Final MMCX Assist Tool - Gamechanger for stubborn MMCX connectors!
Nov 3, 2020 at 8:26 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 12


Headphoneus Supremus
Jul 6, 2019
About 5 months back I made one of my best audio investments for IEMs, and that is the Final MMCX Assist Tool. I bought mine at about $9 USD for a pair from a local shop, though I see some knock offs using a similar design being sold online for cheaper. Well some may consider $9 to be pricey for a piece of plastic, but they legit saved me from stubborn MMCX connectors many times, and I feel they have repaid their price many times over for me.


Here's a vid of how they work:

Well I know there's supposed to be an optimal way to remove MMCX like putting your nails in the groove, or some have recommended using some car key tools like this:
car tool.PNG
I've tried the car tool thingy before, it isn't as smooth as the Final MMCX Assist Tool, and I did scratch an IEM shell before using these car tools. So YMMV.

I've generally had much more issues with MMCX connectors over 2 pin connectors. MMCX are more universal in housing (other than some companies which wanna pull a propetiary type stunt), but I've always felt MMCX have had a worse lifespan with frequent connecting/disconnecting of the MMCX connectors. Perhaps design wise, they are not meant to be used for heavy duty cable rolling. Like for example, sometimes the MMCX connectors become so tight that one turns blue trying to remove them. I ever broke a few connectors and cables trying to remove em. Or it swings the other way and becomes so loose that the MMCX IEM rotates 360 degrees like a windvane, and sound cuts out intermittently.

So this Final MMCX Assist Tool does help to minimize wear and tear in a way. 2 pin connectors of course have their issues with many variants on the market eg 0.75 mm vs 0.78 mm, recessed/protruding housing, QDC/TFZ type housings, angled vs straight housings etc, but at least 2 pins connectors seem more durable than MMCX when frequent cable rolling is done.

Anyways, this tool works for most MMCX types as long as the jaws can go in. But for some IEMs that have a recessed MMCX housing or have the IEM shell design blocking the jaws of this tool eg Westone, then it can't be used unfortunately.

I'm still a 2 pin connector fan over MMCX, but at least this tool has saved me some grief. Any of you folks tried it? Or do you have any other tips for stubborn MMCX connectors? I know some savvy users do use a screwdriver or pliers to tighten or loosen the ring of the MMCX cable male portion, but have u guys managed to fix the female MMCX portion if it goes wonky?
Nov 8, 2020 at 7:54 PM Post #2 of 12
I love the Final MMCX tool. It's honestly changed the game for me when it comes to mmcx cable swapping, I'd always been extremely nervous to swap mmcx cables too much, but the Final assist tool makes disconnecting so clean and easy.

I will note that the plastic is honestly a bit flimsy, I bought a 2 pack, and one of them broke this week when I was attempting to get the stock cable off my LZ A7. Still, no real complaints, I'll happily buy another if my remaining one breaks too.
Jan 14, 2021 at 1:45 PM Post #3 of 12
I bought these too - 14 USD for a pair - at the time. Both broke after no more than 6-10 uses each. This is crazy - sorry Final, I'll be building my own or buying a knock-off.
Jun 29, 2021 at 11:56 PM Post #5 of 12
This sounds amazing. Where can I buy them?


U can search "Final MMCX Assist Removal tool". Many places sell it, I bought mine from a local shop.

There's knock off variants of it too that are cheaper but I've tried those and they snapped easily. No issues with the original ones I bought, they are still going strong.
Jun 30, 2021 at 8:49 AM Post #6 of 12
PW Audio includes one of these tools with every MMCX terminated cable.
Jun 30, 2021 at 11:54 AM Post #8 of 12
I just received my order from MTM of 4 of these tools. I had one to break easily, so I ordered the 4 more since the QC may be iffy.
Jun 30, 2021 at 12:05 PM Post #9 of 12
Just find them on AE. ~$3.50 each. Still not technically cheap, but a lot cheaper than the Final ones. For the price of 2 you can get 6 of the “knockoff” ones.
Jun 30, 2021 at 9:40 PM Post #11 of 12
I've my original pair of Final MMCX removal tools for almost a year, they are still going strong. I use them every few days actually, I've not broken any of the 2.

The key thing is not to use too much force. One must make sure the jaws of the MMCX removal tool align inside the MMCX housing-cable groove before lightly pressing the jaws. If you feel resistance, don't force it and snap the tool, just realign inside the groove and try again. There shouldn't be high resistance when using it, that probably means the jaws aren't inside the groove.

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