Final Audio Design Impressions and Discussion Thread
Jan 20, 2021 at 11:09 PM Post #10,441 of 11,686
Yep agreed with your folks, he is just one reviewer and not the gospel truth per se. I do respect him a lot for his reviews and graphs, though I've disagreed with some of his IEM reviews before (eg Audiosense T800). I guess at the end of the day, the bigger question is, do your tastes align with his, do you still enjoy your gear no matter what he says? That's the more important thing I feel.

This hobby is so subjective, we all have different sources, different ear anatomy (affecting pinna gain), different hearing health, and we use different volumes (Fletcher Munson curve), we listen to different music genres, some are treble sensitive, some are trebleheads etc.
Absolutely. As one of the reviewers I have the utmost respect for I concur. We have to take reviews with a pinch of salt. So many factors have to be accounted for. Sources ,tips ,cables , musical taste etc. Most people are buying blind which is difficult in these hard times. Some of my favourite sets aren't the most technically accomplished or riding the hype train they just take you away with their sheer musicality . That can range from €20 up to 1K. It's all a matter of taste
Jan 20, 2021 at 11:12 PM Post #10,442 of 11,686
The A4000 graph is actually very interesting to me because I have previously found many upper-mid emphasized iems to be harsh, but don't think the A4000 is when listening to it. I suppose it could be down to two things: 1) The lack of any peaks that would make any specific frequency stick out and become harsh, so in general it still sounds smooth, even with the large quantity of upper mids. 2) The bass emphasis also helps reduce/mask the upper-mid emphasis overall. Anyways, I still think the A4000 is phenomenal for the price and am enjoying both the sound signature and it's outstanding imaging and staging qualities.
Jan 20, 2021 at 11:24 PM Post #10,443 of 11,686
graph (2).png
Jan 24, 2021 at 9:29 AM Post #10,446 of 11,686
As it gets warmer by the day, I decided to swap out my full-sized headphones for the VR3000.

I almost forgot how good these can sound, but it still takes some getting used to as they still cause some soreness to my ears.
Jan 25, 2021 at 9:50 PM Post #10,448 of 11,686
Got the E5000 (second hand) today, listened to a couple of songs.

I LOVE the smoothness (I would rather call it refinement) of this IEM. Something the E4000 lacked severly in comparison. It already appears to be a winner, and this is without even modding them.

Bass overdone? Not in my pair.

I love the E5000! I actually tip roll them to suit how I'm feeling on a particular day. The Stock Final Type E is great for all purpose especially if I want a warmer listen. I will swap them with the Sedna Earfit Light if I want a little more high frequency energy.
Jan 30, 2021 at 1:47 AM Post #10,451 of 11,686
Anyone else here basically only like these bullet shaped IEMs? I have never been able to get along with any of those Campfire-esque shaped IEMs. None of them fit my ears, or if they do, they require quite a bit of fiddling--just in time for someone to need my attention and I have to pull them out and start the fit process over again. This is why the Final E5000 and Flares were so compelling to me.

ABSOLUTELY!!! I agree with you 100%. I've always loved bullet earphones. I've had so many. Flares included!
Jan 30, 2021 at 3:12 AM Post #10,453 of 11,686
Anyone else here basically only like these bullet shaped IEMs? I have never been able to get along with any of those Campfire-esque shaped IEMs. None of them fit my ears, or if they do, they require quite a bit of fiddling--just in time for someone to need my attention and I have to pull them out and start the fit process over again. This is why the Final E5000 and Flares were so compelling to me.

This is not unique to you. I have most of the lower tier E series and recently gotten the VR3000 for games, but the geometric shells are not doing it for me and they hurt my ears.
I also find myself having to adjust them from time to time as the cables will not stay around my ears and will simply tug them out of place.
Jan 31, 2021 at 11:39 PM Post #10,454 of 11,686
I'm thinking of getting the e500 for fun while i save up for headphones. Is its positioning good for fps games? I currently own a few ocharakus that aren't good at that.

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