Did anyone compare Beyerdynamic T1 vs. DT770/600 (600 ohm manufaktur ed.)?
Sep 12, 2011 at 5:30 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 18


500+ Head-Fier
Feb 3, 2009
Anyone tried both and compared?
I have several times been very close to purchase the T1, but I have not heard this headphone yet. From what I've read, it seems that these two headphones have a lot in common.
I'm running my DT770/600 from Isabellina HPA or Isabellina > WA2 with tung sol 5998 power tubes.
There should be good synergy between T1 and WA2, but how big a step up is the T1 from DT770/600?
Sep 12, 2011 at 8:13 AM Post #2 of 18
The 770 is not in the same class as the T1 at all or even close. i owned the 770 600 ohms can and the T1 smokes it in transparency and more focus and midrange magic plus s tight and very controlled bass and greater detail. The D7000 is much better than the 770 and the T1 is way better than the T1. You pay your money but the T1 is a true reference headphone and the 770 600 ohms can is a very nice closed can and fun to listen too as is my 770 80 ohms but neither of these compare to the D7000 or the T1. i tried that excercise and found I missed what the T1 did which is play music at a reference quality level. But you pay for that difference. I do not regret having them in my stable.
Sep 12, 2011 at 9:25 AM Post #3 of 18
I find DT770/600 to have a pretty accurate presentation.
Compared to HD650 I find it to be at least as detailed and "reference"-like... And several people find T1 to be just a small step up from HD650
Compared to HD800 (which I have previously owned) I find that DT770/600 can't compare to level of details, transparency and soundstage. But people seem to think that T1 can't compare to HD800 in these regards either.
Nice to know, that T1 is a big step up from DT700/600. Would you say it has got a similar sound signature?
Sep 12, 2011 at 11:19 AM Post #4 of 18

I find DT770/600 to have a pretty accurate presentation.
Compared to HD650 I find it to be at least as detailed and "reference"-like... And several people find T1 to be just a small step up from HD650
Compared to HD800 (which I have previously owned) I find that DT770/600 can't compare to level of details, transparency and soundstage. But people seem to think that T1 can't compare to HD800 in these regards either.
Nice to know, that T1 is a big step up from DT700/600. Would you say it has got a similar sound signature?

The T1 has a similiar beyer sound. I owned the HD800 also and sold it and prefer the T1 more. No spike in the treble which I found offensive for me. The T1 just gets it all right IMO.
Sep 12, 2011 at 12:20 PM Post #5 of 18

I find DT770/600 to have a pretty accurate presentation.
Compared to HD650 I find it to be at least as detailed and "reference"-like... And several people find T1 to be just a small step up from HD650
Compared to HD800 (which I have previously owned) I find that DT770/600 can't compare to level of details, transparency and soundstage. But people seem to think that T1 can't compare to HD800 in these regards either.
Nice to know, that T1 is a big step up from DT700/600. Would you say it has got a similar sound signature?

That always makes me laugh when I hear that.

Sep 12, 2011 at 2:12 PM Post #7 of 18
Having only auditioned the T1 for a couple hours take my interpretation for what it is; I found the T1 to sound closest to the DT880 in the neutral sense but the bass is emphasized which I was most disappointed about. It might be more apt to say a DT990 without the treble spike. What this additional bass does is allow you to listen at a greater volume compared to the 880, I would account this to the reported larger soundstage of the T1.
Sep 12, 2011 at 3:25 PM Post #8 of 18

Having only auditioned the T1 for a couple hours take my interpretation for what it is; I found the T1 to sound closest to the DT880 in the neutral sense but the bass is emphasized which I was most disappointed about. It might be more apt to say a DT990 without the treble spike. What this additional bass does is allow you to listen at a greater volume compared to the 880, I would account this to the reported larger soundstage of the T1.

As stated in my review and other who own the t1. It takes a good 100 hours of listening to the T1 to appreciate what it does well. If I had auditioned the headphone for a couple of hours I probably would never bought one. While many phones wow you the T1 is not a wow headphone. It does nothing wrong in my system and this is the second time I had it after i went through all the flagships and the 880 also I realized just how good the T1 is and the 880 while a great headphone is not in the same league. I like the 880 and if I wanted to keep my budget within 250.00 its the best 250.00 headphone I heard and it will out perform all others IMO in its price range but in comparing to all the flagship model and I owned all of them the 880 falls way short and the 770 less so than the 880. They are good phones in  their price category but nothing in the class of the T1. YOMV
Sep 12, 2011 at 3:47 PM Post #9 of 18
As stated in my review and other who own the t1. It takes a good 100 hours of listening to the T1 to appreciate what it does well. If I had auditioned the headphone for a couple of hours I probably would never bought one. While many phones wow you the T1 is not a wow headphone. It does nothing wrong in my system and this is the second time I had it after i went through all the flagships and the 880 also I realized just how good the T1 is and the 880 while a great headphone is not in the same league. I like the 880 and if I wanted to keep my budget within 250.00 its the best 250.00 headphone I heard and it will out perform all others IMO in its price range but in comparing to all the flagship model and I owned all of them the 880 falls way short and the 770 less so than the 880. They are good phones in  their price category but nothing in the class of the T1. YOMV

I understand and apprehend what you're saying in terms of listening to a headphone for a period of time; I've discussed this myself before, how any headphone be it hot treble or bass heavy can in time turn into your neutral. For example by listening to a Denon D2000 for 100 hours you would concede headphones like the DT880 or HD600 as deficient in the bass department. Having listened to the DT880 for well over 100 hours, switching to the T1 is similar to that of a subtle EQ setting with a bump in the bass.
With the likes of the DT880 when listening at volume I find I am limited by the trebble, adjust this slightly and give the phone a bit more bass and the volume of the entire FR can go higher. Perhaps the T1 has the better balance of the two, the phone overall can be listened to at greater volume and this accounts for the better soundstage/imaging.
I would consider myself a bass-lover in that I appreciate good bass, not that sloppy nonsense attributed to 'good bass' headphones; Denons, Ultrasone etc. Personally I found the T1 to have that synthetic bass I'd moved away from with the DT880, a couple dB higher which I figured couldn't be very accurate. With the likes of electronica the T1 sounded great, however I do think electronica and the likes benefit from a colored sound. With Acoustic and Folk the T1 wasn't as accurate as the DT880, the instrument had a good weight and voices were natural, however in comparison it was like a vale of bass was placed over it.
This isn't to say I consider the T1 as colored, perhaps more theatrical neutrality would be one way of describing it. I might give the T1s another run for their money, however that would likely mean buying them which is a big stretch considering my initial impression. In addition if this difference is small in that it takes time to adjust to the sound is that worth the $1,000 difference. A positive way to put this is that they sound like my DT880s and just improve on a couple things.
Sep 12, 2011 at 5:21 PM Post #10 of 18
The only thing more accurate on the 880 is the low price. The T1 is very accurate and on acoustic and folk on a good source and amp I have not heard better but some people rather own the cheaper 880 because well they are cheaper
. The bass as most people heare who have heard them adn reported on them is accurate detail and has great detail But you need to PAY for that
Sep 12, 2011 at 5:34 PM Post #11 of 18
Well it's easy to say headphone X is more expensive therefore it is better. I did my best to explain the difference in sound which could be interpreted as listener choice, simply paying no attention to the difference and labeling it as better is flawed as everyone doesn't own a T1. To reiterate I might prefer the punctual bass of the DT880 to the wholesome bass of the T1.
You mentioned going through all the flagships and arriving back at the T1, what didn't the HD800, LCD-2 or HE-6 do for you that they clearly do for so many people?
Sep 12, 2011 at 5:48 PM Post #12 of 18

Well it's easy to say headphone X is more expensive therefore it is better. I did my best to explain the difference in sound which could be interpreted as listener choice, simply paying no attention to the difference and labeling it as better is flawed as everyone doesn't own a T1. To reiterate I might prefer the punctual bass of the DT880 to the wholesome bass of the T1.
You mentioned going through all the flagships and arriving back at the T1, what didn't the HD800, LCD-2 or HE-6 do for you that they clearly do for so many people?

The HD800 had a bright treble that was irritating to me. The LCD2 had small soundstage was too heavy and had less air than the T1 and the HE6 could only be driven on speaker amps and my Taboo was clipping on classical music so the T1 was the best all around headphone and had the soundstage and focus and was more synergistic with my gear and my second choice would be the lCD2 but the  weight affected my stenosis. The only thing price had to do with it every time I listened to lower priced headphones HD600 and 880 600 ohms it was very clear neither  of those could do the things the T1 did in my system. One thing I will say for certain all the flagships were much much better than the 880 and I liked the 880 but once you own the flagships its harder to live with the 880. The 880 is a nice headphone but the t1 smokes it in transparency and refinement and many here feel that way and sold the their 880 after living with the T1. And for you saying the T1 is not better you made a decision after listening for 2 hours which IMO is not enough time to evaluate any piece of equipment. I spent a year evaluating and listening to all the flagships and purchased every one of them and had them in house for evaluations. So my evaluation was based on endless hours with each so I Can say IMO which is better.
Sep 12, 2011 at 6:01 PM Post #13 of 18
I've never heard anyone say that.
Its a bit surprising that a there seem to be a few people who think the T1s are bass heavy, they have less bass quantity than the HD650s.
I find DT770/600 to have a pretty accurate presentation.
Compared to HD650 I find it to be at least as detailed and "reference"-like... And several people find T1 to be just a small step up from HD650
Compared to HD800 (which I have previously owned) I find that DT770/600 can't compare to level of details, transparency and soundstage. But people seem to think that T1 can't compare to HD800 in these regards either.
Nice to know, that T1 is a big step up from DT700/600. Would you say it has got a similar sound signature?

Sep 12, 2011 at 6:09 PM Post #14 of 18
I found the T1 much faster than the DT700 and quite a bit more punchy.  I did not like how recessed the T1 sounded to me vs the DT990.  I like a somewhat upfront presentation and the T1 just did not cut it.  The same went for the T5 and Senn HD-800.  The DT990 really made me want to listen to my reference material and the T1, T5, and HD-800 just leave me hungry for more audio bliss.
Sep 14, 2011 at 8:55 AM Post #15 of 18
Thanks everyone. I guess I'll have to find me a T1 further down the road....

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