Denon D5000 vs Grado SR225 vs Audio Technica M50 vs Sennheiser HD650 - Impressions
Jan 15, 2011 at 2:16 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 1


100+ Head-Fier
Apr 7, 2009
IMPORTANT : Ok, first off these impressions were taken on 2nd Jan, so there was a rather significant amount of alcohol in my system which could have significantly impaired this review. I have not used any testing methodology and so anyone reading this needs to take what I say with tons of salt.
I only own the HD650. The other cans were loaned to me for about 10 days.

Testing Methodology

Ok so I did not use any real testing methodology. Just ran all headphones directly out of my Music Streamer II DAC and did not bother with volume matching.
Also the Music Streamer II doesn't really have a headphone out so I connected the headphones via a RCA - > 3.5mm jack. All the headphones other than the HD650 come with a native 3.5mm jack and so a 6.25" - 3.5mm converter was used for the HD650.
Further the HD650 is not fully driven by the Music Streamer but it still sounds better out of the DAC alone than if I use my Audio-GD Compass amp since the DAC has no significant bass or treble roll off that my Compass amp suffers from.

Ran a few tracks from different genres (mostly rock, pop and a little classical)

I will rank the headphones in order of preference. Also I will be weighing each headphone with a comparative rating where 1 is the lowest.

For e.g. If I like the M50 the least in SQ, then I would rate it as 1. If the HD650 was maybe 10% better then it would get 1.1 and if the D5000 was noticeably much better then I would give it 1.3 or 1.4 (40% better than the M50). All entirely subjective and IMO. So I say again take what I say with lots of salt ! Do run to the grocery store now if you are all out !

A. Comfort

1. Denon D5000 (1.3)
2. Sennheiser HD650 (1.15)
3. Audio Technica M50 (1.1)
4. Grado SR225 (1)

The Denon is the hands-down winner in this comparison. Its very light and has very little clamping force. The Sennheiser I have used for many years and I have gotten used to its fit but it is heavier than the Denon and the clamping force is also higher. The M50 is also very comfortable and slots in a very close third. The headband is a little uncomfortable for me which drops it from 2nd place. The Grado slots in fourth but honestly I felt them uncomfortable only after prolonged listening of maybe > 30 minutes.

As you can see the difference from best to worst (for me) is not very significant.

B. Isolation

1. Audio Technica M50 (1.5)
2. Denon D5000 (1.35)
3. Sennheiser HD650 (1.3)
4. Grado SR225 (1)

The Audio Technica has a very snug fit and offers the best isolation. The Denon being closed gets second place but due to the low clamping force it doesnt offer as much isolation as the Audio Technica. The Sennheiser has a stronger clamping force but is an open can and so slots in third, but its not far from the Denon. The worst is the SR225 which is very open and sits on your ears and hence offers little isolation. In this comparison to the competition, the SR225 is noticeably the worst performer.

C. Cable

1. Sennheiser HD650 (1.4)
2. Audio Technica M50 (1.3)
3. Grado SR225 (1.15)
4. Denon D5000 (1)

This test is purely a matter of preference since I have had no cable failures from either phone. I am awarding the HD650 as the winner purely because its a user replaceable cable and its light and tangle free. The Audio Technica has a light cable and is coiled to offer a bit of mobility. The SR225 has a thick and heavy cable but its tangle free. (The loaner Grado SR225 had a shortened cable).  Slotting in last in the D5000 as its cable is very long, gets tangled rather easily, has a lot of memory and worse, it is not user replaceable even though the D5000 is the most expensive can in this test.

SQ Tests

A. Bass (Quantity)

1. Denon D5000 (1.5)
2. Audio Technica M50 (1.35)
3. Sennheiser HD650 (1.25)
4. Grado SR 225 (1)

The Denon is the clear winner in the bass quantity. It hits very low and has good body and impact. Bass heads will be most pleased with the D5000 even though the mids and treble are also fantastic. The M50 is a not so close second with less sub bass compared to the Denons. The HD650 has even less sub bass than the top 2 cans but has decent impact to make most people happy. If you run the HD650 unamped the bass sounds muddy and bloated. Even though the Music Streamer is not the best the HD650 still manages to give a good amount of bass to make sure they are not too far from the second placed M50. The Grados slot in last with practically no sub bass.

B. Bass (Quality)

1. Audio Technica M50 (1.3)
2. Sennheiser HD650 (1.15)
3. Grado SR225 (1.1)
4. Denon D5000 (1)

Ok this is highly debatable as everyone has a different idea of how much bass is enough, but I loved the M50s bass even though its not strictly neutral. The bass is not as boomy as the D5000 and it is quite tight with a good amount of sub bass thrown in. The HD650 has a nice punch bass as well and is never overpowering. However the lesser quantity of sub bass docks it a few points. The SR225 have barely any sub bass to speak off but it does present a reasonable amount of bass punch to make most non bass heads feel happy and its fast paced to boot. The D5000 is last IMO in bass quality as bass is present even in songs that do not have much bass in the first place. Its also a touch slow and it can get disjointed from the rest of the spectrum in some very fast paced music. Its like the the Big Show on WWE. Huge and hard hitting but slow. The SR225 in comparison is like The Rock. Agile and fast footed but having having noticeably less power. However while I have given the D5000 the least rating I still like the bass, just less than the others.

C. Mids

1. Sennheiser HD650 (1.5)
2. Grado SR225 (1.35)
3. Denon D5000 (1.3)
4. Audio Technica M50 (1)

Ok I may be biased but I simply LOVE the HD650 mids. Its the main focus of the HD650 and there is something indescribable about them. The SR225 with its forward midrange is a close second but a little harshness here and there push them down a bit. The D5000 has recessed mids but they are very clear with a good amount of detail. It is a close fight for second and third places and its a matter of preference more than anything. I believe the MarkL mod for the D5000 brings the mids a bit more in line with the rest of the audio spectrum. The Audio Technica is last with noticeably less detailing and is the least transparent.

D. Treble

1. Grado SR225 (1.4)
2. D5000 (1.35)
3. Sennheiser HD650 (1.1)
4. Audio Technica M50 (1)

Its a close fight with the SR225 and the D5000. The SR225 has a slightly exaggerated treble which gives them a very engaging sound. The D5000 has a smoother treble but with little more detailing but they still have a lot of energy to satisfy most people. The SR225 kinda jumps you with lots of in your face treble while the D5000 kinda lets you sit back and hear the micro detailing. The HD650 has a noticeably softer and smoother treble but lacks any sparkle or excitement and so takes second last place. The detailing is up there with both the SR225 and the D5000 but it sounds laid back and un engaging. Cymbals crashes sound muted on the HD650. The M50 comes in last as the treble is a bit grainy and loses a lot of details compared to the other three. Its not terrible, just that its outclassed by the higher end cans. Thankfully none of the 4 cans exhibited a lot of sibilance. If your recording has sibilance then the SR225 and D5000 will show that while the M50 will reduce it a bit and the HD650 will simply gloss over it.

E. Soundstage

1. Grado SR225 (1.3)
2. Denon D5000 (1.25)
3. Sennheiser HD650 (1.2)
4. Audio Technica M50 (1)

Some may be surprised to see the HD650 so low in the rankings, but just to remind you they are not driven to their fullest and I know they have a bigger soundstage out of my Compass amp. But since I am doing this for fun and using a single source to do the test they will remain no 3 for now. The SR225 being open cans have the widest soundstage but the D5000 surprisingly is right up there with the SR225. The D5000 in fact has better depth while having very similar width. However I prefer the open sound of the SR225 compared to close sounding D5000. The HD650 (driven directly out of the MS 2) sounds a bit more closed in but that its an open can is still very clear. The M50 has an in your head soundstage and slots in last.

F. Imaging

1. Grado SR225 (1.2)
2. Denon D5000 (1.15)
3. Sennheiser HD650 (1.1)
4. Audio Technica M50 (1)

Same story as above only this time the differences are not as prominent as before and all cans are helped by the awesome soundstage performance of the MS 2 DAC.

G. Transparency

1. Grado SR225 (1.5)
2. Denon D5000 (1.4)
3. Sennheiser HD650 (1.35)
4. Audio Technica M50 (1)

Here the SR225 is amazingly transparent and an open window into music. Probably this is to do with its forward and fast paced sound and fast tight bass. The D5000 is close but slots into second place since the bass is a bit too flabby for my liking and it has a recessed midrange. However the D5000 has a tad more detailing than the SR225. The HD650 with its laid back treble and mid bass hump comes in third but detailing is still not too far from the D5000 and slightly better than the SR225. The Audio Technica sounds congested in comparison. Again its not bad by itself just outclassed by the competition.
Overall impressions.

Again these are just impressions for my fun and amusement and not to be taken too seriously since I have purposefully not done any scientific analysis as I wanted to enjoy these cans for my limited time with them rather than write a review. Plus I don't know all the audiophile lingo to express the sound I am hearing and neither have I had an appreciably long listening time with these phones.

1. Grado SR225

I quite like these cans. I think they sound seriously good for the $200 price. They are forward sounding and you will either love them or hate them. While the bass is sufficient for my tastes, bass addicts should excuse the SR225 as it does not have the punch and slam that they need. These sound amazing with fast paced music as they never sound congested at any time. Rock music fans will love the Grado house sound.

2. Denon D5000

Ok, while I prefer the SR225 to the Denons, the Denons are definitely a more capable phone. If the drivers are damped to tighten the bass and bring out the mids a bit I would have no doubt these would be killer cans and top this shootout hands down.

In its stock condition, the bass is a bit too flabby and exaggerated for my tastes but bass heads would appreciate it no doubt. The Denons have the best resolving power in this comparison and unlike the SR225 it does not jump out in your face but presents itself more gently.

The Denon's are probably best suited for music which calls for lots of bass like Trance and Electronica but I don't listen to such genres so I cannot say for sure. Again if they are modded to smoothen out the bumps these could be real killer cans since I am yet to find any deficiency in their sound.

3. Audio Technica M50

The M50s are fine phones (unlike what this comparison suggests). Its just that the M50s are actually $100 phones selling at $159 right now. The next cheapest phone is the $200 Grado SR225 while the most expensive can, the D5000 sells for $420 new, so you can imagine the price difference between the M50 and the competition in this comparison.

That said, they have the best bass for me and the mid range and treble are not too bad either so they are not all about the bass even though the bass is definitely their best attribute and the focus of their sound.
4. Sennheiser HD650

The HD650 was not driven properly but they are still my favourite can in this comparison due to their fabulous midrange alone. I listen to music with a lot of vocals and the Sennheiser midrange presentation is not bested by any can I have heard so far. However they are not for everyone. They need a good DAC and amp to sound their best and they dont sound great with fast paced music or music which requires a lot of bass like Trance and Electronica.

So there you have it. A short comparison between these popular cans.

A special thanks to my friends Benny and Faheem for trusting their expensive cans with me for more than one week.

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