Failed upgrade from Monoprice 8323 to Grado sr125i. Need a "do over"
Aug 22, 2012 at 1:32 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 3


May 28, 2012
I feel like I made a huge mistake by recently purchasing a pair of Grado sr125s. I read ample reviews and thought they were exactly what I was looking for, but I feel I have made a mistake.  Nothing against the Grado concept, I just feel that their qualities do not fit in with MY limited perception of superior sound quality.  
Getting back into the headphone hobby after 10 years, I  purchased a pair of Monoprice 8323's which I absolutely love.  When I purchased them, they were originally intended to be temporary until I got into the hobby enough to get serious.
Unfortunately, the sr125's in no way feel like an improvement.
   I have burned them in for about 80 hours and have experienced fairly major improvements in sound quality.   I can appreciate the different layers that the sr125 bring to light, but I personally find the sr125 listening experience to be somewhat raspy and void of the bass which I enjoy from the Monoprice.   I am not a bass freak, I just find that the Grado base signature is unique and not to my listening taste.
I am comfortable staying in the $150-$200 range, but I am upgrade that is along the same listening experience and sound signature as the 8323.   Just more refined, & better if possible!
So to cut to the chase, after reading several threads, I am on the fence about where to go next?  Since I have already shelled out $150, I am fine with this general price range, but I am contemplating upgrading to these HA-S500's, V-Moda M-80's or the ATH-M50s, or others...
Or maybe I should quit while I am ahead

Aug 23, 2012 at 11:21 PM Post #2 of 3
I feel like I made a huge mistake by recently purchasing a pair of Grado sr125s.So to cut to the chase, after reading several threads, I am on the fence about where to go next?  Since I have already shelled out $150, I am fine with this general price range, but I am contemplating upgrading to these HA-S500's, V-Moda M-80's or the ATH-M50s, or others...

This is the "Headphone Amps (full-size)" forum. The Recommendations thread in the
"Headphones (full-size)" forum will probably get you some answers.

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