Earbuds Round-Up
Jul 31, 2013 at 10:09 AM Post #361 of 75,726
I have never been the biggest PK2 fan, but I am a sucker for modded/DIY kit...the PK3 might be worth a go...and I see he does a version of the MX500.
Jul 31, 2013 at 3:00 PM Post #363 of 75,726
x2. i tried to win an auction there, but no luck. would try again if they're the real thing

Well, he keps putting new ones up, and some auctions finish under $20. My auction finished at $18.50. The one after that finished at $15.50. If it really sounds anywhere close to Yuin PK2 that's a great price.
Aug 3, 2013 at 10:53 AM Post #365 of 75,726
Hey ClieOS, why not add the Bose mie2 buds to this list? I'm really interested in seeing how they stack up to the Blox. They are essentially a pair of earbuds since the ear tips do not deeply insert into the ear canal. Also, does the bass response on the ES903 good enough for hip-hop? Thanks in advance.
Aug 5, 2013 at 6:42 AM Post #367 of 75,726
Hey ClieOS, why not add the Bose mie2 buds to this list? I am really interested to see how they stack up to the Blox. They are essentially a pair of earbuds since the ear tips do not go in entirely. Also, does the base response on the ES903 good enough for hip-hop? Thanks in advance.

Just got a chance to listen to MIE2 a few days ago - yes, you are right that it doesn't go into the ear canal at all and should be considered as earbud. I don't have one to listen in detail so it is not going into the ranking, but the SQ is actually quite good.
ES903 does quite well with hip-hop, but I am not a big hip-hop fan so I don't know how much can be counted as enough. Personally I find it to be adequate.
Aug 6, 2013 at 2:34 PM Post #370 of 75,726
I got something in the mail today...
A pair of DIY earbuds from the seller who's got the modded PK2 earbuds.

I paid $6,50 for this pair and it's well worth it! Heck, I'd pay $50 or more for this!
The sound character is a bit on the dark side, a bit like Sennheiser MX400, but with an actual 3D soundstage! Bass doesn't go very deep, and mids feel a bit harsh compared to the lush mids on PK2. But this pair of earbuds has got a soundstage that can almost rival the Blox TM7. Well, at least in depth. It hasn't got the same resolution and instrument separation as the TM7, but for someone like me, who loves a deep soundstage, these earbuds are keepers!

Heck, they easily walk all over my Hisoundaudio Living when it comes to soundstage, and they do it without sounding thin with harsh highs. I have nothing against Hisoundaudio, but I feel that the guy making these earbuds could make better earbuds than them, while not beating Yuin or Blox.

Listening to Kate Bush (Oh to be in Love from The Kick Inside), and the soundstage feels really expansive in the beginning. Damn, these earbuds make me don't really miss my Aiwa or Sony vintage earbuds when it comes to soundstage!

The DIY guy seems to have come across cheap Audio Technica earbuds and taken parts from them. The jack plug and Y splitter have got ATH symbols on them.

Or are these ATH earbuds that he has modded? These earbuds don't sound anything like my CM7 or CM700...
Actually the design does remind me of EC700 when I compare photos.

Anyway, these earbuds are definitely worth trying out!
Aug 7, 2013 at 12:05 AM Post #372 of 75,726
I got something in the mail today...

A pair of DIY earbuds from the seller who's got the modded PK2 earbuds.

Anyway, these earbuds are definitely worth trying out!

Great review!

By the way, Are you aware of any songs that when, listened to with low-end earbuds, there are parts that are simply missed/not audible - but when listened to on quality buds, the sound is noticeable? I am looking for some good songs that will make me say "wow, I never heard that part before" - to let me know that the trouble and money of these nicer earbuds are worth it.....haha.


Aug 7, 2013 at 3:06 AM Post #373 of 75,726
How about the DIY pk2?also he has another DIY Mx500 give it a try and left us impressions.

I have not yet received the PK2. I'm interested in the DIY MX500 and might buy it in a few weeks. But they are really cheap, so I think you should take a chance and buy them and post YOUR impressions! 

Great review!

By the way, Are you aware of any songs that when, listened to with low-end earbuds, there are parts that are simply missed/not audible - but when listened to on quality buds, the sound is noticeable? I am looking for some good songs that will make me say "wow, I never heard that part before" - to let me know that the trouble and money of these nicer earbuds are worth it.....haha.



Well, I wouldn't call it a review.  More like some impressions. ClieOS, who started this thread, is a great reviewer. I'm just an earbud freak who likes to share his impressions...
For me, the biggest difference between low- and high-end earbuds is in how the soundstage is presented. Really good ones can give you a sense of 3D space, where you do not only hear instruments along the width of the soundstage, but also deeper in the soundstage in front of you. It's even better if there's good layering and you can "sense" instruments at different depths in front of you.
Still, there are a lot of great earbuds that has little to no depth in the soundstage: Audio Technica CM700 and Yuin PK2 are two examples. ATH CM700 has got a very clean and almost analytic sound signature and sounds great. PK2 has got wonderful mids and a very airy quality to its sound. When it comes to the PK2, I don't really miss not having any depth in the soundstage. 

Anyway, you would have to go REALLY low-end for things to become inaudible. Usually you can hear most of what's going on, but sometimes the instruments sort of blend into each other (i.e. lack resolution) and when you change to a better pair of earbuds, you can hear the individual instruments much better. As for songs, I mainly use my head- and earphones to listen to the music I like. Sometimes it can be a well produced album, and sometimes something like a thrash metal demo from the 80's with really crappy production. The Kate Bush album is an example of a well produced album (long before the loudness war started...)
There are audiophile recordings, but I don't really know much about that.
Aug 7, 2013 at 4:27 PM Post #374 of 75,726
Speaking in Tongues - Talking Heads :)

My favorite test album.

Those buds are interesting danneq, how is the size on them. They are bigger than yuins, yes? My dumb ears can't fit anything bigger than a yuin. Still eagerly awaiting your impressions on the diy pk2.
Aug 7, 2013 at 4:44 PM Post #375 of 75,726
So is there a consensus for a best sounding earbud that has an inline mic and volume control both? I'd really like to have a high quality earbud connected to my smartphone at all times for taking calls and listening to music instead of lugging around my full size closed cans. Before anyone says IEMs, I prefer earbuds due to comfort, but if there doesn't seem to be a tier 1 earbud with both inline mic and volume controls I guess I'll look into IEMs at that point. Basically I am looking for the best sounding, most convenient/feature packed earbud. Thank you for any suggestions. I was looking at the Sennheiser 985s, but unfortunately they do not have the inline mic. 

I'm looking for the same and am gob-smacked that there isn't a huge market for high-end earbuds for phones!
I've heard that adding a mic inline can/does reduce sound quality - is this true?

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