Dr. Strangemod or: How I learned to stop wincing and love the iGrado. (56k warning!)
Dec 19, 2010 at 2:30 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 11


100+ Head-Fier
May 31, 2009
Feeling inspired after modding my SR125i's I started eyeballing my iGrados. They've been hanging on a hook near my front door unused for the last year.
It was quick work to get them apart and in short order I had them quarter modded, damped the back of the magnets, and vented the drivers.

Venting the drivers was easy with a standard "Bic" ball point pen since the taper stopped the pen once you punched through, no risk of damaging the diaphragm. The damping material was leftover speaker sealing caulk from PE. It has about the same properties of BluTack by my estimation.
Once I put them back together I was truly impressed with the sound from the lowly iGrado. Bass was far more articulate with nice slam. I don't think I've seen anybody else vent the drivers on the iGrado like they do on others. However, I recommend it if you're willing. And the quarter mod really opened up the highs.
I thought about replacing the screens but I held off because I question whether or not it's advisable since these don't really have much of a resonance chamber like their big brothers. My thinking is that without a little back pressure from the stock screen they might be too open. Plus, I figure I will be using them for more active endeavours, why make them more vulnerable?
Hmmm, now I might start using these more now that they sound so much better.
BUT WAIT! After sitting with them for a while it slowly dawns on me the real reason they've been neglected. They are very uncomfortable for me. Not at first, but after about 20-30 minutes I get really annoyed. There are two reasons for this. One- I have a very large head and the shape of my skull means the frame puts pressure right on the bone (lower back corner of skull) right behind the ears. Two- the plastic seams (ridges) of the frames start digging in where they rest on the backside of the top of the ears.
You can never underestimate the ability of the slightest imperfection to quickly become torturous. When I first put on the iGrados they are comfortable, which is why I bought them in the first place. But if I wear them for any length of time I get a headache. I had forgotten about this little detail.
Which brings me to the intent of this thread: modding the iGrado for comfort as well as sound.
So I sat there thinking that surely there must be something I could do to make these usable. They sound so good now. Looking at the frames I realized they were strong enough to take a little abuse so apart they came again.
To be continued......
Dec 19, 2010 at 2:52 AM Post #2 of 11
Modding for comfort phase 2....
To relieve pressure on the bone behind the ear I decided to start filing away material on the bend.

This was actually easier than I thought. A fine grade file works pretty fast on the plastic. As I started to remove material it was pretty easy to sculpt it to a more friendly shape.

In this picture I've filed the left side but not the right. I know it's hard to make out in the pics, photographing black plastic is hard.
After getting both sides shaped to my liking I went after the ridges with sandpaper and to clean up my file work. I started with 220gr.


Then I worked my way up thru 1500gr wet dry sandpaper. Then I used polishing compound to buff out. It came out decent but not perfect. Unfortunately I forgot to take a photo after final polishing.

Dec 19, 2010 at 3:17 AM Post #3 of 11
Modding for comfort phase 3....
After filing, sanding, and polishing I put them back together. Much better.....but not good enough. Taking out the ridges and shaping that corner behind the ears made them much more comfortable. However, I only could take about an hour with them on. The top of the ears no longer bothered me but that pressure point on the skull behind the ears was still too much.
So how can I reshape them? Looking at the frames as I flexed them back and forth it occurs to me that if I can make them more square-ish across the back that will change the angle of the clamping pressure and that should keep them off my skull bone.
So apart they come again!
And into a pot of boiling water.....

After I softened the frame up for a while I had to strap them to something to hold the shape I wanted while they cooled. You can see I strapped them to a block and used a rubber band to pull the front together.

And into the freezer they went. I didn't take a pic of the freezer...use your imagination.
After an hour I pulled them out and let them acclimate to room temp still under tension.

This is what they look like now and they seem to be holding their shape. After re-assembling them there is now a gap between my skull and the frames behind the ears.....success! No more pressure point.
I have been wearing them the entire time I've been typing and posting this thread and then some, about an hour and a half. And no headache.
SO there you have it. Hope someone finds this useful. I forgot to mention that the whole reason I wanted the iGrado in the first place was so that I could wear them with a helmet (both biking and skiing) and they're open enough to hear outside noises. Which is why I don't like IEM's, I don't feel safe with them.
Dec 19, 2010 at 2:11 PM Post #6 of 11
I've never owned the 60's but I have had the 80's and now using 125's. And yes I would say the sound signature with the mods to the drivers is a lot closer to the 80's (based on memory). Not quite as smooth and full sounding as the 125's , but a heck of a lot closer than they sounded stock. Also my 125's are modded as well.
Dec 19, 2010 at 2:27 PM Post #7 of 11
Bravo Dogwan, great modding work.
I never realised you could take apart an iGrado and be presented with a totally liberated SR60 driver - looks like it could be a great candidate for frankenphones, might have to pick myself up a pair or two in the new year.
Dec 19, 2010 at 4:20 PM Post #8 of 11

I've never owned the 60's but I have had the 80's and now using 125's. And yes I would say the sound signature with the mods to the drivers is a lot closer to the 80's (based on memory). Not quite as smooth and full sounding as the 125's , but a heck of a lot closer than they sounded stock. Also my 125's are modded as well.

then i guess is a win win situation for comfort and sound.
as for the helmet, could one put a clip a-la ksc75 to the igrado or are they too big for it?
Dec 19, 2010 at 4:55 PM Post #9 of 11
could one put a clip a-la ksc75 to the igrado or are they too big for it?

I don't know about that. Seems like it would involve some fabrication of some parts to hold the driver even if the size was compatible.
Dec 21, 2010 at 12:59 AM Post #11 of 11
Would you recommend the modded iGrados or sr60's?

My personal opinion is that the sound should be similar, but they are two different animals suited to different uses and that the purpose of use would be the deciding factor for me.

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