Destroyed My RE0s. Looking for a stronger replacement.
May 4, 2011 at 10:20 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 5


New Head-Fier
May 4, 2011
So my RE0 phones are shot. The wire connecting to the left ear piece is completely severed. The right ear only works if I hold the phones just right.
Before this I had Shure E3Cs. Those eventually suffered a similar fate. Though it took 2 and a half years instead of just one for RE0.
I haven't exactly been treating them carefully. Took them with me everywhere, often just shoving them in my pocket.  But I've had cheapo earbuds that lasted longer and were treated worse. And looked like they had sturdier wires.
Any advice on replacements? I was quite happy with the way the RE0 phones sounded. I'm not a fan of strong bass.
Also any advice on taking better care of/protecting my IEMs?
May 5, 2011 at 12:25 PM Post #4 of 5
Depends on how much you want to spend, really.  Anything that's really comparable to the RE0 will cost a bit more, somewhere in the range of $150, usually.  For example, the DBA-02 has a similar sound signature from what I understand...but I'm not too sure about its build quality, I don't think it's the greatest.  But I haven't heard many reports of it breaking, unlike the RE0.
May 5, 2011 at 2:22 PM Post #5 of 5
The DBA-02's are very similar in sound quality to the RE0's but I find the DBA's just offer a little bit more of everything in the sound....I am pretty sure if you like the RE0's you will love the DBA's.....I do.  With that being said I went to listen to my babied DBA's last night and the right channel has decided to play at a very low volume and it sounds very muted.  I have had the DBA's since early March and they have only been worn when I am sitting down or in bed and completly babied.  On the other hand I have been listening to my RE0's since October and they are my choice when I am doing anything out and about including yard work etc. so they have not lived the easiest of lives so far.  
Hope that helps.

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