FiiO M15S Pocket Desktop-Level Player Discussion & Impressions Thread
Feb 8, 2024 at 4:27 PM Post #782 of 991
Post man just delivered a M15s ... I don't see how anyone won't like this DAP.... I also went to best buy and bought a Super Fast Charger... the Samsung T4510.. 45 watt PD Power Adapter...its a PD3.0 and works fine with the DAP unlocking the extra wattage... that out of the way, I setup wifi and loaded Apple Music then went thru the rest of the settings... nothing too hard to figure out... then I plugged in the Hifiman HE1000V2 .... with the 2nd harmonics setting to 2. I loaded up a song that I felt like would demonstrate the tuning of the DAP/Pairing of the headphone and overall sound signature..... I can report that if you know the HEKV2 for its wide sound stage, its instrument separation and extended highs then you will love the pairing.... the M15s takes the attributes of the HEKV2 to a new level.... the DAP sound signature is very much balanced from the lows, thru the mids and to the highs extended but not too much... lots of air in the presentation, the instruments are separated and highlighted in a huge sound stage.... amazing sounding actually.... the first test song I tried was Ciel Ouvert by Yello on the Stella (Deluxe Edition) album.... now thats a great demo of a sound stage.... bravo Fiio, the M15s rocks....
Stoked to hear this. I am trialing Hifiman HE1000 (both SE and V2 which I am leaning towards as the brightness in SE bugging me) with a Mojo 2 and really want to find a DAP that let's the headphones sing. Do you still have this pairing and any updates to report?
Feb 8, 2024 at 5:09 PM Post #784 of 991
Glad to hear the the M15S drives the HE1000’s well. I should have the Stealth version arriving next week - was worried the M15S might not be up to the task. :)



I think the M15S will make a good pairing with the Stealth version.

The non Stealth V2 is harder to drive and my M15S struggled as a result. The soundstage narrowed and the Bass lost its authority.
Feb 8, 2024 at 5:14 PM Post #785 of 991
I think the M15S will make a good pairing with the Stealth version.

The non Stealth V2 is harder to drive and my M15S struggled as a result. The soundstage narrowed and the Bass lost its authority.
Good feedback, thanks.

I will post my impressions once I have had some time with the Stealth version. I listen a lot in desktop mode but really need the M15S to pair well and drive without being reliant on a power source.

Feb 9, 2024 at 12:15 PM Post #786 of 991
I think the M15S will make a good pairing with the Stealth version.

The non Stealth V2 is harder to drive and my M15S struggled as a result. The soundstage narrowed and the Bass lost its authority.
uh oh, that's what I was worried about. V2 arrives today and is supposedly warmer and $500 cheaper than SE so I was pumped to stick with V2 and swap out Mojo 2 for M15S...but trading out soundstage and bass are not worth the primary advantages of all-in-one player. :triportsad:
Feb 15, 2024 at 1:15 PM Post #789 of 991
Feb 16, 2024 at 12:17 AM Post #790 of 991
I got a new case from Ease Case. It's slimmer feeling than the FiiO one and more padded on the USB side but does not cover the volume and headphones side. It has a difference lattice design than the original too.


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Feb 16, 2024 at 2:24 AM Post #792 of 991
M15s Vs M7 Fight...


In the recent evaluation of two distinguished mid level DAP, the Fiio M15s and the Shanling M7, it becomes evident that the quest for sonic excellence is a journey of nuanced discovery. My analysis, deeply rooted in personal experience and auditory exploration, aims to illuminate the intricate characteristics that set these devices apart.

When it comes to bass reproduction, both the M15s and the M7 demonstrate commendable prowess with a robust and impactful presentation. The M15s edges forward with a slightly more pronounced mid-bass presence, offering a fuller, richer experience. Conversely, the M7 showcases a superior sub-bass depth, delivering a powerful foundation that truly resonates. Despite these differences, both players excel in delivering thumping bass lines that engage the listener.


The treble domain reveals a more distinct divergence between the two contenders. The M15s exhibits an extended treble response, allowing for cymbals and hi-hats to strike with greater intensity and clarity. This extension affords the M15s an advantage in detail retrieval, presenting a soundscape that is both vivid and defined. The M7, while commendable, falls slightly short in treble extension (again very slight - like a few hair short), impacting the overall brilliance and detail of the higher frequencies as compare to m15s

Vocal reproduction is an area where the M15s shines unequivocally. Its presentation is warmer, more present, and sound very romantic that elevates the emotional impact of music. The M15s renders vocals with a natural, almost analog-like quality, at the same time, it has very good resolution and clarity. The M7, in contrast, tends to have vocals with a slight metallic sheen, detracting from the natural timbre and emotional engagement. It may sound more details at first listen, but after comparing back and forth over several diff songs, it became clear that extra ssszzz add nothing to the details and resoultion. I do know some people like their vocal having more ssss at the end to enhance the breath. But for me, I prefer the more analog quality yet has more detail and clarity with no artificial enahncement. I would say the m15s is neutral warm and M7 Neutral bright.


In terms of soundstage, the M7 makes a notable impression with its slightly more airy and spacious presentation. This characteristic, likely a result of its more recessed vocal and an airier vocal, adds a dimension of openness that is subtly distinct from the M15s. However, the difference is marginal and requires attentive listening to discern.

For Resolution - Overall M15s came out ahead in terms of resolution. There are more noticeable details from the bass, vocal, and treble. Oh gosh, this being the M15s is a warmer analog-sounding DAP. One would think a warmer DAP would have less resolution than a more neutral one, but not in this case. At least not to my ears.

M15s is also more dynamic - More punch than the M7. Dont get me wrong, the M7 is perhaps one of the hardest punhcing DAP around but if I compare side by side to M15s, it lacks the "final punch" of the M15s. (please bear in mind these are very slight and not a day and night diff) - It takes a NDH 30 to tell the diff. With my regular IEM, They both sound as dynamic.


Aside from sound quality, the M15s outperforms in every aspect. Fiio's software is significantly ahead of Shanling's. It's faster, offers more options, and crashes less often compared to the M7. The next button on the M15s responds almost instantaneously, whereas the M7 experiences slight lag. Below are some examples:

The Tidal app on the M7 starts to lag when I load a 1TB SD card. I'm not sure why, but the M15s has no such issue.

Other notable features include:

The M15s has buttons on both sides, including a customizable button, which I find very convenient for adding favorites in the player app (this doesn't work with other apps). I can also program it to switch modes. Shanling lacks this special button.

The Bluetooth on the M15s is powered by a dedicated Qualcomm QCC 5124 chip, whereas the M7 uses a combo Wi-Fi and Bluetooth chip. This means the M15s connects over longer distances running LDAC without any dropouts. I experience no dropouts anywhere in my house, especially in places where the M7 typically disconnects. The M15s excels in Bluetooth performance, maintaining LDAC quality. The M7 cannot match half the distance, even when I switch to a lower codec like SBC. Another impressive feature is that Bluetooth at LDAC quality shows zero lag when watching news or TV. The lag on the M7 is so noticeable that I had to purchase a dedicated Bluetooth receiver like the Topping G5. For fun, I compared the G5 to the M15s and found that, although the G5 has minor lag, it's very minimal. I could definitely tell that the lips do not sync 100% to the words. However, the M15s is so accurate that it feels like it's using a wire, with absolutely no lag and 100% lip sync.

The M15s uses a Snapdragon 660 compared to the 665. However, the M15s is just as fast as the M7, with no difference in speed.

I don't even want to mention (but I just did) that Fiio's accessories are much more impressive. They include an awesome stand to cool the M15s in desktop mode and a free high-quality leather case. The M7 provides no stand, and a leather case costs an additional $37.

Overall, I luv both DAP but if I were to choose only one. It will be M15s due to my regular bluetooth usage to watch Tv. It also depends on the headphones I use. If I use hifiman He1000 or Arya, I will pick the M15s as its a warmer more analog sound to match with the Hifiman extended high to balance things out. But If I am listening to HD650, NDH 30, I will pick the M7 for a more recessed vocal with a little tzzz in the vocal as both of these headphones are warm.

So there you go....



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Feb 16, 2024 at 3:58 AM Post #793 of 991
Excellent comparison. Just to summarize, you're saying that the M15s has more treble extension in the top registers, but the M7 has a brighter, more shouty presentation in the upper mids and lower treble? Therefore you get the metallic hiss type of sound, correct?
I really appreciate you taking the time to do this. I'm convinced that the M15s will be my next dap. I much prefer a warmer, more analog approach. I just don't want the treble to sound overly sharp, bright, or harsh.
Feb 16, 2024 at 1:01 PM Post #794 of 991
Excellent comparison. Just to summarize, you're saying that the M15s has more treble extension in the top registers, but the M7 has a brighter, more shouty presentation in the upper mids and lower treble? Therefore you get the metallic hiss type of sound, correct?
I really appreciate you taking the time to do this. I'm convinced that the M15s will be my next dap. I much prefer a warmer, more analog approach. I just don't want the treble to sound overly sharp, bright, or harsh.
Correct. The M15S has more treble extension on the very top yet it still sounds analog with no sibilance. The M7 sounded a little cut off from the very top but the vocal in the M7 is thinner (not shoutier), slightly recessed, and ends the notes with more pronounced sss. More airier.. The M7 vocal is brighter and shinier. It has the extra ssss in its vocal. The M7 is actually the more "correct neutral" as its frequency is pretty balanced - nothing sticks out. On another hand, the M15s vocal part sticks out much more than the bass and treble. Its a mid-forward DAP. - which makes it very romantic and analog-sounding. Like the old record player. The M15s sound closer to the Cayin N7 and the RU-7 with the discrete 1 bit dac. Very natural sounding.

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