Eating Healthily
Oct 25, 2011 at 11:33 PM Post #91 of 104
my main problem with that is that i'll start off with something small enough to make me feel not hungry, like a bagel. then i'll pack sandwich for lunch. I eat the bagel, 2 hours later get hungry. eat the sandwich, 1 hour later get hungry. Cant leave college campus till 9 and its only 3. Thats when I end up buying some snack like chips or eating fast food. The fast food will keep me full until around dinner time but by then the damage is done. Even if I skip dinner i'll be hungry for about 2 hours before I go to bed, and that is generally a time when a refreshing salad is not even close to what i want to eat.

In basic and advanced training, I learned that strict regimen and habit, once built, is hard to break down. The hardest part of this diet will be getting through the first 30 days. after that i'll be in enough of a habit to keep it up.
Oct 25, 2011 at 11:48 PM Post #92 of 104
Well I eat once every 3-4 hours. I don't snack at all unless it's just a treat. I don't really get hungry for the snacks I eat. They are bonus just for taste.
Oct 27, 2011 at 6:12 AM Post #93 of 104
For many they just can stick to a diet. Telling them that some food is bad and off limits has a way to make them want it even more. Diets never worked for me as I have very little self control and everything I do has to just feel right. 
For me to not look at any food as off limits worked. I could have what ever I wanted, but I ended up eating the healthy food that made me feel well. I was at the airport last night and I actually had a Mac Donalds hamburger. This was a big part of my old lifestyle and was the main cause of being overweight. It was the first fast food I have had in 9 months. Being able to eat it was the healthy choice as it made it something  I could have if I wanted. To tell you the truth it tasted great but the overall end feeling of eating such a thing is really not great. I do not see fast food at all in my future.
Much of the stuff you read about people saying is off limits, I find healthy. Whole grain bread is great as a part of a meal. I don't see how any diet could be with out something as simple as fresh baked brown bread. You need to find a whole grain which has been made that day at a small bakery. A wholegrain brown is a great carb that will last in your energy reserve and hold you over till the next meal. Most folks if they find themselves hungry should look into the true value of the food they are eating. There is nothing wrong with eight small meals in a day as it is much easer for the body than two big meals. Remember 40% of your daily energy goes into the digestion of food.
My diet just makes a goal to have some kind of fruit always around. If it is around it can become part of your diet. Today I had a kiwi and a banana. Every day this week I have ate one or two mangos. Thus the key is just to have healthy food around the house. It would be really hard for me though if I lived with someone who had all this really unhealthy but great tasting food around as I really don't have that great of control. If is out of sight then out of mind so to speak. I guess there could be people who make it a goal to go out of a diet and just buy all this really unhealthy but great tasting food then go home and binge out.
My plan has always been just to have small groups of healthy food around and eat out the same way. I have seen amazing weight loss with slimfast. I never used it though. You are just using a limited intake of food and two meals of carbs and vitamins to burn fat as an energy source. It works, and some feel great on it. I don't see though how it would be good for a long time. A diet with basic food and olive oil, rice, eggs, lean meat is still something  that will give you enough energy and at such low normal non overeating intakes can lower your weight with simple exercise.
The whole goal for most on a diet is to not feel hungry all the time. You can lose weight slowly by just not eating junkfood or overeating. Eating normal amounts of pure simple food is really the key. 
Oct 27, 2011 at 3:18 PM Post #94 of 104
I found out the hard way that limiting the foods that you eat is a terrible idea.
Back in freshman year of college, about 3-4 years ago, I ate pretty much fries and pizza every day and gained weight pretty fast. I decided to go on a crash diet and wouldn't eat anything with fat in it. No cheese, nuts, etc. At first it worked because I was able to drop weight very fast, combined with running. I started running more and more while still sticking to my diet and after a while I'd get sick and injured very fast due to the lack of proper fat and nutrient intake.
A much better rule to go by to lose weight is simply eat less than what you burn. I finally started doing this over the past summer and it's a much, much healthier way to live. I eat a lot of cheese and nuts, but always monitor my calorie intake. I'll even eat ice cream and cookies occasionally as well, as long as it's in moderation and within my calorie limits. The only things I won't eat are fast foods, fried foods, and pizza or other extremely oily foods as they make me feel crappy after eating. Otherwise, I don't limit what I eat.
I actually have the opposite problem of most people in that I'm pretty underweight and need to eat more calories than I expend but I usually either don't have the appetite to eat, or worked out so much that no matter what I eat it won't be enough.
Oct 27, 2011 at 3:27 PM Post #95 of 104

I found out the hard way that limiting the foods that you eat is a terrible idea.

Its not that black and white, it depends on what foods you limit.  Cutting out fat is a huge misconception, and caught on partly because it is so easily associated with "fat" on our bodies.  But it's not that simple, the human body needs fat, it is an essential nutrient.  We also need a variety of fats, not just mono-unsaturated fat.  The low fat craze led to people loading up on empty, processed carbs, sugar, and hydrogentated rancid oils, which is what has led to the diabetes epidemic.  Cutting out "low fat" snacks like those weight watchers cookies etc would be better than cutting out high fat snacks made from real ingredients like butter.  Of course eating tons of butter isn't a good idea either, it's a balance.  An apple might make a better snack depending on what you eat the rest of the day.
Slim fast is a bad idea IMO because you're cutting real food out of your diet and replacing it with processed food and sugar and vitamins to try to make up for all the real food you're not eating.  That's just not a good idea.  There's no magical ingredients in Slim Fast that will keep you full or help you loose weight.  If a dense liquid diet helps, then there are real food alternatives.  Even just adding whey protein powder to milk would be better. 
Oct 27, 2011 at 4:32 PM Post #96 of 104

Its not that black and white, it depends on what foods you limit.  Cutting out fat is a huge misconception, and caught on partly because it is so easily associated with "fat" on our bodies.  But it's not that simple, the human body needs fat, it is an essential nutrient.  We also need a variety of fats, not just mono-unsaturated fat.  The low fat craze led to people loading up on empty, processed carbs, sugar, and hydrogentated rancid oils, which is what has led to the diabetes epidemic.  Cutting out "low fat" snacks like those weight watchers cookies etc would be better than cutting out high fat snacks made from real ingredients like butter.  Of course eating tons of butter isn't a good idea either, it's a balance.  An apple might make a better snack depending on what you eat the rest of the day.
Slim fast is a bad idea IMO because you're cutting real food out of your diet and replacing it with processed food and sugar and vitamins to try to make up for all the real food you're not eating.  That's just not a good idea.  There's no magical ingredients in Slim Fast that will keep you full or help you loose weight.  If a dense liquid diet helps, then there are real food alternatives.  Even just adding whey protein powder to milk would be better. 

That's more of what I was getting at. I was also sucked into the "fat is terrible" craze and went about losing weight in a very unhealthy way. I actually read that eating dairy fats like cheese and butter (in moderation, of course) was correlated to lower abdominal fat. I'm not sure how that works, but it's a good enough reason for me to throw some cheese on everything I eat.

Anyways, in the end, to lose weight, as long as calories in < calories burned, the macronutrients of what you eat doesn't really matter. Of course, eating crappy foods full of sugar is going to end up making you hungry much faster, and that's partly what leads to weight gain. Sugary foods burn off much faster making you feel hungry in a short period of time, leading to overeating. A higher fat content in the same caloric intake will leave you feeling much fuller for longer and it's much easier to not overeat.
Oct 28, 2011 at 4:42 AM Post #97 of 104
There are many foods and there are many types of diets.  There is no Fixed way to eat.  Keeping it mixed with fruits, veggies and some meat is I goes a guide line.  But throwing away your eating habits right away isn't good.  People will just say a diet failed because they couldn't control them self and didn't wean themselves into a different eating habit.  I love rice and every once and a while I'll eat it.  But never give up completely the things you love to eat.  Now if your trying to get shredded or ripped than a strict diet for some of us is required but if your just eating to get healthier than thats different.  I know so many guys who go into body building competitions and they hate it because they have to undergo a certain diet.  I am trying to get ripped again but even then, I can't keep my body like that all the time it would bee to hard on my body.  I do want to have an over all healthy body and mind but those are other components I work on aside of eating healthier foods but I'll sneak 20 piece chicken mcnuggets maybe once or twice a year...haha I hate to eat so many fast foods.  Makes me want to
Oct 30, 2011 at 9:18 AM Post #98 of 104
Isn't it quite simple:
- Eat 5-6 small/normal (European size) meals pr. day
- Junk food only 1 day of the week
- Sleep 8 hours
- Get some excercise 3 times a week
Why all this fuzz on "diet". It is not about diet. It is about how you want to live. If not, you will be walking every hour for the rest of your life thinking about if you stick to the "diet"...
Oct 30, 2011 at 4:15 PM Post #99 of 104
Ah its a lot easier to prep everything at the beginning of the week.  Plus everyone has different calorie needs weather some one is athletic to actively working or sitting at a desk.  The energy supply needed will be different.  Such as Michael Phelps takes in about 11,000 kilocalories (which I have a hard time believing...I'd think something more like 6 thousand kilocalories) and I cannot take in that much because my profession doesn't use up that mount of energy.  I do know that being at the weight I am at I need to consume about 2,500- 3,000 calories daily to maintain muscle. But everyones body will demand a certain amount of calories.  Every one can chose to live how they want to eat but, they cannot chose the out come of the decisions.  I do believe we need to enjoy our lives and not have to worry about things such as "diet"  but I can say this... when I was going into my cutting phase and I missed a meal (meal after every 3 hours starting at 6am) I would get really grouchy and punchy.  Hahaha.  I know a lot of people that go though the cutting phase and get like that when they miss a meal.  But not everyone wants to get shredded.  Its not all that healthy but fun to achieve.  Healthy needs to be achieved on the mental side first.   
Nov 6, 2011 at 1:32 AM Post #100 of 104
I just turned 19 and moved out of my parents place. I have noticed that my diet has gotten much worse now that healthy food isn't prepared for me. I eat a lot of mac and cheese, noodles, burritos, eggs, and bacon. Throw in a bunch of chocolate bars i got for 50% after halloween and a pepsi a day and you have a bad combination. I tend to eat 2 fruits a day usually an orange and a banana or apple. I have been eating very little vegatables but i do eat celery, cucumber, and carrots. Over all i feel like crap and i feel like my life is going down a hill. Maybe i can get some help here.
Nov 6, 2011 at 1:37 AM Post #101 of 104
Do it!  Bad diet is like trying to setup an audiophile rig with 96 kbps files.  No matter how much you spend on gear or how much time you spend tweaking, you've still got **** coming in.  Many American's diets are probably more like 48 kbps...
Nov 6, 2011 at 1:47 AM Post #102 of 104

Do it!  Bad diet is like trying to setup an audiophile rig with 96 kbps files.  No matter how much you spend on gear or how much time you spend tweaking, you've still got **** coming in.  Many American's diets are probably more like 48 kbps...

What do you recommend?
Nov 6, 2011 at 1:53 AM Post #103 of 104
I'm transitioning to eating healthier, so one thing I started doing was eating a bunch more vegatables and fruits, and cutting out a large amount of junk food I was normally eating.
Nov 6, 2011 at 4:46 AM Post #104 of 104
I try to eat more fresh fruits and veggies.  I like to get whole grain breads.  If I can't get some eggs for the morning than I'll go for oatmeal.  The thing is that Ive noticed is that healthier foods which have more nutrients help to keep you fuller for a longer time which helps provide more energy.  Junk foods don't offer much nutrients which lead to eating more because the body is lacking the nutrients it should get daily.  Everyones eating habits are different but fruits and veggies are a big part of each culture.  You might want to check out this page.  It can help to get an idea of what you could use.  Its just a recommendation, I hope it helps.

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