Ety ER4P vs. Shure E4 vs. Super.Fi 5 Pro vs. ?
Oct 17, 2006 at 5:30 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 28


100+ Head-Fier
Nov 2, 2003
Oh what to get, what to get?

Guy please recommend a IEM for me. I've been gone for a long time and I have the bug again. I'd also like if you can recommend a good amp that's not too expensive (<$75) and cable. My portable rig doesn't exist yet. I have no mp3 player.

My source:

Home: Foobar2k -> Audigy2 ZS sound card -> Cable (?) -> IEM (?)

Portable: MP3 Player (?) -> Cable (?) -> Amp (?) -> IEM (?)

The music I listen to:

1. Hip Hop
2. Classical
3. Techno
4. Ambient (I'm weird)

What's important to me, in order:

1. Comfort! (My shure E3's were comfy but my right bud always fell out and this was annoying!)
2. Transparency. I have Grado SR60's for home use and while I love their sound I get a headache if I wear them for too long. My Shure E3's didn't really have this problem and I can wear them comfortably for long periods of time.
3. Low maintenance (I don't like that the ety's need a filter replaced once in a while unlike the shures, but I can deal.)
4. Durability (My E3's took a beating and still sound awesome.)
5. Bass. Now I am not a basshead like many of you are, but I like the occasional thump. the Shure E3's I found a bit lacking.

Other thoughts:

I tried the Er4P on briefly and thought they were comfortable (at least if I can remember correctly). I listened to classical with them and found them nice.

Lastly please remember to put together a whole package of things for me to get. The IEM's, the amp (if necessary) and a cable (to run from my portable player to my amp).

Budget for canal phones: $200
Budget for canal phones, amp and cable: $300

Thanks so much!
Oct 17, 2006 at 5:47 AM Post #2 of 28
My current portable rig is an iAudio U3 with a 6 inch Starquad Canare I/C cable to an dual AD8397 PINT amp connected to a pair of ~203 Ohm resistors paired up to a pair of Shure E4G.

I find that this combination gives the Shure E4 a large edge over the ER4P in terms of highs representation, while the E4 midrange boxiness has been pushed back by quite a -cancel-bit-cancel- LOT, while still retaining a smoothness that quite easily outdoes an unamped E4. Spatial headroom of the E4 improves a lot from this, and also, there was a much better sense of imaging as well.

For one thing, the flute in Bach's Orchestra No.2 in B Minor BMV is particularly teasing with this setup. Feels like the flute is dancing all over you making you look all over the place

I also listen to a lot of game trance and techno from this setup as well (Rockman Zero series remastered tracks FYI), as well as rock and New Age (Enigma for one, I think you can call the Gregorian chants in their older albums a sort of Ambience?).
Oct 17, 2006 at 6:00 AM Post #3 of 28

I tried the Er4P on briefly and thought they were comfortable (at least if I can remember correctly). I listened to classical with them and found them nice.

If you liked the ER4P, you will surely love the ER4S. It has much better treble strength than the 4P, perfect for classical music.
Oct 17, 2006 at 6:04 AM Post #4 of 28

Originally Posted by PiccoloNamek
If you liked the ER4P, you will surely love the ER4S. It has much better treble strength than the 4P, perfect for classical music.

I also liked the E3 with classical music. Just forgot to mention it. And I'd stay away from the Er4S just because I'd like to be able to use these without an amp if necessary.
Oct 17, 2006 at 6:07 AM Post #5 of 28
They really don't need to be amped, at least, not in my experience. Going back and forth between amped and unamped, I couldn't tell any difference in bass response, imaging, treble, speed, or anything else.

Anyway, if you absolutely don't want to buy an amp, the E4 is very good, if a bit dark.
Oct 17, 2006 at 6:16 AM Post #6 of 28
I couldn't tell any difference between amped and unamped with my E4s either.

Edit: Woohoo, time travel!
Oct 17, 2006 at 6:17 AM Post #7 of 28
Actually, after this setup of mine, I find it very hard to go back to an E4 without an amp + impedance adapter setup.

In terms of balance, the ER4P to me is 'better' than the E4 without an amp.

Both the ER4 and E4 flies really high with an amp though
Oct 17, 2006 at 6:20 AM Post #8 of 28

Originally Posted by PiccoloNamek
I couldn't tell any difference between amped and unamped with my E4s either.

Edit: Woohoo, time travel!

Did you just time warped? o_O

Anyways, it depends on the setup used. There's a definite difference on mine that makes the unamped E4 rather overbearing IMO. Doesn't mean that if you haven't heard it, others wouldn't
Oct 17, 2006 at 6:21 AM Post #9 of 28

Doesn't mean that if you haven't heard it, others wouldn't

Oh, of course.
Oct 17, 2006 at 6:30 AM Post #10 of 28

Originally Posted by PiccoloNamek

Did I mention that the Orpheus is a lovely little thing? XD

I feel like auditioning it again if possible... addictive
Oct 17, 2006 at 7:41 AM Post #11 of 28
my rig is pretty good, i've been listening to it since friday. blows me away really. i dont have any cables though, just the stock ones that came with the U3. man, you guys are getting me curious. now i want to try my setup with a nice cable, damnit

dont forget that your source is really important too. my e4cs with the sansa e200 = unlistenable. it sounded so muffled, bass wasn't present.. everytime i listened to my e4cs with the sansa i just felt pissed off due to the bad sound.
Oct 17, 2006 at 3:44 PM Post #12 of 28
can I get some links to amps/cables? I'd appreciate if you guys can links me to good pricing on E4's and ER4P as from my experience those price comparison sites aren't always accurate and there are better deals found on here.

In terms of comfort which would you say are better? Shure E3 or Shure E4? I thought they are the same but from pictures on shure's website the E4's look smaller and more comfy. Any info on this?
Oct 18, 2006 at 12:13 AM Post #15 of 28
I'm no expert like most on here, but I really like the Superfi 5 pros. It is a dual armature driver. Excellent bass, just a tad shy on the mids and excellent highs. Very detailed and revealing iem. Superfi's are my sixth pair of iems and my favorite by far...


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