EXPIRED: Koss Pro DJ 100 for $49.99 + Free Shipping ($30 off)
Dec 9, 2010 at 5:34 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 71


Headphoneus Supremus
May 1, 2007
Portage, Michigan
This is one of my favorite headphones (amped) under $150. I found this deal while browsing Best Buy's website. Regular Price is $79.99. I think you can even do store pickup and get the deal. Here's the link:
Dec 9, 2010 at 6:08 PM Post #2 of 71
i know that these sound much better amped but what do you think about them unamped through an ipod. I might recommend them to my friend for his first good headphone.
Dec 9, 2010 at 6:13 PM Post #3 of 71
Intrigued I am.
Would you describe them as veiled at all? I can't stand veiled sound, so that would be a bit of a deal breaker for me.
Dec 9, 2010 at 8:20 PM Post #5 of 71

i know that these sound much better amped but what do you think about them unamped through an ipod. I might recommend them to my friend for his first good headphone.

Honestly, they are absolutely TERRIBLE without an amp. I wish this wasn't true, but even my Ipod Touch can't drive them well. If that wasn't bad enough they're picky with amps. I tried an E5 and it's a bad match. They're just "OK" with my Nuforce Mobile. They're perfect with my Total Airhead and Shiit Asgard. I hate them so much un-amped that I refuse to use them without one and it's just a very bad idea. It's one of the first 38 ohm headphones I've come across that seems to require a good amp.

Intrigued I am.
Would you describe them as veiled at all? I can't stand veiled sound, so that would be a bit of a deal breaker for me.

No, not at all. They're a fairly bright headphone, but the highs are still a tad rolled off compared to say a Beyer Dynamic or Grado headphone. They're brighter than my old HD-600 definitely. The highs are about as rolled off as the SRH-840, which some people even say have fatiguing highs! For me the SRH-840's were just at the point of annoyance, but not quite there.
I will say though that the sound signature to me is very non-fatiguing in every way. It does have slightly forward upper mids (like the SRH-840) so that may bother some people. I love them for female vocals.
Dec 9, 2010 at 9:36 PM Post #6 of 71
I notice you have the K240's. How do they compare to those?
I've heard the K141's (The on-ear version of the K240), and thought they sounded good, would you say they have a similar sound?
Also, my amp is powerful, but it has a bit of a peak in the upper mid range, do you think that would harm the sound, or improve it?
Dec 9, 2010 at 9:46 PM Post #7 of 71
Ok tdock.  Now that these are at their equilibrium price and I have my Arrow I'm giving these one more shot.  I also have the Marshall Major coming in so that could be a comparo.  I don't have my M50 or HFi 580 anymore so I guess I could put them up against the ESP950 and D7000.  

Dec 9, 2010 at 10:58 PM Post #8 of 71

The sound out of the k240 is a little bit more airy and I think the mids are more neutral and less forward on the k240 (not recessed!). The overall sound signature on the k240 just feels more neutral and not as "in your face" so to speak. The k240 are not bass light in any way to me, but the I do think if I compared the two side by side the DJ100 would have slightly more bass. The sound out of the DJ100 just feels a bit more clear. I think the DJ100 has the advantage of offering a more accurate and more natural sound with most instruments. k240 is still very good though. I don't know why, but sometimes the DJ100 makes me feel as if I'm listening to an IEM. It's a bit strange. You feel like you're really close to the music. Sorry to sound cheesy, but that's the best way I can describe it. Despite that they do still have a good soundstage for a closed headphone.
The biggest difference between the two is that the DJ100's vocals are MUCH more forward and a lot better to my ears. Imaging is also far better on the DJ100, but that seems to be due to it's closed design. For whatever reason closed headphones have the best imaging in my experience.
The DJ100 is also MUCH brighter than the k240 Studio by far. The one advantage the k240 has is that it's easier to drive and has better comfort. Despite being semi-open the k240's soundstage isn't that good for a semi-open headphone. My modded UR-55 actually had a much larger soundstage somehow.
The k240 still though is probably better for metal and classical. I'm not sure if the soundstage is in fact better on the DJ100, but probably not.
I do find the DJ100 is FAR more detailed than the k240. Not even close. Not as much as the AD700 or some Beyer Dynamic headphones, but a step down maybe.

BTW forgot to mention that the amp should be fine. Not sure though.
I notice you have the K240's. How do they compare to those?
I've heard the K141's (The on-ear version of the K240), and thought they sounded good, would you say they have a similar sound?
Also, my amp is powerful, but it has a bit of a peak in the upper mid range, do you think that would harm the sound, or improve it?

Dec 9, 2010 at 11:12 PM Post #9 of 71

That'd be cool if you'd give them another shot. Of course there's still a very good chance you just won't like them no matter what even after giving them a second chance. I stopped suggesting them so much because the sound signature isn't for everyone, but for $80 (or $50) it's hard to beat. I usually try to suggest them now to people who want a cheap headphone with the best vocal quality for under $100. Not many people are looking for that
I still can't figure out why on earth they're labeled a "DJ" headphone!
I've now given two headphones a second chance and they were the complete opposite of my first experience! Had the k240 a year back and hated it. They had this "plasticky" sound to them and the sound was really muffled and unclear in every way. I now think that the pair was defective! They even had bloated bass! Totally NOT like the k240 in any way! My 2nd k240 was bass heavy before burn-in. Now it has a decent amount of bass, but no longer bass heavy. Pretty close to the SRH-840's bass.
My first experience with the D2000 was truly awful. I used them without an amp and hated them. It's funny seeing my old comments on here about them. I gave them another chance with my Total Airhead and Asgard and loved them. 100% difference that time around.
Too bad I didn't get a chance to try that white box M50 pair for a longer period of time. Something so different about the new pair. Since I've purhased about 4 pairs of headphones in the last month it's just not a good idea right now! Doesn't help that I also just bought the DT-990 AND SRH-840 again in one week!
Bought the SRH-840 again to compare with my KRK KNS-8400. KNS-8400 sure is nice, but the bass is rather pathetic even for a studio monitor.
Ok tdock.  Now that these are at their equilibrium price and I have my Arrow I'm giving these one more shot.  I also have the Marshall Major coming in so that could be a comparo.  I don't have my M50 or HFi 580 anymore so I guess I could put them up against the ESP950 and D7000.  

Dec 10, 2010 at 10:35 PM Post #10 of 71

Unamped the DJ100 would get a beatdown from the 7506. The DJ100 aren't even remotely decent without an amp unfortunately.
I'd just not even use them. With a GOOD amp they're better than a Shure SRH-840. Yes, really. I've been comparing them all night.
Someone can prove me wrong if they want

DJ100 now make my new Shure SRH-840 kind of obsolete. I may keep the 840's anyway since they don't need an amp and this pair now actually fits my head.
It's just weird how the SRH-840 doesn't do a single thing better in comparison. I think it has more bass..that's it. SRH-840 still doesn't do much wrong and it's one of my favorite headphones I've ever had.
DJ100 makes my SRH-840 feel a bit laid back in comparison, but they're very similar.
This has been the weirdest and totally unexpected comparison night I've ever had...
Holy crap thank you so much for the deal, I've been been lurking the FS forum for one of these things to pop up with a good deal for a while now.
Edit: Can you make a comparison with these unamped vs an MDR-7506? Both being driven from a Clip+. 

Dec 10, 2010 at 11:37 PM Post #11 of 71

Unamped the DJ100 would get a beatdown from the 7506. The DJ100 aren't even remotely decent without an amp unfortunately.
I'd just not even use them. With a GOOD amp they're better than a Shure SRH-840. Yes, really. I've been comparing them all night.
Someone can prove me wrong if they want

DJ100 now make my new Shure SRH-840 kind of obsolete. I may keep the 840's anyway since they don't need an amp and this pair now actually fits my head.
It's just weird how the SRH-840 doesn't do a single thing better in comparison. I think it has more bass..that's it. SRH-840 still doesn't do much wrong and it's one of my favorite headphones I've ever had.
DJ100 makes my SRH-840 feel a bit laid back in comparison, but they're very similar.
This has been the weirdest and totally unexpected comparison night I've ever had...

I had the same thing when I did a 3 way w/ the M50, 840, HD555.  Other than offering a more 'neutral' signature the M50 slapped both around to my ears.  I know we heard our M50s differently (versions perhaps) but still.  I agree w/ Tdock I tried the DJ100 unamped and w/ an E5, probably the worst or second to worst headphone I had heard.  I'm looking forward to potentially hearing something that can lays some smack down on the 840 in a smaller package.  Tdock, which has better clarity and a blacker background to your ears.  Your DJ100 or the 840?  I just got my Marshalls in today.  Wow they are teeeny! 
Dec 11, 2010 at 12:54 AM Post #12 of 71
A good alternative to the SRH-840 unamped in a smaller package to me is the KRK KNS-8400. It's just too bad they're really bass light and kind of bright and fatiguing with specific music. They're hard to suggest though, but they're my portable unamped headphone right now. I don't think it's better, but does have more detail and is pretty comfy and light. They did need a lot of burn-in. They're $150.
Between the DJ100 and SRH-840 the DJ100 by far has more clarity. I keep describing it's sound as "crystal clear" and that's what it is to me. I don't even think any other headphones under $200 fell into that category, but some came close. The DJ100 is MUCH brighter than the SRH-840. I wouldn't call it a VERY bright headphone since the highs are very non fatiguing to me. I originally thought the highs were rolled off, but not as much now as I originally thought.
I think the main difference is that the DJ100 has FAR more detail. You can still hear it all on the SRH-840, but the DJ100 is more revealing of all the tiny details. This made it good for gaming for me, but I don't always like that for gaming, but usually I do. One strange thing about the SRH-840 is that it doesn't seem to be revealing enough to hear recording hiss, but very few headphones do. I don't know why, but the mids of the DJ100 remind me of those of the SR-80 (kind of) and the k601. Not quite as much as the SRH-840 as I originally thought, but close.
I now for sure can definitely now say the DJ100 has less bass than the SRH-840! Very slightly less. It's funny listening to the difference. Bass on the amped DJ100 is what I'd prefer by far. Sounds better to my ears. My M30 pads though may help that area.
I wonder what the most revealing of all headphones is under $500? I heard Beyer Dynamic headphones were, but I don't think they're now any more revealing than my DJ100. It all might be there, but there's no way it can be as easy to hear.
Another huge difference I can't get over is how bad the soundstage of the SRH-840 is compared to the DJ100. Imaging and instrument separation is also much, much worse.
SRH-840 isn't a boring headphone to me and I like it a lot, but the DJ100 just is more fun to me and gets me more involved in the music. SRH-840 would definitely be the more neutral headphone for sure, but I don't mind. DJ100 is still pretty close.
I had the same thing when I did a 3 way w/ the M50, 840, HD555.  Other than offering a more 'neutral' signature the M50 slapped both around to my ears.  I know we heard our M50s differently (versions perhaps) but still.  I agree w/ Tdock I tried the DJ100 unamped and w/ an E5, probably the worst or second to worst headphone I had heard.  I'm looking forward to potentially hearing something that can lays some smack down on the 840 in a smaller package.  Tdock, which has better clarity and a blacker background to your ears.  Your DJ100 or the 840?  I just got my Marshalls in today.  Wow they are teeeny! 

Dec 11, 2010 at 1:05 AM Post #13 of 71

A good alternative to the SRH-840 unamped in a smaller package to me is the KRK KNS-8400. It's just too bad they're really bass light and kind of bright and fatiguing with specific music. They're hard to suggest though, but they're my portable unamped headphone right now. I don't think it's better, but does have more detail and is pretty comfy and light. They did need a lot of burn-in. They're $150.
Between the DJ100 and SRH-840 the DJ100 by far has more clarity. I keep describing it's sound as "crystal clear" and that's what it is to me. I don't even think any other headphones under $200 fell into that category, but some came close. The DJ100 is MUCH brighter than the SRH-840. I wouldn't call it a VERY bright headphone since the highs are very non fatiguing to me. I originally thought the highs were rolled off, but not as much now as I originally thought.
I think the main difference is that the DJ100 has FAR more detail. You can still hear it all on the SRH-840, but the DJ100 is more revealing of all the tiny details. This made it good for gaming for me, but I don't always like that for gaming, but usually I do. One strange thing about the SRH-840 is that it doesn't seem to be revealing enough to hear recording hiss, but very few headphones do. I don't know why, but the mids of the DJ100 remind me of those of the SR-80 (kind of) and the k601. Not quite as much as the SRH-840 as I originally thought, but close.
I now for sure can definitely now say the DJ100 has less bass than the SRH-840! Very slightly less. It's funny listening to the difference. Bass on the amped DJ100 is what I'd prefer by far. Sounds better to my ears. My M30 pads though may help that area.
I wonder what the most revealing of all headphones is under $500? I heard Beyer Dynamic headphones were, but I don't think they're now any more revealing than my DJ100. It all might be there, but there's no way it can be as easy to hear.
Another huge difference I can't get over is how bad the soundstage of the SRH-840 is compared to the DJ100. Imaging and instrument separation is also much, much worse.
SRH-840 isn't a boring headphone to me and I like it a lot, but the DJ100 just is more fun to me and gets me more involved in the music. SRH-840 would definitely be the more neutral headphone for sure, but I don't mind. DJ100 is still pretty close.
I had the same thing when I did a 3 way w/ the M50, 840, HD555.  Other than offering a more 'neutral' signature the M50 slapped both around to my ears.  I know we heard our M50s differently (versions perhaps) but still.  I agree w/ Tdock I tried the DJ100 unamped and w/ an E5, probably the worst or second to worst headphone I had heard.  I'm looking forward to potentially hearing something that can lays some smack down on the 840 in a smaller package.  Tdock, which has better clarity and a blacker background to your ears.  Your DJ100 or the 840?  I just got my Marshalls in today.  Wow they are teeeny! 


You've piqued my interest yet again with your comment about the mids sounding similar to the K601's. I absolutely loved the K601's mids, I felt they were incredibly natural, but based on your earlier comments it sounds like it would be more aggressive. I'd be interested in hearing how those two qualities sound together.
Dec 11, 2010 at 1:29 AM Post #14 of 71

You've piqued my interest yet again with your comment about the mids sounding similar to the K601's. I absolutely loved the K601's mids, I felt they were incredibly natural, but based on your earlier comments it sounds like it would be more aggressive. I'd be interested in hearing how those two qualities sound together.

I have a feeling that people who like the k601 would love the DJ100. I remember when I compared the DJ100 vs the k601 for gaming the DJ100 had more forward sounding detail. Felt like it was "right there" (sounding like an IEM more than a headphone) and maybe less neutral, but it doesn't feel wrong or not accurate. You just have to try them out to know what I mean. For gaming the DJ100 had more bass compared to the k601.
Believe it or not the k601 has far more treble and the highs roll off a little earlier on the DJ100. Still a bright headphone though. For comparison it's nowhere near as bright as my SR-80. k601 is a bit bright to me, but doesn't bother my ears or tire them out.
The DJ100 doesn't really have an aggressive sound signature in any way to me. It's a non-fatiguing signature to me. For gaming, when I just want to relax I prefer the k601. Soundstage is obviously far, far better on the k601, but the imaging on the DJ100 is actually just as good if not better. Sometimes I just don't always feel like all the detail being so forward as it is when gaming on the DJ100. I don't play online games though. I haven't done a side by side comparison for hours between the two for music, but I listen to both of them every day.
BTW if you love the vocals on the k601, you'd love them on the DJ100. To my ears, the k601 and the DJ100 have the best vocals I've heard under $500.

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