Ever walk out of a movie?
Jun 30, 2003 at 3:58 PM Post #16 of 62
My two daughters love Mariah Carey and forced me to take them to see "Glitter".I sat out in the lobby to prevent laughing out loud at this rediculous waste of film.You can never get that two hours back and I walk out of bad movies often.My wife is even quicker on the trigger and left me sitting in my seat laughing my ass off to "Old School".I thought it was good but she hated it.She walked out on the second scene.
Jun 30, 2003 at 4:45 PM Post #17 of 62
Yeah, Ready to Rumble, horrible movie
Jun 30, 2003 at 4:55 PM Post #18 of 62
Oh yeah, forgot two others... XXX -- those fake Russian accents pissed the hell out of me although the phrase "Anarchy ninety-nine" was pretty funny -- and Punch Drunk Love -- possibly the best example of a mass-market wanna-be indie/artsy movie. So bad!
Jun 30, 2003 at 5:23 PM Post #20 of 62
Moulin Rouge...IMO, sucked big-time! I just couldn't take more than 45 minutes of it. Not big on musicals, but there are some that I have watched and actually enjoyed.
Jun 30, 2003 at 5:27 PM Post #21 of 62
I walked out of a Vietnam War movie (Full Metal Jacket) - it was too intense and I wasn't in the mood to watch limbs flying all over the place.

I've wanted to walk out on all the Start Trek Next Gen movies.

Now, I just stick to 2 or 3 blockbusters a year, for the most part. Next one up - Terminator 3. I'll wait for everything else to come out on DVD. I didn't see XMen2 because I hated the first one. Yeah, I can wait for the Hulk to come out on DVD.
And I wasn't blown away by Spiderman.

It must be horrid being a parent - they have to watch movies like "Scooby Doo".
Jun 30, 2003 at 5:28 PM Post #22 of 62
"Anger Management." Being a Jack Nicholson fan, I thought he would lend some much needed talent to an Adam Sandler movie. He didn't, the movie sucked, we left about 1/4 of the way into it.
Jun 30, 2003 at 5:33 PM Post #23 of 62

Originally posted by wallijonn
I walked out of a Vietnam War movie (Full Metal Jacket) - it was too intense and I wasn't in the mood to watch limbs flying all over the place.

I've wanted to walk out on all the Start Trek Next Gen movies.

Now, I just stick to 2 or 3 blockbusters a year, for the most part. Next one up - Terminator 3. I'll wait for everything else to come out on DVD. I didn't see XMen2 because I hated the first one. Yeah, I can wait for the Hulk to come out on DVD.
And I wasn't blown away by Spiderman.

It must be horrid being a parent - they have to watch movies like "Scooby Doo".

Hey Walli,
I've only been to about 3/4 movies in the past 16 years since we've been married. I hate going to theaters and having to listen to others talk, constantly up and down, etc, etc. I prefer the comforts of home theater, and I can certainly wait for anything to come out on DVD!
Jun 30, 2003 at 5:34 PM Post #24 of 62
To the best of my memory, I have walked out of only movie, that being (Mary Shelley's) Frankenstein. Maybe I saw it on a 'bad day', but good grief, it was plodding and tedious...I just had to leave

Actually, last night I was tempted to walk out of The Hard Word, which has just been released over here. It's an Australian movie starring Guy Pearce and Rachael Griffiths, and while the plot itself was just OK, it was poorly executed and extremely predictable. Probably the most annoying things were little plot developments that went absolutely nowhere - they had no bearing on the movie and in a couple of instances were nothing more than gratuitious. I only sat through the entire screening out of patriotism and a certain homesickness
That said, two people (out of 5 of us in the cinema) walked out with about 20 minutes remaining!
Jun 30, 2003 at 5:59 PM Post #25 of 62

Originally posted by stymie miasma

Actually, last night I was tempted to walk out of The Hard Word, which has just been released over here. It's an Australian movie starring Guy Pearce and Rachael Griffiths, and while the plot itself was just OK, it was poorly executed and extremely predictable.......That said, two people (out of 5 of us in the cinema) walked out with about 20 minutes remaining!

So, in other words...this is NOT a film to add to my "must see" Aussie film list ?

Too bad...I really like both actors.
Jun 30, 2003 at 6:19 PM Post #26 of 62
should i feel bad that moulin rouge and punch drunk love are 2 of my favorite movies?

eh, chalk it up to being gay. it's all good.
Jun 30, 2003 at 6:30 PM Post #27 of 62

Originally posted by usc goose
should i feel bad that moulin rouge and punch drunk love are 2 of my favorite movies?

eh, chalk it up to being gay. it's all good.

Hey, my friend loved the movie, and we pretty much have the same taste, but there was just something about Moulin Rouge that could not retain my interest. Get this, I really like Nicole Kidman, and Ewen MacGregor is one of my favorite actors. Just rubbed my the wrong way I guess, in a "boring" kind of way.
Jun 30, 2003 at 7:00 PM Post #28 of 62
I think Nicole Kidman can be a great actress, and Ewan MacGregor is decent as well. I hated Moulin Rouge because it was just another stupid "experimental" idea that obviously wouldn't work... except for the people that like that kind of horrible music. The movie is barely about story-telling than trying to be conspicuously different and fitting in lots of modern pop trash music. If you like it that's great. It's just not my bag of lactose-free-fake-butter-topped popcorn.

I just can't see how anyone could like Punch Drunk Love, though. The movie tried the boring plain-vanilla approach to profundity and failed miserably. Okay, you win some, you lose some. But I figure that a lot of the acclaim came from people who aren't exposed much to that kind of movie or people who were surprised to see Adam Sandler in a movie that tries to be serious, even if it ends up being less enjoyable than funny flicks like Happy Gilmore. If you could tell me why you in particular enjoyed it, I would really appreciate it.
Jun 30, 2003 at 7:23 PM Post #29 of 62

Originally posted by JMedeiros
So, in other words...this is NOT a film to add to my "must see" Aussie film list ?

Too bad...I really like both actors.

I thought Guy Pearce did a good job - I wasn't sure at first, but by the end of the film I really liked his character. Racheal Griffiths was a little sketchy in parts, but she did show several instances of "aussie sheila" brilliance, if you know what I mean

I suppose I may of come off sounding a little critical of The Hard Word - it certainly was not as 'solid' as Chopper, but in retrospect, like Chopper, it did have plenty of that black Australian humour that I enjoy.

Would I recommend seeing it? Well, if you have some spare time and some spare cash, it is worth a look. If you miss it on the big-screen, then by all means look into renting it on video/DVD.

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