First time amp...Go Dap GD03...shook the foundation of my headphone collection.
Jun 21, 2013 at 6:58 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 3


100+ Head-Fier
Dec 29, 2010
Just got my GD03 from japan. got screwed by customs.Postoffice. Taxed 8€ and got administration fee of 18€. Go figure.
Now back to the player itself. Not sure if this is the right thread.
First of all the Ipod Nano 2g doesnt fit well at all. needs a cable extender. But The Ipod Nano 5g fits perfectly without a cable.
And second the imrpovement in Highs and Mids are awesome. I had the E5 before but any improvements was almost unoticeble. But thats not the case with the can really hear the improvement. Got the Adele greatest hits was breathtaking. This amp really give a boost to the vocals. male or female and who's better than Adele. Truly enjoyable.
Now the downside. Where did my bass go? Do you need to burn in an amp? I wonder because the amp seems to mess up the bass. To me the quality of the bass thru the Go Dap is less than without. Less tight, punch and detail!. Gets a bit blubbery. Quite shocking how it stole the bass form my Qjays...was so bad i simply couldnt bear listening to it. It was awfull and i don't get it. Or is my GD03 defective. I sure hope so.
Or does the boost in mids and highs means that the bass becomes unhearable/unnoticeble. Or is the amp bad in giving good bass.
Anyway it's weird how it changes everything. On the otherhand...when you combine the wooduo 2 and the Godap...result is surprising. Again the quality and quantity of the bass lessens...but the wooduo can handle it. On the otherhand the improvement in mids and high is simply astounding. The whole sound becomes balanced with a strong bass! The sound makes me really excited. The wooduo can now handle everything i throw at it and performs brilliantly.
Still and to me quite unbelieveble the lesser  tightness and lost in detail in the bass when using the GoDap can be heard.And that sucks.
So just after a few days. My favourite Qjays has become utterly unusable. My bassheavy Wooduo's has almost become my perfect type of sound. (Tighter bass and little more laidback for the rest) Going to give my other headphoes a try.
Anyway with the pricedrop alot of GD03 should have found owners here...and of you with reviews on it? Really interested in them. Wonder if you had the same experience as me.
Jul 22, 2013 at 4:25 AM Post #2 of 3
I didn't really think the bass becomes unbearably bad when using the GD3. I prefer to pair them with a bass heavy headphone (something from the Ultrasone line) which naturally need mids and high enhanced and notice it provides a sudden clarity at lower volumes than before. For $20 it is hard to beat. I sawed off the part that encases the iPhone 3 so now it fits any iDevice and charges anything with a 30pin so it's handy to have around for the extra battery pack it provides. It's not really hifi quality but it's definitely worth the $20 I payed for it in my opinion. 
NOTE: I paired it with the Grado SR80i and didn't really like it too much which leaves me to believe these should be paired with rather bass heavy cans so the amplification is noticeable. 

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