Earbuds Round-Up
Nov 16, 2016 at 5:06 AM Post #14,162 of 77,146
  Also, I can't seem to find the EQ300 available in Aliexpress, could you point to me where I could get it for $19?

Try the link in my post. It is listed in a different name (NAOI M1) but it is definitely Erqu EQ300. There was no box and only a case with the earbuds, but there was a warranty card in Chinese where it said "Erqu".
Nov 16, 2016 at 5:07 AM Post #14,163 of 77,146
Actually it is very nice that there is a market for boutique earbuds. Limited quantities and premium prices, one can own something special that is not mass-produced. It also says something about earbuds marker in general - how diversified
it is these days.
Nov 16, 2016 at 5:19 AM Post #14,164 of 77,146
  Actually it is very nice that there is a market for boutique earbuds. Limited quantities and premium prices, one can own something special that is not mass-produced. It also says something about earbuds marker in general - how diversified
it is these days.

As long as it sounds good. I consider Blox a sort of boutique earbuds. Their top end earbuds such as TM7 and TM5 are very limited releases. Woo seems to run the place almost like a one man show. Cypherus is even more a one man show where each pair of earbuds is pretty much custom made after you have placed an order. 
I only go by sound and boutique earbuds can be as good as or better than mass produced earbuds (as long as the people running the boutique knows what they are doing).
Nov 16, 2016 at 5:45 AM Post #14,166 of 77,146
  ... mention the microphonics issue with them. The twisty cable makes a lot of rubbing sound in the shell. It sounds a bit like a crinkly driver but I think its just the cable slightly twisting and untwisting...

the hp-650 sound exactly like that if I pull slightly on the cable, while the earbud is in my ear, on their own they don't make a sound, even when moving my head or push my chair back
Nov 16, 2016 at 6:01 AM Post #14,167 of 77,146
  As long as it sounds good. I consider Blox a sort of boutique earbuds. Their top end earbuds such as TM7 and TM5 are very limited releases. Woo seems to run the place almost like a one man show. Cypherus is even more a one man show where each pair of earbuds is pretty much custom made after you have placed an order. 
I only go by sound and boutique earbuds can be as good as or better than mass produced earbuds (as long as the people running the boutique knows what they are doing).

Yes! And I think the whole ordering process adds to a good experience as well. I remember when I was ordering $19 earbud in Good Sound Gadget I was cared for personaly by the maker, I could choose cables, colors and I was informed (with pictures) about my order status. Very cool! Much better then just clicking "buy in now" button on some dehumanized web page.
By the way. How was Blox ordering? Was it via e-mail?
Nov 16, 2016 at 6:07 AM Post #14,168 of 77,146
  By the way. How was Blox ordering? Was it via e-mail?

It used to be through the Blox homepage. But not much has happened there for a long while. The latest release B200 was only released in Thailand and I think you could only buy it through e-mail contact with Blox/Woo...
Nov 16, 2016 at 6:13 AM Post #14,170 of 77,146
  Hi Danneq, how would you describe the sound of Erqu EQ300, also compare to Monk + or Monk Candy? I hope it's not just bass monster type...

I wrote about them here and here.

That sort of "splashy" sound from cymbals that I described in my second post seems to have pretty much gone away after a few hours of use.
Nov 16, 2016 at 6:20 AM Post #14,171 of 77,146
any info on the Rose Technology 64ohm?
Nov 16, 2016 at 6:24 AM Post #14,172 of 77,146
Needless to say i will compare Zen2 black with Shozy Stardust, Masya, K500 :)

This is Champion's League! 

Nov 16, 2016 at 6:35 AM Post #14,173 of 77,146
  Yes! And I think the whole ordering process adds to a good experience as well. I remember when I was ordering $19 earbud in Good Sound Gadget I was cared for personaly by the maker, I could choose cables, colors and I was informed (with pictures) about my order status. Very cool! Much better then just clicking "buy in now" button on some dehumanized web page.
By the way. How was Blox ordering? Was it via e-mail?

What about this manufacturer? How good his buds are? I noticed that his top earbud is 1,5kTHB, which is not a lot, but I guess you can add options and the price rises up.

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