Effect Audio April Cable Tour - Cleo II Octa and Fusion 1
Mar 20, 2024 at 12:02 AM Post #16 of 48
This tour list has been updated.
Mar 20, 2024 at 12:43 PM Post #21 of 48
Hi Sebastien, I would love to try them with all my IEMS: Ronin, Trifecta, Monachaa, Timsok, even Cascara. Thanks
Mar 20, 2024 at 1:59 PM Post #23 of 48
Tour list updated.

Please note - we currently don't have enough tour units for a separate Canadian tour.

It will happen if there is enough interest 5+ after the US tours are done.
Mar 22, 2024 at 4:54 PM Post #26 of 48
This tour list has been updated.
Apr 8, 2024 at 2:35 PM Post #27 of 48
This tour is now underway but will be run in a staggered format.

Those of you first in line will be receiving Cleo II Octas - we are unfortunately out of stock for the Fusion 1.

We will begin Fusion 1 in May.
Apr 8, 2024 at 3:14 PM Post #29 of 48
Thanks for the update!

Does Cleo II OCTA come with TermX and ConX for the tour?

Both Fusion and Cleo are TermX and ConX included with 2.5 3.5 and 4.4 as well as MMCX + 2 Pin.
Apr 10, 2024 at 12:02 PM Post #30 of 48

My own personal Cleo II Octa, I’ve been loving this combo, N8i, Cleo, RN6 and it’s been sharing time on my Jewel also. The Jewel was previously glued to FT but I really like the little bit deeper stage and little more separation in the lows and mids than the FT with the Jewel. Plus it hits a little harder down low than the FT. FT has a slightly more forward vocal range which does make the stage depth a little shallower, so trade offs. FT has a very slightly warmer over all tone, while the Cleo has better dynamics and cleaner edges on notes specially in the mids and highs.
The RN6 does not play well with the FT for my personal taste, becomes a bit lean in sub bass and mid bass comes forward into male vocal range.
Cleo is a huge improvement on both the RN6 and Jewel stock cable. Jewel stock cable is also “silver” but is not even worth talking about it’s so bad. RN6 stock cable is decent, the Cleo extends sub bass and makes the full bass range hit noticeably harder while still quick and clean. Vocals and mids become much more separated allowing the stage to become deeper, revealing a decent amount more details. The RN6 mids/vocals become a lot more enjoyable, not near Jewel level. The highs are still extended with both cables, the Cleo’s air is cleaner and a little less harsh on its edges. Does not change the stage width but does extend its depth. Also adds a little more macro dynamics. And while I enjoyed the black atom with the stock cable, I now enjoy the red atom with the Cleo which gives me more sub bass, larger stage and more details, since the Cleo gives me enough mid bass boost I don’t need the module to do it. It makes for a fun dynamic listening combo. While with the Jewel verse FT, the Cleo helps with the separation in the mids on classical music giving each instruments their own space. Cleo also adds some more sub bass weight into the Jewel and mid bass hits with a little more impacted. Highs have a bit more air and presence in a good way. Only downside is I enjoy the vocal presence the FT offers with the Jewel. Male and deeper female vocals have a natural sounding rasp/tone to them and are slightly more forward in the mix, presuming coming from the all copper cables tuning. The Jewel with certain vocals has me grabbing the FT but any classic female vocals or dynamic music with instruments I go for the Cleo. I’ve owned the Cleo for over a month now. The Cleo did need a fair amount of time to burn in as it sounded a bit sharp with a bit of recessed vocals out of the box which after allowing to play on its own for a couple days changed noticeably. I came back to a pleasant surprise. I’m wondering if the sound would improve if I switched to a permanent two pin on this cable like the 4.4?

Unfortunately my Cleo did not include an adapter for the Anni 2023. I also have the permanent 4.4 attached, which I prefer. I might pick up the Anni attachment in the future if I can buy it on its own or see about switching to a permanent two pin.

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