Feliks-Audio EUFORIA - A Wolf in "Sheep's" Clothing...
Mar 31, 2017 at 8:18 AM Post #1,801 of 11,505
Euforia is working wonderfully, thanks to @pctazhp for suggesting this combo almost.. El11 mesh plate, E11 round plate, Gold Aero 5998A


Mar 31, 2017 at 8:30 AM Post #1,802 of 11,505
Just got my Telefunken EL12, and running them with EL12N right now, but a strange thing, when i use the telefunken as powertubes i get a quite loud hum, but as drivers its one of the most pitch blackgrounds i experienced with the elise, anyone can understand why?
Btw, love the EL12 driver/power combo.
Edit: I just noticed i posted in Euforia thread, i have the Elise, sorry about that.
Mar 31, 2017 at 3:34 PM Post #1,803 of 11,505
  I reckon that I have some 50 hours on the Euforia by now. Whatever the hours are (I don't keep an exact tab), some kind of milestone has been reached. Suddenly the amp sounds more engaging, more lively, more beautiful.
And it is going to improve more - I'm sure.

Sure will mordy...guaranteed​ lol!
  I'm starting to enjoy going back to 6sn7 and 6as7/6080. It's still a great tone on Elise and Euforia. I like the clean look and pure sound. 

  I think my new current favorite combo is EL11-ST/TS5998. With Elise, simply stunning.

Once again guys...so many choices, so little time/money/etc etc !!!

I can't think of any other amp that can make such a great variety of tubes sing like canaries...at any price, lol!!​...(except Elise, of course!!!
)....literally something for everyone​...
  Euforia is working wonderfully, thanks to @pctazhp for suggesting this combo almost.. El11 mesh plate, E11 round plate, Gold Aero 5998A


Glad you're liking those 11s, cf, and that the Gold Aeros do too lol!
...am losing count of the different tubes and combos that are bringing us all endless joy...may the Gods bless Feliks-Audio!!

Better finish getting stuff (and me!) ready for the meet on Sunday...bit of a pain, but hopefully will be worth the effort!...CJ
Mar 31, 2017 at 6:06 PM Post #1,806 of 11,505
Hey Oskari,
A little bit unfair to tempt me with these amps - at 2500lbs each I think that they will be too hard for me to move around lol.
Anyhow, just received a shipment from China now. I had made a huge investment in 5mm ferrite core adapters ($1.18 for five, incl shipping). Clipped one onto a RCA patch cord from my PC to my amp - did absolutely nothing.
Then I clamped one onto the USB feed from my laptop to my amp. I am using EL12N/EL6 tubes, Here one channel is in UT territory without any audible hum in one channel; the other channel has the slightest of hiss/noise at max volume. It is possible that the ferrite clamp further reduced the noise, but it is still ever so slightly there. Say tuned for further developments, if any.....
I don't have any EL12 Spezial yet to try the ferrite cores on.
And the Euforia keeps on sounding better and better.
Mar 31, 2017 at 7:23 PM Post #1,808 of 11,505
Today my Euforia grew wings and decided it's time to rattle that lock and set itself free. Still running Sylvania and Bendix but the rhythm is picking up pace and swaying in tune, the stage opens and Gilmore's voice is like vintage wine.

Apr 1, 2017 at 4:45 AM Post #1,809 of 11,505
Euforia + Sylvania 6sn7gtb and Cetron 7236.
Another great sounding combo on Euforia. The sweet clear tone of the Sylvania chrome top in combination with the tight hard hitting tone of Cetron 7236. Cymbals shimmers and tom toms hit like ..... well what do you think tom toms hit like? 

...and here's a video for you to enjoy. If the girl looks up, you know you've the right tube combos.

Apr 1, 2017 at 8:07 AM Post #1,810 of 11,505
"fraid I can not top UT's young lady, so I will just help you chill with a nice trio from my old days. The Don Shirley Trio

Apr 1, 2017 at 8:20 AM Post #1,811 of 11,505
No one here yet so a bit more soft jazz.

Apr 1, 2017 at 8:26 AM Post #1,812 of 11,505
Perhaps a quiet bass line

Apr 1, 2017 at 8:29 AM Post #1,813 of 11,505
Perhaps you remember him for his best known hit.  Water Boy

Apr 2, 2017 at 4:09 PM Post #1,814 of 11,505
Hi UT,
Inspired by your EL-less tube combo, I dove into my stash of 6SN7 tubes and found a pair of Sylvania 6SN7GTA chrome tops born in 1954. Added my most expensive tubes - the GEC 6AS7G.

Sounds very good - really not much different from the EL12N/EL6 combo on a first impression, but I have to reserve judgment until I have more time listening.
Do you find that the Euforia runs hot with 2.5A power tubes? I think that h1 prefers cooler running tubes.
At least I am now obeying the factory recommendations for the tube complement.
2nd impression: The GECs have that special energy, especially in the mid range. And this combo is essentially humpfrey with only the slightest trace of hiss in one channel at max volume.
Apr 2, 2017 at 5:05 PM Post #1,815 of 11,505
  Hi UT,
Inspired by your EL-less tube combo, I dove into my stash of 6SN7 tubes and found a pair of Sylvania 6SN7GTA chrome tops born in 1954. Added my most expensive tubes - the GEC 6AS7G.

Sounds very good - really not much different from the EL12N/EL6 combo on a first impression, but I have to reserve judgment until I have more time listening.
Do you find that the Euforia runs hot with 2.5A power tubes? I think that h1 prefers cooler running tubes.
At least I am now obeying the factory recommendations for the tube complement.
2nd impression: The GECs have that special energy, especially in the mid range. And this combo is essentially humpfrey with only the slightest trace of hiss in one channel at max volume.

Euforia or Elise will be hot with 6as7 and 6080 but that's normal and no cause for alarm. It's a common thing with tube amps. My Figaro is even hotter to the touch. I have a fan to keep it cool. Just a low speed to circulate the air will keep it cool even when using the amp for several hours.
Running EL tubes does indeed keep it cool but that is an unreasonable expectation of a tube amp - that it operate as cool as it does. 

Good to know that your 'standard' combo is essentially humpfrey.
I'm listening to music now and not really fussed with finding the perfect combo anymore. There are enough recommended tubes in my collection to last more than a lifetime. 


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