DT1350 vs SRH840 (possibly FA-003)
Jan 17, 2012 at 4:32 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 15


500+ Head-Fier
Nov 26, 2006
I am looking for a pair of closed phone for occasional recording and mixing work. I already have HD650 and K701 and good desktop amps for critical listening. So I want something that's balanced and neutral. After much research, I see that srh840 (or maybe FA-003) might be my best choice. Then I read some stellar reviews of DT1350. I know DT1350 is much more expensive, but is more versatile and can be used on the go to complement fun sounding portable cans. Since I don't do a lot of recording, I want this closed phone to serve multiple purposes.
My questions is how is the SQ between this two. I read a lot of posts and could not find much direct comparison between these two. I am especially interested in soundstage, mids, bass, tonality (rich/warm/cold/dry). Many say portables cans like dt1350 makes a lot of compromises in sound quality. So does dt1350 sound worse than srh840? Anyone who heard both can offer some opinions? Thanks.
Jan 17, 2012 at 4:42 PM Post #2 of 15
Uah The DT1350's are a VERY detailed can. Like FAR more than the AKG K271 and other monitoring headphones I have tried*DT48, V6, V900* They are fairly musical, lacking bass slam until the pads set to the shape of yours ears then they sound very...neutral, I'm not going to say "Natural" because the bass is still slightly lacking, but a rather pleasing sound. I have NOT tried the SHR840's so this is just my 2 cents regarding the DT's
Jan 17, 2012 at 5:09 PM Post #3 of 15
Thank you very much. I have added FA-003 to the list, although it seems to take a long time to get.
Do you know any closed cans that is neutral balanced for studio work and slightly warmer and more bassy than dt1350? My rough price range is less than $300 new or $200 used. I do vocal recordings so it seems that those cans with V-shaped sound signature are not good. I am about to buy a fun type closed can (HD25 or M80) though, but not for recording.
Jan 17, 2012 at 6:43 PM Post #4 of 15

Thank you very much. I have added FA-003 to the list, although it seems to take a long time to get.
Do you know any closed cans that is neutral balanced for studio work and slightly warmer and more bassy than dt1350? My rough price range is less than $300 new or $200 used. I do vocal recordings so it seems that those cans with V-shaped sound signature are not good. I am about to buy a fun type closed can (HD25 or M80) though, but not for recording.

well the HD25's would be pretty good for recording....ummmmm, Hmmmmm Sony MDR-v6? an old standard for studio's.
Jan 18, 2012 at 10:24 AM Post #5 of 15
Even for vocal recording? I thought HD25 has recessed mids.
Thank you very much. I have added FA-003 to the list, although it seems to take a long time to get.
Do you know any closed cans that is neutral balanced for studio work and slightly warmer and more bassy than dt1350? My rough price range is less than $300 new or $200 used. I do vocal recordings so it seems that those cans with V-shaped sound signature are not good. I am about to buy a fun type closed can (HD25 or M80) though, but not for recording.

well the HD25's would be pretty good for recording....ummmmm, Hmmmmm Sony MDR-v6? an old standard for studio's.

Jan 18, 2012 at 10:30 AM Post #6 of 15
For mixing I use the SRH840 plugged into a Apogee Duet 2 or Ensemble. Very neutral and accurate to my ears. Final mixes so far have been very honest. I've retired my 7506 and M50's.
Jan 18, 2012 at 3:55 PM Post #8 of 15
anyone has done direct comparison between srh840/FA-003 and dt1350? Thanks

Yes, I would like too, mainly between the srh840 and the FA-003.
Jan 18, 2012 at 5:51 PM Post #9 of 15
Jan 19, 2012 at 5:06 PM Post #11 of 15
The SRH840 is not what I would call neutral... midbass hump at the least. My brother has a pair of the FA003s, and I thought these were far more neutral than my 840s were. Don't get me wrong, the 840 is a fun phone. The FA003s might be slightly bass shy compared to the 840s though. Its been awhile since I listened to them.

Jan 19, 2012 at 5:18 PM Post #12 of 15
Thanks. Actually slightly warmer than neutral/analytical probably suit my music taste the best. Now I just need to find out how dt1350 compared to srh840 and then decide which one to buy.
The SRH840 is not what I would call neutral... midbass hump at the least. My brother has a pair of the FA003s, and I thought these were far more neutral than my 840s were. Don't get me wrong, the 840 is a fun phone. The FA003s might be slightly bass shy compared to the 840s though. Its been awhile since I listened to them.

Jan 20, 2012 at 2:13 AM Post #13 of 15

Thanks. Actually slightly warmer than neutral/analytical probably suit my music taste the best. Now I just need to find out how dt1350 compared to srh840 and then decide which one to buy.


if you feel like mister money bags, get both off of headphone.com and send the lose back before the 30 day limit. OTHER WISE, try contacting a member about trying out a pair of SRH840's and do the same for the 1350's if you cant find a direct comparison.
Jan 20, 2012 at 4:47 AM Post #14 of 15
Thanks. Actually slightly warmer than neutral/analytical probably suit my music taste the best. Now I just need to find out how dt1350 compared to srh840 and then decide which one to buy.

I wouldn't call the FA-003 analytical. If anything, it is definitely on the warmer side of neutral. I used to own the SRH440 and they were much dryer and stale in comparison. Obviously a 440 isn't an 840, so my entire statement is moot. Nonetheless, ithe 440 and those graphs are any indication, then midbass humps and the fact that they have little to no extension in the bass and treble aside, that big spike at 9 kHz is the real problem. Completely horrible for recording/mixing work, imo.
Jan 20, 2012 at 10:36 AM Post #15 of 15
I already got an offer for a DT1350, I think I am gonna bite and then try to find a SRH840 to compare. Thanks
Thanks. Actually slightly warmer than neutral/analytical probably suit my music taste the best. Now I just need to find out how dt1350 compared to srh840 and then decide which one to buy.


if you feel like mister money bags, get both off of headphone.com and send the lose back before the 30 day limit. OTHER WISE, try contacting a member about trying out a pair of SRH840's and do the same for the 1350's if you cant find a direct comparison.


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