Expensive IEMs and Traveling...
Sep 4, 2011 at 6:34 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 24


Headphoneus Supremus
Jul 27, 2009
Okay, so here's the problem.
I've always loved listening to music anywhere but at my desk. Unfortunately, I would always pool my money into a desktop system instead of a portable system because I knew my home rig would always be safe. But even to this day, I probably use my portable rig 95% of the time in comparison to actually sitting down at my desk, and using full sized. I've experienced a good amount of IEMs in the past, but would always go back to full sized for safety reasons. So I guess you could say I should be an IEM guy, but I never was; even though I've always wanted to be.
Why? I'm too scared to spend so much money on something I could loose or break so easily.
So my big question to all you custom and expensive universal users: "Do you travel with them, and pretty much take them everywhere you go?" I'd be a wuss and take my $20 JVC's with me places instead of more expensive ones, because I'm simply too afraid to lose or break something that I love that costs that much. Any kind of reassurance would be great, because I REALLY want to splash out on some nice universals and create a nice portable rig. Westone 4's have caught my eye specifically, and hope to order them when I can get past my "barrier".
Sep 4, 2011 at 6:42 PM Post #2 of 24
Okay, so here's the problem.
I've always loved listening to music anywhere but at my desk. Unfortunately, I would always pool my money into a desktop system instead of a portable system because I knew my home rig would always be safe. But even to this day, I probably use my portable rig 95% of the time in comparison to actually sitting down at my desk, and using full sized. I've experienced a good amount of IEMs in the past, but would always go back to full sized for safety reasons. So I guess you could say I should be an IEM guy, but I never was; even though I've always wanted to be.
Why? I'm too scared to spend so much money on something I could loose or break so easily.
So my big question to all you custom and expensive universal users: "Do you travel with them, and pretty much take them everywhere you go?" I'd be a wuss and take my $20 JVC's with me places instead of more expensive ones, because I'm simply too afraid to lose or break something that I love that costs that much. Any kind of reassurance would be great, because I REALLY want to splash out on some nice universals and create a nice portable rig. Westone 4's have caught my eye specifically, and hope to order them when I can get past my "barrier".

I had the same mindset about 18 month ago but I took the plunge and bought a set of IE8s. Like you I always had damage/loss/theft in the back of my head....
When I first started using them for the bus journey I remember being strangely paranoid and I was always thinking ABOUT them whilst wearing them. That soon wore off though :)
As for loosing them, I keep them in the case they came in which is a decent size and I keep in my bag. I would realise if they were missing.
Finally, damage. I did manage to break one set (or maybe they were going to break anyways) whilst keeping them in my pocket. Although to be fair I had been travelling away to ab overnight gig which involved dancing till 7am so perhaps that was my own fault after all. Got them replaced no bother.

I'd say go for it! In a few months time you probably won't know why you ever felt like this.
Sep 4, 2011 at 6:55 PM Post #3 of 24
Thanks for the feedback. Yeah, theft was on my mind too, but I guess that ties in with being lost.
What really surprises me though is how much of my journey I've spent with full sized headphones. I think partially why I was never satisfied with them, is because I NEVER listen to music just sitting at my desk. I just find that I don't enjoy it as much, and I'd always prefer taking my very cheap portable rig around. My imagination can wander a lot more when riding in a car, or sitting outside; rather than staring at my wall. But like I mentioned, I only went the full sized route just because I knew my gear was perfectly safe. I guess a part of me wanted to hear "ultimate" sound quality as well, and was under the impressions that IEMs simply couldn't deliver like full sized headphones can. I've learned a lot since then, so obviously priorities have changed.
But, just the thought of being able to buy a top tier universal gets me extremely excited! I honestly don't have the need for full sized, aside from games and movies.
Sep 4, 2011 at 7:02 PM Post #4 of 24
Go for it! You won't look back!
Until quite recently I also didn't realise just how good the very high end IEMs can be. My IE8s are more than enough for now, they've got the perfect signature for when I'm on my travels. In the winter it isn't practical to cycle to work though, so that's 2 hours a day sitting on the bus, so I may rethink over the coming months. I'll probably just go for an E7 than an earphone upgrade though.
Sep 4, 2011 at 7:04 PM Post #6 of 24
To be honest, that concern can be shared for just about any of our valuables we carry on us when out and about my friend, especially our mobile phones for example (which at times can cost nearly as much as our expensive in-ears; universals that is 
). Nevertheless, one must take necessary precautions and safety measures when in public. For instance, I never carry my phone on me outside the house, without it's belt clip leather case, which stays securely attached to my pants. So if ever someone attempts to make a move, my pants go as well, as everyone publicly witnesses me chase down the culprit in my knickers if I have to, I kid you not. 

The same holds true for my earphones, which are always in a zipped up case, attached to a lanyard, which in turn is, again, attached to my jeans or what have you. Otherwise, I've no reason for concern when they're worn, apart from any unwanted attention they may attract. But the minute I'm finished listening, back into their case they go. Fortunately, I'm OCD with all my belongings, and rarely ever clumsy enough to leave anything behind. I've made it a habit where even when my attention is drawn elsewhere, I subconsciously am placing them back in their respective case when no longer in use. My advice is to make it a habit of doing just that, and always keep your valuables stuck to you one way or another, to the extent that you'd most certainly notice if someone pulls a move. 

Sep 4, 2011 at 7:24 PM Post #7 of 24
Thanks for the replies everyone, I'm feeling better already.
I guess IEMs are really no different than cell phones, MP3 players, cameras, and any other sort of carry on equipment. Never really thought of it that way. Funny thing is, over the past few years of using my budget portable rig, I've never lost or broken a pair of IEMs on the move. Why I thought it would be different with more expensive pairs, I really don't know. Psychological I guess. It's funny to think, I bet there are the plenty of you that take your customs into public on a regular basis. All I can say is, I have admiration for you guys. Maybe I could get to a point where I could do that with simply a universal. I do indeed hope so! Man, all this really changes everything. I never remotely considered buying even slightly expensive IEMs just because of my worries and doubts.
Sep 4, 2011 at 10:22 PM Post #9 of 24
Good luck with the W4!
I always run the wire on the IEM's under my shirt so they are secure against my body and can't get snagged on anything and can't be lost anywhere. I haven't had any problems with any of my IEM's yet.
Sep 4, 2011 at 10:53 PM Post #10 of 24
Good luck with the W4!
I always run the wire on the IEM's under my shirt so they are secure against my body and can't get snagged on anything and can't be lost anywhere. I haven't had any problems with any of my IEM's yet.

Thanks. I like that idea actually. I've occasionally snagged my cords on stuff, but never broke a pair that way. I'll definitely have to try that way.
Sep 4, 2011 at 11:09 PM Post #11 of 24
I did have that same concern when I first got expensive iems but that concern is long gone. My most used piece of gear is my UM customs and those are also my most expensive. They go with me when I leave the house.
Basically if you are worried buy something with a good warranty but also good CS. Also when you are using it outside the house, don't be stupid. That means don't put it on a desk and then leave the desk with no one looking at it or something similar to that. I also carry a case to store my customs in when not in use so that protects them from being damaged while inside my bag.
Sep 5, 2011 at 11:44 AM Post #13 of 24
I take my JH13s almost everywhere I go. They may be my most used piece of audio gear.

Me too....and JH16s/3A+CLAS.   About to take a long trip to the western Pacific for two weeks and I couldn't be without them.
Juts make sure everything is close at hand - if not in your ears or around your neck! - and you'll be just fine.
Sep 5, 2011 at 8:40 PM Post #14 of 24

To be honest, that concern can be shared for just about any of our valuables we carry on us when out and about my friend, especially our mobile phones for example (which at times can cost nearly as much as our expensive in-ears; universals that is 
). Nevertheless, one must take necessary precautions and safety measures when in public. For instance, I never carry my phone on me outside the house, without it's belt clip leather case, which stays securely attached to my pants. So if ever someone attempts to make a move, my pants go as well, as everyone publicly witnesses me chase down the culprit in my knickers if I have to, I kid you not. 

The same holds true for my earphones, which are always in a zipped up case, attached to a lanyard, which in turn is, again, attached to my jeans or what have you. Otherwise, I've no reason for concern when they're worn, apart from any unwanted attention they may attract. But the minute I'm finished listening, back into their case they go. Fortunately, I'm OCD with all my belongings, and rarely ever clumsy enough to leave anything behind. I've made it a habit where even when my attention is drawn elsewhere, I subconsciously am placing them back in their respective case when no longer in use. My advice is to make it a habit of doing just that, and always keep your valuables stuck to you one way or another, to the extent that you'd most certainly notice if someone pulls a move. 

I was thinking the same thing.  There are a few items that are always in my possession when I am out and about.  My wallet, cellphone, keys, and now I include usually my Etymotic HF3 which aren't on the same level as some of the IEMs mentioned here but still relatively expensive to me.  I find its pretty easy to keep track of them, just like everything else I keep on me.  I would say that the more expensive the item the more aware you might be of it which will help you to keep track of it.
Sep 5, 2011 at 9:06 PM Post #15 of 24
My first 'expensive' headphones were my ER4P iems, back in college. I wore them walking to class most days (in very cold weather, sometimes snowing), caught them in zippers many times, sat on them, dropped them on the ground, yanked the cord (stepping away from the computer when I'm still plugged in), etc. I guess I've been a bad owner. They've held up great. I wouldn't worry about it. 

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