ED8 end of my journey? Nope RS1 on the way
Jan 1, 2010 at 2:22 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 8


1000+ Head-Fier
Mar 20, 2007
Tasmania Australia
My Journey

Prior to Headfi I started with a pair of PX100s, which blew my socks off in comparison to stock MP3 buds and Koss the Plug, which is what I had before the Senns. Joined Headfi and quickly became the proud owner of an MS1- audio bliss!!

Got infected with upgraditis and moved to “there can’t be better than this” MS2 alias MS2(i), then known as Fat Boys or Mushroom Head. I found the MS2 to be a great headphone, straight from a portable amp and Creative MP3, which probably didn’t let them shine to their maximum potential. From there I decided to try different flavours, specifically Proline 550 and AD900. AD900 became my new fon of choice and led to the pursuit of a “better” AD900. Enter K601 (good but no AD900 beater with my system at the time) and then on to the brilliant DT880. Here I learned two solid lessons, DT880 need some juice (enter Little Dot MKV) and all sources are not equal, enter Harman Kardon CDP.

Along the way I diversified with ESW9 (great little traveller) and DT150 (DT880 with isolation – almost). I also had a play with some cheaper portables PX200 (not a patch on their open cousin, or maybe my fit was wrong) and the newer HD228 (not bad-son has them now).

I discovered the Pro900 and this was positively a step up on everything I had heard previously, including the still great DT880. Next step was to try an aftermarket cable to further improve the near perfect Pro900 sound; the very well produced Blue Dragon came onto the scene. The jury is still out on whether this created a noticeable difference (dam hard to judge sound retention/variation when you have to unplug everything and then screw in another cable) but they still sounded bloody terrific, so who cares. Decided to stick with the Pro900 and quit visiting Headfi. Lasted less than a week and bought SA3000 simply to taste the Sony signature, quite liked them, reminded me of the AD900s in several ways, but not a patch on my Pro900s.

Upgraditis sets in (pretty sure there isn’t a cure) and Edition 8 is sitting on my head. Problem is that my Little Dot MKV was not a big fan of low impedance headphones so it had to go and be replaced by Meier Corda Cantate.2.

Harman Kardon CDP, through Cantate in low gain mode and Edition 8 is my equivalent of perfection. There is no more up for me. The sound is balanced and smooth, but at the same time fun and involving. So end of the journey? Thinking back I never gave the MS2 a proper go (either source or amp wise), so although I promised my wife no spending on headphones or related gear in the entire year of 2010, December the 31st was my birthday, and so what should I do with less than 12 hours on the promise clock- buy a pair of RS1s.

Here’s hoping the RS1 with a decent source and capable amp will contrast well with my Edition 8s, and here’s hoping I can keep my promise to my lovely and very tolerant/understanding wife. I bought 7 headphones, a CDP and an amp in 2009; I am restricted to no (visible) purchases in 2010 – withdrawal is setting in already.

Happy New Year to all at Headfi
Jan 1, 2010 at 2:33 AM Post #2 of 8
Happy New Year to you too. I'd be most interested to read your impressions of the RS1. Please post them when you can. I suspect your new year's resolution will go the way of most of them, and your wife's reserves of tolerance and understanding will continue to be taxed during the course 2010.
Jan 1, 2010 at 2:46 AM Post #3 of 8

Originally Posted by iponderous /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Happy New Year to you too. I'd be most interested to read your impressions of the RS1. Please post them when you can. I suspect your new year's resolution will go the way of most of them, and your wife's reserves of tolerance and understanding will continue to be taxed during the course 2010.

I suspect you are right.

RS1 reviews are probably done to death, but I will add my opinions once I have had some head time with them. When that will be will depend a little on the USPS, the last gear I had come from USA took 3 weeks.
Jan 1, 2010 at 3:21 AM Post #5 of 8
Second hand. RS1 would cost over a thousand dollars AUD if I bought them "locally" and I would rather save some money and support fellow Headfiers by purchasing through the Headfi forum. I have purchased (and sold) a lot of gear through the forums, and I have never been let down. The Headfi community is second to none when it comes to honesty and trustworthy people (I know it is a generalisation) and I belive that anyone that wants to experience different headphones that doesn't buy second hand (from here) is spending way to much. Having said that, of course someone has to purchase new (and I have, but it is expensive, particularly in Aus) otherwise we wouldn't have a second hand market.

I salute all the honest Headfiers that make our For sale forum a great place to shop.
Jan 1, 2010 at 3:34 AM Post #6 of 8
I've just sat down after that stirring tribute. We come from a similar part of the world where the cost of Grado's is prohibitive. I have the HF2's, which I bought when I was contemplating purchasing the RS1's. I don't regret my decision at all, however, the allure of the RS1 remains. Hence my interest in your impressions of them.
Jan 1, 2010 at 3:48 AM Post #7 of 8
HF2s were a bargain. Isn't it amazing on what you don't see when you are not looking. I visit Headfi on a regular basis, but I only became aware of the HF2s very recently (spent an hour or so reading the Head F1 thread) simply beacuase Grados were not something that was on my radar until very recently. I am an impulsive/compulsive animal. iponderous you and the other 499 HF2 purchasers made a good decision. I will reflect my opinion of the RS1, but it obviously can't be in comparison to the HF2 as I am not one of the other 499, and I have no intention of buying another high end Grado, at least not this year. If you purchase a 2nd hand RS1, you will then be able to scratch that itch, and sell either the RS1 or the HF2 without loss (in the case of the HF2, probably with profit).

I am cured, I am keeping my promise to my wife: no I am probably kidding myself .
Jan 1, 2010 at 4:16 AM Post #8 of 8
That's understood regarding the comparison between the two. I did start a comparison thread here between the RS1i and the HF2 but there were very few responses. However, there is a thread dedicated to comparative reviews of the HF2 and it is often compared with the RS1. I'm sure you're only too well aware that you have to listen to these phones yourself, in order to know how they really sound - to you. Still, your impressions of the RS1 would be welcome.

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