dorm experience
Nov 8, 2002 at 4:00 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 28


Not dumb enough fora custom he thought.
Jun 30, 2001
Well, I've decided to share with everyone the "experience" that is living in a dorm.

My roomate is cool, as is most everyone else on the hall, except the bastards that live next to me. The floor in their room is MIA, smothered by piles of clothes and garbage.

Unfortunatly the garbage hasn't yet risen to the level of their speakers, and hasn't clogged the subwoofer yet.

To get an idea, play the following wavs over your headphones while trying to do work:

General annoyance:

This makes things in my room rattle:!.wav

As if it wasn't bad enough, they try to sing to it! (listen at about 0:18)

Now of course this makes listening on my HD580s impossible, but the v6s, being closed should be fine, right? wrong. The bass is so loud that it causes the V6 to resonate.

You may be wondering, do they listen to any good music? Well, yes, but they aren't content to allow it to sound good. I heard the start of Carolina on My Mind by James Taylor and was relieved, and then the bass line kicked in and started to shake my desk. I can't ask them to turn it down because they only turn it up more.

Does somebody know the name of the band the is in the two "neighbors" clips so I can make sure never to buy a cd by them? This is their "favorite" band, and their music is "so awesome" that they will play the same song over and over again ten times in a row, while singing to it.

Screw etys, I need a shotgun.
Nov 8, 2002 at 6:23 PM Post #3 of 28
hum, if only it was just music for me. my roomate is not a problem. he's a japanese listening only japanese music in his headphones (crappy ones) and never speaks. but, my left neighbour is always playing ut2003. for this, he bought a complete system with bass subwoofer and everything you need to hear the broken bones. each time he fires a rocket, the wall is shacking and I have to secure everything on my desk.

how to make him understand to not use at the maximum something that cost him a lot of money ???
Nov 8, 2002 at 6:37 PM Post #4 of 28
Your solution is found in the Etymotic ER4. Seriously. Sometimes you can't win and you need to just cope. The Etys are perfect for coping. At worst you might still feel the vibrations from the bass, but if you are listening to your own music, theirs will be drowned out.

Or, you could do like me and my roommate. He has the Logitech Z560 and I have the Klipsch Promedia 5.1. Between our subwoofers, we could kick the crap out of anyone's sub on our floor. Think 1812 Overture Cannons on his and Metallica's Cover of "Stone Cold Crazy" and Unreal Tournament playing on mine at the same time.
Nov 8, 2002 at 7:21 PM Post #5 of 28
That bass clip? is it an actual mp3 OR a recording of how serious it is?

darn, u gotta talk to ure RA about this nonsense.

We do have the same stuff playing, but good thing its at the end of the hall.

Have to get back to Orbital after that woofing sound clip.
Nov 8, 2002 at 7:24 PM Post #6 of 28
Yeah, I have access to a 850W RMS setup with 15" woofers. I just don't want to sink down to their level. The problem is mainly with the timing. I mean, weekends I could deal with but they go at it on weekday mornings/afternoons when I am trying to study or get work done.

Etys? Why should I have to do anything, they are the ones that suck!


Originally posted by kenchi1983
That bass clip? is it an actual mp3 OR a recording of how serious it is?

darn, u gotta talk to ure RA about this nonsense.

We do have the same stuff playing, but good thing its at the end of the hall.

Have to get back to Orbital after that woofing sound clip.

that's a cheap mic pointed in the general direction of the wall, plugged into the mic in of my laptop. Yes, the bass is loud enough to make the mic screw up (and it is mic because I can turn down the gain and it does the same thing). The thing is they live on the end of the hall, so the RA doesn't care about it. They never talk to the other people on the hall, or even walk down it. Also becuase they live on the end of the hall my room is the only one next to theirs, so nobody else complains.
Nov 8, 2002 at 7:53 PM Post #7 of 28
Your problems:
  • Work? Who needs it. Give up on trying to get things done and find something else to occupy your time.
  • What's this 'sink to their level' thing? You're in college. You are the heathen. Act like it.[/list=2]Remember, it's the size of the fight in the dog. You can always win if you want to. elipsis has the right idea. Next time, warn your neighbors on the other side, turn the sub all the way up, put it against the wall, and leave. If there's a TV show you know they watch, or if they sleep late -- that's your chance. Choosing random hours is a good tactic too. Repeat as necessary until they come ask you to turn it down. Laugh and close the door.

    Other strategies:
    1. Buy a tennis ball and work on your arm. The wall is your backstop.
    2. Find a cute girl and a place the bed against the wall.
    3. Take up yodeling.
    Just be creative. It's fun.

Nov 8, 2002 at 7:55 PM Post #8 of 28
damn, that really sucks captbubba. i dorm with one of my close friends from high school, all of my surrounding hallmates are really cool, and it's always relatively quiet on our floor (great for headphones
). it's horrible and pretty screwed up that your RA doesn't care, but you should still try to talk to another "authority figure" to handle it. talk to the other RA's in your building on other floors, or your proctor.


I just don't want to sink down to their level.

very true, but you still gotta give them a dose of their own medicine
. just kidding..
Nov 8, 2002 at 8:23 PM Post #10 of 28
Bub, I hate to say this, but Kerely is right. In the future when I assume you'll be able to pick where you live, you can choose dorms where this is unlikely to be a problem. Right now I live in a dorm that is great for parties, but I know the people around me and I live on the third floor (so I don't have to deal with as many non-me drunks and people who boot in the bathroom).

For now, you live where you live. You can complain and theorize all you like, but you have two options -- "sink," or call security and be the rat. I'd rather be a normal college student than a rat.

The best option is just to deal or to pay them off rather than risk creating a conflict. Destroyed rooms are not fun, and many a rugby freshman (not me last year, though, luckily) has seen this happen to his room on parents' weekend as a funny joke. You could be that freshman! A conflict could result in that, so eties might be the best way around it.

Cigars can be a good way to pay people off too -- I found that out as well. This does not apply to loud annoying girls living down the hall -- with them you need to be "sensitive" and pretend that your feelings are hurt when they're too loud.
Nov 8, 2002 at 9:09 PM Post #12 of 28
Perhaps I've given the wrong impression. If you think I've done nothing about it, you are quite wrong. My roomate and I compiled a oh-so-delightful cd with the very "best" polka, techno, and Michael Bolton that we could find. Plus playing counterstrike at loud volumes seems to get the message across as well.


Find a cute girl and a place the bed against the wall.

lol, in this dorm you can hear that several rooms over! Um, not like I would know or anything, purely hypothetical... (actually we played the "trojan man" sound really loud outside someone's room when they dissapeared into it for a while with a member of the oppisite sex. We heard some giggles followed by a shout of "its not trojan, its durex! Get it right!" Everyone was quiet for a moment or two after that one.)
Nov 8, 2002 at 9:13 PM Post #13 of 28
can you speak to your dean? they may be able to move you. after all, you are paying a LOT of money to go to college, and if this crap is hurting your studies, the college should do something about it. bring your recordings to show the dean. sorry, but i don't think dirty tricks is going to help you with your neighbors. my guess is anything you do will be an excuse for them to be even more obnoxious. good luck and don't take it lying down.
Nov 8, 2002 at 9:15 PM Post #14 of 28

Originally posted by CaptBubba
lol, in this dorm you can hear that several rooms over!

ugh..i've experienced that before. some people just love to leave their damn window open *shudder*.
Nov 8, 2002 at 9:30 PM Post #15 of 28
All I can say is wow! It's amazing that you recorded these from your room. How loud is it in their room? I never understood people being so inconsiderate.

I say just kill them. They have no taste, no manners, and really should not be allowed to breed. So, "Off with their heads "

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