Exaaaaaam Time!!
Dec 7, 2007 at 4:23 AM Post #16 of 50

Originally Posted by sebascrub /img/forum/go_quote.gif
McGill: English - Cultural Studies.

Is it wrong that I haven't really bothered to study for my exam tomorrow morning yet? In my defense, I don't believe in exams and almost morally refuse to study for them.

Has someone been reading Foucault?
Dec 7, 2007 at 4:29 AM Post #18 of 50

Originally Posted by ph0rk /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Has someone been reading Foucault?

What is it with French theorists? They know their sht... haha. My favourite theorists (if one can have such a thing) are, in order, Barthes, Borges, Foucault and Baudrillard. There's just something about poststructuralism...
Dec 7, 2007 at 4:34 AM Post #19 of 50

Originally Posted by sebascrub /img/forum/go_quote.gif
What is it with French theorists? They know their sht... haha. My favourite theorists (if one can have such a thing) are, in order, Barthes, Borges, Foucault and Baudrillard. There's just something about poststructuralism...

My only gripe about the bulk of them is they never said much that was testable. Bourdieu wins, in that regard. Of course, that's okay for some fields, but not mine.
Dec 7, 2007 at 4:39 AM Post #20 of 50
Currently immersed in the enthralling matter of the gray area between 'when the crime actually committed is of a similar type to that contemplated, and when the crime actually committed is a probable consequence of the crime contemplated' ... only rivalled by my earlier extended foray into the captivating difference between a 'significant' and a 'not insignificant' contributing cause

Why did I leave criminal law for 3rd year again? Ah yes, this is why!
Dec 7, 2007 at 4:42 AM Post #21 of 50

Originally Posted by AndyRx7 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Currently immersed in the enthralling matter of the gray area between 'when the crime actually committed is of a similar type to that contemplated, and when the crime actually committed is a probable consequence of the crime contemplated' ... only rivalled by my earlier extended foray into the captivating difference between a 'significant' and a 'not insignificant' contributing cause

Why did I leave criminal law for 3rd year again? Ah yes, this is why!

You should come down to the states, it is much easier here.

If they have money, and the other guy doesn't, they are innocent. If they don't and the other guy does, they're guilty. If they both have money, there's an undisclosed settlement. If neither have money, they both get fined for wasting the court's time.

Just insert "the state" and "has money" for criminal cases.
Dec 7, 2007 at 4:54 AM Post #22 of 50

Originally Posted by ph0rk /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You should come down to the states, it is much easier here.

If they have money, and the other guy doesn't, they are innocent. If they don't and the other guy does, they're guilty. If they both have money, there's an undisclosed settlement. If neither have money, they both get fined for wasting the court's time.

Just insert "the state" and "has money" for criminal cases.

They actually call that class Critical Legal Theory; unfortunately it isn't offered here. But if I get stuck in my civil procedure exam, I may actually give that little dandy a go...
Dec 7, 2007 at 4:57 AM Post #23 of 50
I'll be up all night cramming for my stats exam. After that, I'm done. I've been going on caffeine and Adderall since monday (yes, it's prescribed to me, so don't ask). I'll be so glad when my exam tomorrow is over.
Dec 7, 2007 at 5:02 AM Post #24 of 50
Whee. Cognitive Science exam tomorrow morning at 8:30am. Just think of it like 3 exams, squeezed into one, right after another.

Then a double-header on Monday, back to back. Psych and Compsci.

Dec 7, 2007 at 6:20 AM Post #25 of 50

Originally Posted by ph0rk /img/forum/go_quote.gif
My only gripe about the bulk of them is they never said much that was testable. Bourdieu wins, in that regard. Of course, that's okay for some fields, but not mine.

Meh, that's what I love about it... all abstract theory, all very weird, all basically exercises bordering on pataphysics (and then there's Baudrillard, who all but admits that his stuff is intangible in the extreme). Bourdieu is definitely heavy in that regard... of course, he's working within a strict French academic tradition, so his prose isn't entirely his fault, but, damn, is he ever convoluted.

In Cultural Studies, it's basically all "untestable" stuff, which admittedly doesn't work for everyone (hell, it barely even works for everyone in the program, heh). You should hear the arguments I get into with my best friend when we talk about pop culture (he's a biologist... 'nuff said).

What do you do that you know about all these theorists?
Dec 7, 2007 at 6:50 AM Post #26 of 50
Got my last one tomorrow but it's a big one - music theory.

Already had music history, in which we had a listening test on over 180 gregorian chant and medieval music tracks which we had to have memorized (composer, genre, number of voices, langauge, etc). Also already had conducting, public speaking, and musicianship. Getting ready for piano diagnostic boards (30 minutes solo performance in front of faculty which if you don't pass you get kicked out) and trying to figure out how to ship all of my crap back to connecticut from ohio when there is no post office (or BOXES!) on campus and I don't have a car (and they close the residence halls tomorrow night).

Week from hell.
Dec 7, 2007 at 6:59 AM Post #27 of 50
I know..piano recital always gets my nerves up.....alone, on stage, many pairs of eyes judging your every move, every note, every sound, every step on the peddle...too hard, too soft, held the peddle too long, too much peddle noise..........and no amount of fudging can save you cuz the judge knows exactly how every piece is suppose to be played.

Dec 7, 2007 at 1:07 PM Post #29 of 50

Originally Posted by SuperNothing /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Currently writing an essay on Italian Fascism. Crazzzzzyyyy fascists.

Can you say, "El Duce?"
Dec 7, 2007 at 1:11 PM Post #30 of 50
Got my first one at 1 this afternoon, just finished the last of three ten page papers I started two days ago (go me for procrastinating).

Psych at one today, then four more exams next week. Joy, joy, joy.

19th Century British Lit
British Writers II
Film Criticism
State and Local Government

Shippensburg University: English Major, Poli Sci Minor.

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