.
After opening the carrying case, which counts an accessory I think, you can see the extra pair of supplied velour earpads, in comparison to the pré-installed leather ones. If you dig a bit deeper you can also find the 3.5 to 3.5mm detachable cable, which is wonderful that they decided to make this headphone with detachable cords, just like the FA-003. I bet there will be a lot of cables that’ll make them better sounding than the somehow “basic” cable included. Attached to the 3.5 end, you also get a 3.5mm to 6.3mm adapter, in order to use them with devices that have such an entrance. A fairly well filled packaging, with all the essentials of an headphone. Not much more could have been added. A big plus once again to Fischer in this department.
Build Quality
Just like Fischer did with the FA-011, the most well-built headphones I had the chance to try, before the Jubilate, I was expecting something classy, and super well-finished. I like the route Fischer Audio is taking, making products that receive all the treatment of an high end model (and perhaps some more, that even higher end models from others brands don’t get), in order to please it’s user. Just the fact that you can choose from a variety of woods (and there’s plenty variety, trust me), in order to suit you best, really shows that Fischer is trying to make something special of its build quality, to step these headphones apart from the crowd. Also, the always appealing hand-made marketing,  sure helps. So let’s start from the beginning shall we? Just as you open the casing, you can feel the scent of wood. Yes, real wood, not some knock-off. And if you weren’t impressed yet, as soon as you pick these up you become astonished, simply because they are light. In order to make a comparison, I’d say almost as light as the FA-003 (just a tiny bit heavier), which is some mark, concerning the wood design of the cups. Then again, you notice the engraving on the cups, simply beautiful.
Moving to the top of these, they use the same adjustable headband mechanism of the FA-011, although the soft brown plastic that holds the headband, doesn’t seem as durable as the one from the latter. The earcups included also seem from very high quality, both of them. The leather one, is not very cushioned, but it does its job flawlessly, and I think if there would be any extra cushioning employed, probably it would have made them a lot warmer. The velour ones, are more comfy, but warm up your ears a tad more. Going down for the cable, I am very glad that they chose a single entry design for the detachable cable, and that they also didn’t made a lock design for the jack, which it will make things much easier for custom cabling jobs, much unlikely its older brother, the FA-003. The cable included though, unfortunately, doesn’t seem anywhere as durable as the original FA-003, but as it is much easier to make your own, I think it won’t mind many enthusiasts (although I have already started making plans for a custom cable). As I said, the cable isn’t as durable (or doesn’t seem), and the jack is also nowhere near as sturdy. I think they deserved a much better finish, in order to make a great impression, along the amazing looking wooden housings.
Whilst being lightweight might be one of its great advantages, it can also be its ruin, because these headphones, despite being made from wood, do not offer the same quality and security feel of the FA-011, due to their lower weight. Regardless of this, if the little extra pressure off your head just says thanks for relieving the pressure, these are really great in the build quality department, just being a bit betrayed by their cable, because a better one (or just better finished) would let us see this product as a definite premium one.
While all the other Fischer Audio headphones managed to delivered, I am afraid to say that the comfort of these are not one of its best traits. The leather earpads start to hurt your ears after 2-3 of listening, making it a bit painful to wear these over long periods of time. The velour earpads adjust much better to your ears. Nevertheless, they are very light, and the clamping force is very low, so it’s not the worst you could find. Just nothing like the awesome comfort of the FA-003 (despite its enormous clamping force). Also, on what concerns to earpads, I can see the leather being perfect for summer and the velour for winter. So, on comfort, they’re OK. On isolation, expect a bit less than the FA-003, you can hear people in rooms near you, if there’s no music playing. With music, they isolate pretty well, better obviously than the open FA-011.
Overall, they do a fine job for their duty (to be an inside house headphone). I wouldn’t take them out of the home anyways, they might get dirty or damaged, and it would be a shame if they suffered such harsh consequences.
Source – Rockboxed Sansa Fuze ,  laptop (LG R400), Realtek ALC 892
Files Used –  256 to 320 kbps and FLAC
Burning these headphones in was nothing really relevant, although they may have softened down a bit (harshness in treble).
Still I don’t have an amplifier, although I feel it is something that’s missing in order to have better results, and help you guys getting to know the full potential of the gear. Nevertheless, I give my best with what I have available.
Let’s get this started.
These have a fairly high impedance, but they are also very sensitive. Nevertheless, I have to max out my DAP  and adjust the computer output to around 80%, for a normal listening level.
The first time I put these on, I thought “this must be how the FA-002W sound like”, due to their very natural presentation, alongside soundstage (they are marketed as semi-open). Also they seemed airier than the FA-003, and perhaps with a hint more of detail in the upper end. The vocals were just as sweet, with a natural sounding lower end, without the emphasis of the FA-003, but just as capable of going deep. These are picky with the genres you throw at them, not because some genres sound bad, just because some sound way too awesome!
So, beginning from the lower part of the spectrum, the so called bass. I’d say that these are in the pretty neutral point of it, as they don’t overcome the rest of frequencies, neither they impact much. They just make it feel a pleasant part of the song, but some songs with heavy bass percussions might make you feel wanting more. Although, on the counterpart, cellos in the orchestra sound just right, with an amazing timbre, just like the double bass. And you can tell which one is which. On the lower end, just reproduces it as it should.
Much like the FA-003, they have something sublime in its mids, exploring an even airier soundstage, letting the voices flow in all the space available, thus making live versions of concerts something really great. If you manage to get something with outstanding vocals, well mastered (as they are not very forgiving of bad record or low bitrates), they manage to deliver a great show. Also, you can feel either the intimacy of a singer right next to the mic, or if it has the mic distant from his mouth. In case you have the first, it feels like you are hearing whispers, something really amazing and capable of giving chills. Actually, if you hear the Phrases from Dr. Chesky's Sensational, Fantastic, and Simply Amazing Binaural Sound Show, it might even scare you the intimacy.
The hi-hats, feel just right with their amount of “tss…”, alongside all of the other treble, fit the bill perfectly, not being harsh. There might a be a tiny amount of sibilance though, nothing to worry about, because you only hear it in very specific songs.
The instrument accuracy and position is simply fantastic, and, alongside the space these headphones give to you “in your head”, they are simply astonishing for orchestras and other types of songs with a lot of movement going on.
If I had to say in which case these would fit the bill, I would say hearing an orchestra, while there are raindrops racing down our windows, smoking our finest pipe, while balancing back and forth in a chair. They are really *that* exquisite. They fit all the genres well, although it can master either acoustics, orchestras and vocal-centric songs. With the rest of the genres, you never feel you’re fully exploring their potential.
Music worth listening:
-       Mika’s Life in Cartoon Motion Album – Mika simply has an awesome voice control, and it is sure fully explores the sweetness of these headphones well.
-       Anything by Queen – Mr. Mercury. Enough said.
These will handle without any kind of problems anything you throw at them, but for full potential, you should throw at them detail centric tracks.
I had already got some experience with Fischer Audio Headphones, but I can now say most certainly that this is the most premium feel acquaintance from them. I really feel that these are forged for the gentleman that wants to have pleasure while listening to his big music collection. Forged for the audiophile. There are certainly better all-rounders. I am sure of that (take the M50 for example, from what I have heard, since I have no experience with them). But you have to understand that they are like a delicate wine, you have to know how to fully take the best out of them. They are classy. They know what they want. You know what you want. And only when you decide that you have detail as your priority, and your genres fit within the preferences of the Jubilate (yes it has its preferences, it’s *that* exquisite), you should buy. Not that you will be disappointed if you buy them as an all-rounder, not at all. Simply, they were made to be the best at what they do, but they can do other stuff pretty well. You just won’t feel that they are free. It’s like having a 911 GT3, and never taking it to the race track. You’ll be lacking a part of your life that you could fulfill, just by buying the certain product for you usage. So, do you want a classy headphone? Lots of detail? Great on acoustic and vocal tracks? Here you have it.
Class. Defined.
Fischer Audio Jubilate
Price: Around 180 $
Site: link
(Also don’t get away from what I said about these. They are classy, but completely capable of an hardcore metal sessionJ)
As known, YMMV, as these only reflect my opinion on these.
Also, any tips on how to improve my reviews are welcomed and don’t be afraid and post any doubts you may have on what concerns to the model, I will do my best to try and help you.
Sep 16, 2012 at 4:01 AM Post #7 of 13
Great review. Kind of make me regret ordering the FA-011 the other day (now I'm surely gonna end up with both, life's a bitch:D).

Wonder how these would response to an amp?

Looking forward to more peoples impressions of these.
Sep 16, 2012 at 1:02 PM Post #9 of 13
You shouldn't regret really, the FA-011 are great on their own, and have a diferent sound signatura. As for the amp, I am sure they would benefit, I myself am finishing an O2, but I'm still missing some parts.

You're probably right but my wallet is still sad:)
Nov 8, 2012 at 1:45 PM Post #11 of 13
Do you recommend this headphone for indie, electro?
How is it sounds with Radiohead, Vitalic, Joy Division, Crystal Castles, The Knife, Shlohmo etc.
And please compare this kind music with FA-003, thank you!!
Sep 17, 2016 at 7:30 AM Post #13 of 13
Sorry for resurrecting this thread .. but I just discovered something that might be worthwhile.
I bought the Jubilate a while ago and not really using it at all (I collect woodies). The sound-signature isn't my cup of tea and the comfort with both velour and leatherette pads are bad for me. So most of the time, it stays in the storage.
Today, I brought it out to do some wood-care routine and driver-exercise. I decided to played around with my unused ear-pads I have lying around and put these Lawton audio pads (originally bought for Fostex TH900, which I ended up not using on) .... and WOW!!
The pads improved the comfort big big time, and also improve the sound, especially in the low-end. Now I can really enjoy this headphone, its sound, not only its wood.


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