Dunu TITAN Series (new for 2019: Titan 6) [Page 196]
Apr 21, 2015 at 7:35 AM Post #1,021 of 3,012
  Yeah, I don't think I can sell mine either. Simply the perfect headphone to me, but some people really hate the sig lol. 
I have heard the SR-009 and while it is better, IMO not worth the effort for the tiny upgrade. If I had 10 grand to spare though, that might be a different story 

Anyway, I probably shouldn't derail this thread any longer, back to how wonderful the Titan 1 is 

Yep I'll have to go down that SR-009 path someday. But yes the Titan's are a wonderful I always have them in my bag no matter what other IEM I carry so they're my current go to IEMs lol
Apr 21, 2015 at 8:10 AM Post #1,022 of 3,012

Two quick questions. I read that these are semi-open with a large soundstage.

1, Is the soundstage as large as earbuds that do not fit in ears? (i.e. Yuin PK1 etc.) Or is it smaller but just larger than sealed IEMs?
2. Does it allow sound from the outside in as much as earbuds or does it actually block some of the noise from the environment?

Apr 21, 2015 at 8:35 AM Post #1,023 of 3,012
  Have you heard the SE846? As someone who has owned and listened to it for half a year, I can tell you it most definitely does. 
I have also had the IE8 and I think the Titan 1s are much better. By today's standards, the IE8 has a dreadful price/performance ratio. 

I could see paying THAT much for a pair of Earphones IF they are 8x better than the Titans Which is their approximate cost differential. Generally I wasn't too impressed with the Shure stuff Se 215--535 Etc. although admittedly I HAVE not heard the 846's. Congrats. You are correct about the IE8's I'm finding out. Even the $63 Havi's I just got will hold their own against the IE 8's.  Lin do you have the audio equipment to do those phones Justice? Portable that is. If you also have the Titans Please explain the sonic differences you hear between them.
Apr 21, 2015 at 8:41 AM Post #1,024 of 3,012
I'm getting a pair of these to compare to my current favorite IEM: my RE-600s. While the Titans are a fair amount cheaper, I'd love to compare these two IEMs that many people seem to say punch way above their price point (excluding durability for the RE-600, its cable is awful). I think the Titans will be great work headphones being semi open, I need a little less isolation so people can get my attention without having to approach me.
Apr 21, 2015 at 8:51 AM Post #1,025 of 3,012
Lin's got the DX90 so he's definitely giving them what they need. In this hobby there's a great deal of diminishing returns and the high up you go the smaller the gains. I don't even think there's anything that is 8x better than the Titans or even close to that IMO. I don't even think my HD800 setup is 2x the SQ of the Titans. I would pay 8x the price for 2x the SQ if I could even get that. I guess value for money is a personal thing.
Apr 21, 2015 at 8:57 AM Post #1,026 of 3,012
How do You like The HD800's? I have The HD 650's and the 600's. Honestly I favor the 600's. Go figure... My absolute Favorite are the AKG 701's and 702's- No "veil" there. At all.
Apr 21, 2015 at 9:10 AM Post #1,027 of 3,012
How do You like The HD800's? I have The HD 650's and the 600's. Honestly I favor the 600's. Go figure... My absolute Favorite are the AKG 701's and 702's- No "veil" there. At all.

I really haven't tried that many cans but its the best I've heard. Everything is so lifelike, so clear and detailed. I didn't like them at first. They sounded good but so brittle and harsh up top so I couldn't handle more than 30 minutes at a time. When I got the M9 everything changed. I had the HD600s for about 6 months prior to the HD800s and I think they have a similar sound signature that's quite natural, but the HD800s are just more refined, more airy and more detailed. 
Apr 21, 2015 at 9:41 AM Post #1,028 of 3,012
That Crisp, Clear, brittle, scapel-like signature is the reason some don't like the AKG's. They dissect music. Don't get me wrong, they have TONS of Bass, they just don't reveal it until it's needed.
Apr 21, 2015 at 9:50 AM Post #1,029 of 3,012

Two quick questions. I read that these are semi-open with a large soundstage.

1, Is the soundstage as large as earbuds that do not fit in ears? (i.e. Yuin PK1 etc.) Or is it smaller but just larger than sealed IEMs?
2. Does it allow sound from the outside in as much as earbuds or does it actually block some of the noise from the environment?


These are hard questions to answer with certainty, as different buds have differing soundstage and isolations. My PK1's seemed (from memory) to have a smaller soundstage than the Titans, but my Blox have a more expansive soundstage than the Yuins. I think the vents in the Titan body provide a physical (and therefore, larger) perception of an expansive soundstage than most other typical buds, however this depends upon the covers selected for a particular earbud.

I do find that isolation for the Titan's is also very tip-dependent but in general, I find the isolation to be comparable to a well-fitting set of earbuds but noticeably less than sealed IEM's. IMO, the isolation provided is a good compromise between too much and too little. It always strikes me as the more isolation that an IEM provides, the narrower the soundstage. Probably a psycho-acoustic phenomena.
Apr 21, 2015 at 12:53 PM Post #1,030 of 3,012
  How about Titan vs m200?

The M200 sound/tuning is just as good if not better in some areas. But the bass decay/tightness is better on the Titan.
But if value, fit , comfort, and built come into play, the Titan wins hands down!
Apr 21, 2015 at 2:53 PM Post #1,031 of 3,012
The M200 sound/tuning is just as good if not better in some areas. But the bass decay/tightness is better on the Titan.
But if value, fit , comfort, and built come into play, the Titan wins hands down!

Thank you Marc! One more question, how about soundstage for them? M200 also has merit of soundstage. Thanks.
Apr 21, 2015 at 4:39 PM Post #1,032 of 3,012
The M200 were (are) a great sounding IEM, but Kef seriously need to stop designing an earphone made for extra terrestrial anatomy, seriously. The fit of those things was simply not researched properly, like they designed the fit around the drivers instead of the other way round.

Dunu have obviously been in closer contact with the human ear, except with thier Alpha model where they had a slight affair with Kef.

Apr 21, 2015 at 6:00 PM Post #1,033 of 3,012
The M200 were (are) a great sounding IEM, but Kef seriously need to stop designing an earphone made for extra terrestrial anatomy, seriously. The fit of those things was simply not researched properly, like they designed the fit around the drivers instead of the other way round.

Dunu have obviously been in closer contact with the human ear, except with thier Alpha model where they had a slight affair with Kef.

In spite of the m200's ergonomics, I'd really like to try my pair with my new Cayin C5 - I bet they will sound fantastic. If anyone can tell me where I put them, it would be greatly appreciated! 

Apr 21, 2015 at 6:34 PM Post #1,034 of 3,012
Apr 21, 2015 at 6:58 PM Post #1,035 of 3,012
As a testament to HOW good these Titans are, I present my Ebay listing of my IE8's to you. TRUE when A/B'd they are a little better than the Titans, But not THAT much better. It makes them redundant and I can put the money back into equipment upgrades elsewhere.

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