Earsonics SM64: The Impressions Thread
Aug 27, 2014 at 7:21 AM Post #1,246 of 1,656
Whilst I'm here, I feel I should also mention something to anyone who reads this thread and freaks out about the 5khz suckout. It's not that big a deal. When I first read it I assumed it meant 'if anything is played within this frequency range, you just won't hear it'. It doesn't mean that, if you have these headphones and go listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNf9nzvnd1k
It just gets SLIGHTLY quieter from about 4800-5050Khz. Another reminder that the people on this forum tend to exaggerate the issues because of how such a tiny difference can be a signifier between the quality of multiple IEMS. 
SO, if you're like me and for the most part just want to enjoy music- yes, these IEMs are still great, and this 'issue' is more of a non issue as far as layman ears are concerned. 
From me, your friendly Head-fi to layman and noob translator. 
Aug 27, 2014 at 7:25 AM Post #1,247 of 1,656
-these ones? 
Do we have a concensus on which tips are best for soundstage? I like the look of the westone stars, but the shure olives look like theyll isolate better...?

i don't think you would find any consensus, we all hear differently so what may be a good tip for me may not necessarily be for others.  i liked the comfort, sound, isolation and durability of the olives. for a better soundstage you would find the silicon ones better though.
Aug 27, 2014 at 7:30 AM Post #1,248 of 1,656
 (I sure would like to hear the ie8 in this respect!)

If you're ever in London/ Oxford UK let me know and we can meet for a coffee and you can have a listen to mine! (I'm not a psychopath, don't worry- you don't even have to have coffee). 
Answer, I've seen that it's quite common to attribute an IEM as generally better than another IEM because it appears to be more revealing (having the ability to "drag out hidden details"), but most often - at least when comparing TOTL or very high quality IEMs such as the SM64 - the truth is rather that different IEMs tend to emphasize different frequencies more or less, giving the impression we hear stuff we never heard before and so make us believe we hear stuff that used to be hidden.

Are you saying SM64s are not TOTL IEMs? Do they only reach 'high quality' status? :D
Whilst I would sort of agree with the rest of the statement, I suppose I was exaggerating slightly; If I listen carefully on my ie8s, I CAN hear the things I was referring to- its more that the balance is better in the SM64s (I think that's objective rather than opinion)- so I can hear more of the music more clearly. What are your thoughts?
Aug 27, 2014 at 2:15 PM Post #1,249 of 1,656
...The track may not be the most ideal for the SM64, but I think your EQ analogy is pretty much what it is about.

- So, it's not 'bad' on the SM64s, per say, just different? (Perhaps less artificial?)
I keep having to remind myself that the IE8s are much more tailored towards extremism rather than sound accuracy, every now and again they trick me into making things sound better on first impression... :D

Definitely not bad! Unfortunately I haven't got the ie8 to compare with which would have been interesting.
The numbers of parameters that govern how we perceive sound are so many that it's impossible to tell if a particular phone will be appreciated by a specific individual. I.e. it may be that the IE8 suits you better as an individual. Now, I don't really think so but I wanted to present that as a possibility if you seem to prefer IE8 over time.
I find what I call, and what I believe Earsonics used to call, the "out-of-head-experience" of the SM64 to be unique. It translates into a feeling that the sound emanates from some distance from the ears. This part of the signature takes some time getting used to, and initially felt as though the phones weren't positioned deep enough into the ear canals, but rather sounded as a somewhat too shallow fit, like I had the push them further in. This took me a day or two to get used to, but once I did I started to appreciate its uniqueness quite a bit.
Aug 27, 2014 at 3:09 PM Post #1,250 of 1,656
 (I sure would like to hear the ie8 in this respect!)

If you're ever in London/ Oxford UK let me know and we can meet for a coffee and you can have a listen to mine! (I'm not a psychopath, don't worry- you don't even have to have coffee). 
Answer, I've seen that it's quite common to attribute an IEM as generally better than another IEM because it appears to be more revealing (having the ability to "drag out hidden details"), but most often - at least when comparing TOTL or very high quality IEMs such as the SM64 - the truth is rather that different IEMs tend to emphasize different frequencies more or less, giving the impression we hear stuff we never heard before and so make us believe we hear stuff that used to be hidden.

Are you saying SM64s are not TOTL IEMs? Do they only reach 'high quality' status? :D
Whilst I would sort of agree with the rest of the statement, I suppose I was exaggerating slightly; If I listen carefully on my ie8s, I CAN hear the things I was referring to- its more that the balance is better in the SM64s (I think that's objective rather than opinion)- so I can hear more of the music more clearly. What are your thoughts?

Thank you for the invitation! We do drink a lot of coffee in Sweden so I may actually want to have two, or even three cups of coffee while I listen to your IE8. I’ve only been to London once and it was 22 years ago so in a sense it’s about time I should go again. Anyway, very generous of you!

In my book the SM64 is a TOTL IEM, but I’m not sure everyone would agree on that which probably led me to describe it as “very high quality”. For example, I personally and overall prefer the SM64 over my “FitEar ToGo! 334” which is $1350. That doesn’t mean to say that I consider the SM64 better in any objective way that I can really argue for. The mids of the TG334 seems pretty unbeatable, but still and overall I prefer to listen to the SM64. I find the TG334 a bit too dark for my taste and lacking in treble sparkle. Furthermore, the TG334 is extremely source sensitive when it comes to hiss, is rather bulky to wear, and very, very hard to find the right tips for. Don’t get me wrong, the TG334 is a fabulous phone and I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if most people would prefer it over the SM64, but as already stated I personally prefer the SM64. As they say, beauty is in the ear of the listener!

About the “hidden details” I couldn’t agree with you more! It’s also a matter of the phone’s ability to project focus (instrument separation); i.e., the outline or boundary of an instrument within the soundstage of the recording. The sharper the edge of each instrument is within the image the better the focus and it certainly helps to perceive the many details that otherwise become more or less obscured.
Aug 27, 2014 at 6:02 PM Post #1,251 of 1,656

By description those sound right, however the picture looks different than what I've been ordering:


Specifically the size of the bore on the ones I have appears larger than in the link you posted. Likely your link just has an outdated picture.

Tried both the Westone Star and foam tips and went back to the Phonaks. My theory is the wider bore at the end of the tip is what improves the soundstage.
Aug 27, 2014 at 6:32 PM Post #1,252 of 1,656
The link I posted is from here, and they also seem to do the other ones- but out of stock! Gutted :frowning2:
I wonder  if it's just an outdated version of the picture, and there's two different colours? Very specific question, I assume no one here knows...?
I'll send them a question, but knowing my luck it will be some sales rep who will be like 'yes the eartips are eartips and theyll both work for those headphones', and I'll be like *insert bore size question here*" and they'll just sound like a stuck record "yes they fit phonak audeos". 
Ugh.... here we go. All for some eartips of a specific bore size XD First world issues eh?
Aug 27, 2014 at 6:39 PM Post #1,253 of 1,656
Ok, micro quest start time:
DO we think the tips here: http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0139/7452/products/siliconetips_1024x1024_1024x1024.jpg?v=1364830811
Are identical (specifically bore size) to the ones here:
and here:
-just a different colour?
Aug 28, 2014 at 3:55 PM Post #1,254 of 1,656
  Ok, micro quest start time:
DO we think the tips here: http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0139/7452/products/siliconetips_1024x1024_1024x1024.jpg?v=1364830811
Are identical (specifically bore size) to the ones here:
and here:
-just a different colour?

I'd guess the tips seen in the first two links are the same. The tips in the third link look shorter. Got mine from here. Personally, I feel the Phonaks sound practically the same as the stock silicone tips but are easier to fit perfectly and give perhaps a tad bit better isolation. YMMY though!
EDIT: Warning, the cost for "Shipping & Handling" (USA => EU (Sweden)) was horrible and in the end not worth it. $35! 
Aug 28, 2014 at 9:50 PM Post #1,255 of 1,656
Two days have sent to new owner, I really miss my SM64 so much. (Not just I don't have any toy to play). I will never forget about the SS of sm64.... In some way, I choose fitEar Paterre as a new taste, I try to overcome long days without Sm64....
Aug 29, 2014 at 10:38 AM Post #1,256 of 1,656
i cant get a good fit using SM64's tips. Just not comfortable using them, kinda create a vacuum in my ears.
Used Phonak 112's silicone tips previously, but are now using Westone Startips (the green/small ones) purchased on ebay.
I'm Indonesian/Chinese with small-ish ears so those are the tips that work for me. As usual, YMMV
Aug 29, 2014 at 3:39 PM Post #1,258 of 1,656
Btw, I've gotten to spend some very quality time with the 64s lately and I continue to be impressed. They are so much fun to listen to! I really liken them to the RS1 of IEMs. Most technically capable? No. Biggest soundstage? No. Richest sub bass or upper treble? No. But I'll be danged if they don't get my head bobbin every single time!

They are tearin' up my Snarky Puppy albums!
Sep 1, 2014 at 9:50 AM Post #1,259 of 1,656
  Two days have sent to new owner, I really miss my SM64 so much. (Not just I don't have any toy to play). I will never forget about the SS of sm64.... In some way, I choose fitEar Paterre as a new taste, I try to overcome long days without Sm64....

Why did you decide to 'upgrade'?
i cant get a good fit using SM64's tips. Just not comfortable using them, kinda create a vacuum in my ears.

I know what you mean! It's like I can feel 'pressure' behind my ears- very odd. I think the supplied comply tips are a tad long as well. I'm pretty sure I can feel them touching my brain...
Btw, I've gotten to spend some very quality time with the 64s lately and I continue to be impressed. They are so much fun to listen to! I really liken them to the RS1 of IEMs. Most technically capable? No. Biggest soundstage? No. Richest sub bass or upper treble? No. But I'll be danged if they don't get my head bobbin every single time!

I'd like to edit this a touch: 
"Most technically capable? No, but capable nonetheless. Biggest soundstage? No, but big nonetheless. Richest sub bass or upper treble? No, but that's one hell of a well controlled bass. But I'll be danged if they don't get me dancing on the bar table every time!
Sep 5, 2014 at 2:20 PM Post #1,260 of 1,656
My SM64s arrived today! 
Immediate out-of-the-box impressions: *Please note that I went straight for Westone Star tips*
A definite bass lift (just the way I like it :) ), detail is absolutely breathtaking, with astounding clarity throughout. I found out for the first time that one of my recent favourite tracks actually has cymbals in it! :D
Will come back with some burned-it impressions ASAP, and listen to more than one song on them :p
Down side: The soundstage isn't (at least right now) as big/expansive as I was expecting, but placement in the headstage is unparalleled. There is a definite sense of left and right.
The only test track I have had so far is "Blumchen- Herz an Herz," straight from my Cowon Z2. It's a piece of German hardcore from 1995, so it may not be the best demonstration. i will try with my extensive selection of Trance later :)

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