Decide for me, HeadFi
Nov 2, 2012 at 12:51 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 12


100+ Head-Fier
Jan 27, 2010
I'm having trouble deciding between the ATH-AD900, the HD600, the DT880 600-ohm, some Grado/Alessandro offering, the Q701/K550, and the HE-300/400.
I listen to every type of music. I listen to Rock, Jazz, and Classical most often, however. Comfort is pretty much #1 priority here, if it isn't comfy I won't listen to it. I'd say treble and soundstage are sound priorities, my V6s do fine with rock and electronic so I don't mind making this purchase a dedicated jazz/classical set.
I currently own MDR-V6s and like them, but I find them a little too shrill/trebly sometimes, and their terrible soundstage is really upsetting. I'd like something with better imaging. I tried out the ATH-AD700s recently and loved their soundstage, and they absolutely blew my mind listening to classical (coming from the V6s). They were also pretty comfy, which was cool. I used to have HD555s, I remember liking how comfy they were but I don't remember much about their sound. I remember disliking the HD280s, though. I also remember thinking M50s were too bloated and artificial in the lower regions. Too clampy, too.
I'm running some FLAC and MP3/320 into my FiiO E10 into my V6s right now. I don't want to spend more on another amp if possible, I just got the E10 recently. I'd like to keep the price under $400. I'm fine buying used/eBay/HF classifieds/waiting for a deal though.
The Q701 seems really appealing because it's at such a low price right now ($220 from Amazon brand-new). Just saying.
Thanks boys.
Nov 2, 2012 at 2:33 AM Post #2 of 12
Fiio E10 definitely won't power the Q701 properly. The Q701 are a very demanding headphone and need a powerful amp.
Go for the AD900 if you want fantastic soundstage and comfort. No amp required and will knock your socks off for jazz and classical. Think of them as an all round improved AD700 with a bit more bass impact (although they still have a pretty light bass impact).
Nov 2, 2012 at 4:17 AM Post #3 of 12
HE-400 with velour pads and add a headband pad that would be comfortable. These are pretty hard to wear stock I think. If you dont want to mod then probably the ad900s or the q701 with a good amp. 
Nov 2, 2012 at 2:49 PM Post #4 of 12
AKG Q701
Sony MA900
I would have you look at these two headphones.
And the Q701 runs fine from a Fiio E10. It's over-stated to exaggeration that they need a ton of power. They're not that inefficient, people seem to regard them like they're an HE-6 in terms of power requirement. Simply not true. They play fine from my Fiio E10 and some receivers and other amps I have and I have not found them to need more than the E10 has to offer, even when comparing to my Schiit Lyr or NFB12, etc. I think it's very easy to confuse synergy of sounds, and actual power requirement to be dynamic.
That said, seriously, look at the Sony MA900 if you want sound stage and a really warm neutral sound. It's quite efficient too.
Very best,
Nov 3, 2012 at 4:47 PM Post #5 of 12
Yes! Malveaux, I was hoping you would find your way in here! So, is the MA900 worth the additional $80 to you, then?

EDIT: Actually, looking at Amazon, it seems the MA900 is $15 cheaper than the Q701. I suppose I'll just try both of those then. Thanks!
Nov 3, 2012 at 5:20 PM Post #6 of 12
Yes! Malveaux, I was hoping you would find your way in here! So, is the MA900 worth the additional $80 to you, then?

EDIT: Actually, looking at Amazon, it seems the MA900 is $15 cheaper than the Q701. I suppose I'll just try both of those then. Thanks!

If you want a crazy sound stage, the MA900 is worth a try. It's relatively neutral, on the warm side. It's comfortable to wear. There's a few used MA900's that around $170~180ish in the for sale section. Otherwise, they tend to be $200 new on Amazon, and $160 used on Amazon.
Very best,
Nov 5, 2012 at 3:35 PM Post #7 of 12
Mal, based on your other reviews (I've been snooping 
 ) I picked up a pair of HTF600. My thinking is maybe I don't need such a wide soundstage to get wider than the V6s. The MA900 is definitely on my to-try list, but it'll probably be a few weeks I think.
For $30 there's no reason not to try out these Panas!
Nov 6, 2012 at 1:30 PM Post #8 of 12
Now, for future reference, let me just say that these Panasonics are by far the best $30 I've ever spent on audio equipment. They sound FANTASTIC. In terms of pleasure-listening and sounding euphonic, these are MILES AND MILES ahead of the V6s. Now I realize that doesn't say much since the V6 is known for being analytical in its accuracy; they are high-performance studio monitors, not meant for music enjoyment but rather serious work. I understand this. Having said that, many people buy V6s for the wrong reason, and so for most people, these Panasonics are going to be a HUGE step up in terms of enjoyment of music. I'm pretty satiated for the time being, these are good enough to delay my GAS for maybe even a few months.
Nov 6, 2012 at 1:49 PM Post #10 of 12
Also check out the new Soundmagic HP200, comfort and treble is great (so is the rest of the sound)

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