Final Audio Design Impressions and Discussion Thread
Oct 22, 2013 at 11:12 AM Post #3,302 of 11,668
Oct 23, 2013 at 8:23 AM Post #3,303 of 11,668
So today the right side of my PF IXs fell and hit the table. The impact caused a bit of metal at the tip of the earpiece to get chipped off, leaving it jagged and rough.
This makes the IX unwearable for me; every time the earpiece moves in my ear the damaged area scratches me.
I've emailed Musica asking for help, hopefully this eventually gets resolved...
Oct 23, 2013 at 1:46 PM Post #3,308 of 11,668
Giant hexagon huh? Idontknowwhatiexpected. I was kinda hoping they'd deconstruct the box and have you assemble your own or something similarly crazy
Oct 23, 2013 at 3:53 PM Post #3,309 of 11,668
So today the right side of my PF IXs fell and hit the table. The impact caused a bit of metal at the tip of the earpiece to get chipped off, leaving it jagged and rough.


This makes the IX unwearable for me; every time the earpiece moves in my ear the damaged area scratches me.


I've emailed Musica asking for help, hopefully this eventually gets resolved...


you could go to a goldsmith or jeweller, they have all the tools needed for repairing or polishing.
Oct 23, 2013 at 8:16 PM Post #3,310 of 11,668
Thanks for the advice and well wishes guys!
Unfortunately, since the accident was caused by me the unit won't be replaced (which I kind of expected).
Unfortunately x2, if I can't send it to Musica for repairs, there are no goldsmiths or jewellers in my area, which means I have a useless pair of Piano Fortes...
Hoping for the best at this point...
Oct 23, 2013 at 8:44 PM Post #3,312 of 11,668
If you send them in, will they repair them at your expense?? I would assume it would be worth it?

Yes, that's what I'm hoping for.
Dimitri said he'd check on the fees and waiting period for me, so things are looking up!
Oct 24, 2013 at 4:55 AM Post #3,313 of 11,668
  So today the right side of my PF IXs fell and hit the table. The impact caused a bit of metal at the tip of the earpiece to get chipped off, leaving it jagged and rough.
This makes the IX unwearable for me; every time the earpiece moves in my ear the damaged area scratches me.

There's a fellow member who applies a coating of nail polish to his FADs. Maybe you'd be able to smooth out the damaged area that way?
If only they were not plated brass, my ruddy allergies but I seem to have solved that with a light coating of clear nail polish which does not effect the sound in any way.

Oct 24, 2013 at 2:24 PM Post #3,314 of 11,668
i have used this set several times with good success:

Oct 29, 2013 at 10:23 AM Post #3,315 of 11,668
Pictures I took a moment ago:
The box, and the headphone

Built-in Headphone "Stand"

Notice the dynamic driver? The BA driver isn't that visible, but it can be felt on the right side of the cup.

The housing might be different a bit... (Not included: The cables... which fully showed it as a prototype)

Hope is coming. Open the Pandora box now...


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