Driver voice coil repair advice
Aug 12, 2016 at 2:18 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 3


New Head-Fier
Jul 23, 2016
Anyone done voice coil repairs before?
One driver has snapped coil under the diaphragm just on the edge. Used skippies method to remove the diaphragm with a pin around the edge bit by pit, time consuming but it does work.
Now i have 2 choices,
1 attach on to the existing voice coil wire on the edge of the diaphragm , which will be hard,  would require striping back the existing wire with acetone etc and joining an extra length...somehow
2. removing a loop from the central voice coil as others have mentioned, this concerns me as well tho as the 2 voice coil wires are glued with a tiny black spot of glue so if i did remove this unsure how what glue id use to spot glue them back, i guess the same glue that i will need to glue the outside of hte diaphragm. But not sure if that is actually needed. Also second concern with this is im sure this would alter the sound signature in someway.
Ill post some pictures of what im dealing with later. This isn't a must fix issue, its just more of a challenge
Aug 14, 2016 at 2:53 AM Post #2 of 3
was a bit of a pain but managed to get it done and repaired the T driver with 1 snapped voice coil wire.
Anyone attempting this here are a few pointers
a little bit of low heat from a fan heater etc will help to remove the diaphragm with a pin bit by bit.
Once removed you have will be able to see the 2 voice coil wires that glue to the diaphragm, as it was in the centre of of the diaphragm i didn't want to use anything to dissolve the glue here so just snapped both wires at this glue spot
the next bit is crucial and i fkd up a bit because i couldn't find any info on it., which way do you need to spin each wire?
The wire to the left will need to be undone anti clockwise of the voice coil spool
The wire to the right needs to be undone clockwise of the spool.
I chose the right wire first but it snapped as soon as it hit the other wire as it clearly goes under it. so you NEED to do the left wire first!!
So i then spooled the left wire anti clockwise to the adjacent side of the diaphragm.
I then spent an hour or 2 trying to pick the start of the other snapped wire from the coil, was an utter utter pain but eventually got it and celebrated as if i just won the lotto.
Also there was one point on the spool that contained what looked like a splash a glue that wasn't meant to be there and confirmed this once the wire got to it as soon as i felt a tiny bit of resistance i stopped as didnt want to spend a few more hours get the wire again.  So i used a bit of goo gone and it dissolved it instantly.
I now chose to exit the 2 wires from the opposite side of the diaphragm as didn't want to take a whole loop of the coil and affect the sound. I used a tiny bit of Selleys 5 min epoxy to glue both wires at the exit. I then ran a small dab of epoxy around the metal driver and re.seated the diaphragm. I patted sown all along the edge so it was an airtight seal.
The next part was also a pain stripping those voice coil wires, i tried acetone etc to try and strip those delicate wires but it would not work, tried shaving them but would just snap instantly, so i used some spare voice coil wire to try and work out the burning point of the enamel and wire, found at around 335 celcuis was perfect, this could burn off the enamel without burning the wire.
Put them all back together and waited a few hours for the epoxy to dry and to my sounds perfect, no sound to indicate i just spent a few hours doing this haahahah
A couple of hours work and better than spending $500-600 on some new drivers
Aug 14, 2016 at 9:49 PM Post #3 of 3

I'm going to open up again and glue where the wires come of the spool. at very high volume 110-120db you can hear a faint rattle. Can only hear it if completely low pass it as itss drowned out playing a normal song . Noticed on other drivers it's always glued leading off the coil as the voice coil wire would vibrate and hit it if played loud enough

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